Congressman Adam Schiff, a Jewish Democrat Traitor, announces he will support suicidal Iran deal

Muslim terrorist Iran promises to wipe Israel off the map and this shmuck wants to give them nukes. With “Jews” like this, who needs enemies?

bb_adam-schiff_032715_539_332_c1Adam Schiff, a Los Angeles congressman who serves as the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, announced Monday morning that he plans to support the Iran nuclear deal. Schiff, who is Jewish … serves a district that stretches from Los Feliz to Los Angeles’ northeastern suburbs; during the negotiations he expressed skepticism about the possible outcomes, but promised at that time to remain undecided until an agreement was reached.

In an interview with journalist Jeffrey Goldberg over the weekend and in a press release Monday, Schiff announced that while he remains concerned about some elements of the deal, he has come to view the plan as the best possible option.

“In the absence of a credible alternative, Congress should accept the deal and work with the Administration to strengthen its impact, while joining forces with our allies to better contain Iran’s conventional capabilities and nefarious conduct in the region and beyond,” Schiff said in Monday’s release.


One comment

  • Lupe H. Gutierrez

    Another Jew who is not in touch with his roots nor is he in reality when it comes to fighting evil. But, that is because it is more popular to belong to the Ol Boys Club. As long as he is in the powerful club, he couldn’t care less what happens to our America. How shameful. I met Adam Schiff at an event in Glendale, Ca. What a traitor. He seemed so patriotic that day, but looks are indeed deceiving.

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