
Is this geniuine or is this the Machiavelli's Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power and when your enemy least expects it attack and destroy???

she is Genuine
15 (88.2%)
she is as trustworthy as Arafat
2 (11.8%)

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Author Topic: NONIE DARWISH - ARABS FOR ISRAEL : YAY or NAY ?  (Read 5308 times)

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Offline Merkava

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« on: October 19, 2007, 06:23:48 AM »
This caught my attention

Now They Call Me Infidel : Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror (Hardcover) is Nonie Darwish's personal story of tragedy and redemption, as well as a scholarly analysis of Middle-Eastern culture. Every Western statesman, indeed every European and American citizen will benefit from Ms. Darwish's unique insights into the danger to Western civilization posed by Radical Islam and sustained by deep-rooted Arab/Muslim cultural dynamics.


Is this geniuine or is this Machiavelli's Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power and when your enemy least expects it attack and destroy???

Would like to hear your opinions. 
"We are in 1938, and Iran is Germany"

Offline Dexter

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« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2007, 06:25:22 AM »
I blieve her, there are pro-Israel Arabs, she is an exemple.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2007, 09:52:21 AM by MarZutra »
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2007, 06:57:39 AM »
She's probably genuine and legitimate.

Don't know all that much about her, but I have heard her interviewed on Arutz Sheva, and she seems sincere.

If I'm not mistaken her Egyptian father was actually killed by an IDF soldier.

To my knowledge she still hasn't renounced Islam so in my opinion she can't be entirely trusted, but she does say alot of the right things.

Let there be no mistake, there are some decent Arabs out there. Shoebat and Joseph Farrah immediately come to mind. They aren't alone. But the truth is they are so miniscule in number as to amount to nothing.

Under the right circumstances I could envisage this extremely tiny number of Arabs being welcome to live in Israel, but only as resident strangers without full citizenship or voting rights or administrative or decision making capacities. Nothing more.

And although this might offend the Christians on this forum, the same goes for them.

Righteous Gentiles should always be welcomed, but there should be no doubt as to Israel belonging to the Jewish people and no one else.

Just my opinion.

Offline Ehud

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« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2007, 07:08:31 AM »
I think she's absolutely legitimate although I haven't read her book, I'll put in on my list of books to consider. 

Arabs like these (if any exist in Israel) should be given full citizenship as well as voting rights and the right to run for political office (like the Druze) but sadly there are almost none of those arabs to speak of in Israel.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

Offline Merkava

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« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2007, 07:23:51 AM »
Another example

Walid Shoebat - Former Terrorist Turned Zionist

As a young man, he became a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and participated in acts of terror and violence against Israel, and was later imprisoned in the Russian Compound, Jerusalem's central prison for incitement and violence against Israel.

After his release, he continued his life of violence and rioting in Bethlehem and the Temple Mount. After entering the U.S, he worked as a counselor for the Arab Student Organization at Loop College in Chicago and continued his anti-Israel activities.

In 1993, Walid studied the Tanach (Jewish Bible) in a challenge to convert his wife to Islam. Six months later, after intense study, Walid realized that everything he had been taught about Jews was a lie. Convinced he was on the side of evil, he became an advocate for his former enemy.

Driven by a deep passion to heal his own soul, and to bring the truth about the Jews and Israel to the world, Walid shed his former life and his work as a software engineer and set out to tirelessly bring the cause of Israel to tens of thousands of people throughout the world: churches and synagogues, civic groups, government leaders and media.

I recommend that you visit his site. Some interesting literature


"We are in 1938, and Iran is Germany"


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« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2007, 07:52:20 AM »
Actually if you want to see a good video on Walid go to

Offline Merkava

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« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2007, 06:44:40 PM »
Interesting video.....
"We are in 1938, and Iran is Germany"


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« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2007, 06:52:36 PM »
I do believe her, she is putting her life at risk saying the things she is saying, why would she risk her life to lie.

I really admire and respect this woman, she is wonderful and her book was fascinating and truthful, she pulls no punches when warning us about the dangers of islam, she is a great debater, and takes on the most vile of muslim apologists and spokespeople, and always speaks softly (while they are often ranting) and just makes her points plain and simple.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Offline Merkava

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« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2007, 07:05:03 PM »
She's probably genuine and legitimate.

Maybe you should change your name to  Muck 99% of DeMuslims  ^-^

On a serious note I think she is Legit aswell and I would welcome her to Israel.

She is brave  :)

Under the right circumstances I could envisage this extremely tiny number of Arabs being welcome to live in Israel, but only as resident strangers without full citizenship or voting rights or administrative or decision making capacities. Nothing more.
And although this might offend the Christians on this forum, the same goes for them.Righteous Gentiles should always be welcomed, but there should be no doubt as to Israel belonging to the Jewish people and no one else.

Interesting opinion, but I concur with Ze'ev

"We are in 1938, and Iran is Germany"

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2007, 12:58:37 PM »
Under the right circumstances I could envisage this extremely tiny number of Arabs being welcome to live in Israel, but only as resident strangers without full citizenship or voting rights or administrative or decision making capacities. Nothing more.

And although this might offend the Christians on this forum, the same goes for them.
Why would this offend me?

The Bible says Israel is sovereign Jewish land, not a Christian nation.

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2007, 08:29:21 PM »
I think she's absolutely legitimate although I haven't read her book, I'll put in on my list of books to consider. 

Arabs like these (if any exist in Israel) should be given full citizenship as well as voting rights and the right to run for political office (like the Druze) but sadly there are almost none of those arabs to speak of in Israel.
I have to disagree with that. If they are allowed to run for political office and to vote, what is to prevent them from becoming a majority and changing Israel from a Jewish State to something else. They can have their personal rights, but no political ones.

Offline Ultra Requete

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« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2007, 09:37:41 AM »
Brigitte Gabriel

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Brigitte GabrielBrigitte Gabriel (born 1965) is a Lebanese American journalist, author and activist. She is the founder of the American Congress For Truth.

Contents [hide]
1 Early life
2 Career
4 Bibliography
5 Articles and speeches
5.1 Interviews and TV appearances
6 References
7 External links
7.1 Video
8 See also

[edit] Early life
Brigitte Gabriel was born in 1965 in Lebanon to a Maronite Christian family.

Gabriel has said that during the Lebanese Civil War Muslim militants launched an assault on a Lebanese military base near Gabriel's house and bombed her home, collapsing it. Just ten years old at the time, Brigitte was severely injured and spent 2 1/2 months in a hospital recovering.

Gabriel says that she and her parents were forced to live in a 8x10 bomb shelter underground for several years with no heat, running water and little food. To get water she had to crawl underground to a spring in a ditch. Before they left they said prayers, because they did not know if they would come back alive.

Later, in 1978, a man warned Brigitte’s family of an impending attack on Christians by Islamic militias. She claims her life was saved that night when Israelis invaded Lebanon in Operation Litani. Later, her mother became ill and was taken to an Israeli hospital where Brigitte noted the humanity of the Israelis in contrast to the propaganda she had viewed as a child. [3]

Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!


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« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2007, 06:54:55 AM »

Some pictures by the great zombie from Ms Darwish's speech at bezerkly

Why are "peace" protesters violent lol
and why do most of them look like they are allergic to soap, water and shampoo :-\

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2007, 07:42:05 AM »
Zombie really does an outstanding job of documenting these types of events.

The amount of hatred for America and Israel--and the degree of support for the Islamonazi savages, communists, or any enemy of Western culture--displayed on campuses like Berserkley and Cal Irvine is astounding.

The universities of this nation have been infiltrated, and are now dominated, by the lowest, most perverse, vile elements of society imaginable. They've become hotbeds of Islamism and communism, that pander to the enemies of America, and stomp out the dissenting voices of those who haven't been brainwashed to endorse their sick agenda.

The enemy within.

Thanks for sharing this Kelly.

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« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2007, 08:19:38 AM »
 Dear JTF members,
A columnist for the European-based English language edition of the Chareidi-weekly “Hamodia” newspaper, Mr. Avi Klar, recently wrote that Islam and terrorism is not the threat we face today as some make it out to be. Rather, he argues, Christian missionaries are a far, far greater threat to the Jewish people.

He misleads misinformed readers, and minimises real threats. So I, not a good writer at all, as many of you may realise, took pen to paper and responded to him with loads of information, using JTF material (which helps a lot!).

I am providing JTF members, exclusively his reply to me. But first of all, my original letter - followed by his response - … and then my response to that. That’s where it ended.  I think it may be of interest to other members to read it. Enjoy! Thank you.




“Dear Sir,
I was very surprised and disturbed by Mr. Avi Klar’s column on threats, where he argues that crime and missionaries are more potent and present threats than Islamic terrorism. I think this illustrated a great misunderstanding and ignorance on part of the writer as to Islam and its doctrine on Jews and all other non-Muslim “infidels”.

He is greatly misinformed to underestimate the Islamic threat on our world. Of course missionary activity on Jews is a threat, however, Islam whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims and whose goal are to either exterminate all non-Muslims or forcibly covert them is far greater.
Islam which seeks world domination and the destruction of western civilization is a real and imminent threat. We should not get into the position of trying to lever up which is a bigger threat, crime or missionaries as they both are, and are different so can not possibly be categorized like that.
The Koran tells Muslims to lie on their true intentions so they can grow and achieve world conquests, which leaves Jews and non-Muslims vulnerable and ignorant as to the huge and growing danger that is Islam. Their genocidal goals and aims are therefore hidden by their lies and deceptions.
Polls and surveys across the Arab and Muslim world show massive support for terror attacks against Jews. They are guided by their Koran and Hadith, which are full of hatred, supremacy and anti-semitism. Failure to understand the great evil that we face today will cost us dearly. We must wakeup, and not allow ourselves to be fooled, we must not be blind or politically correct cover-ups because the future of our world is at stake, and the menace and threats we face from Islam is too massive to ignore. We need to understand that the Muslim Koran, calls for genocide, holocausts and mass murder against all non-Muslims. 
Terror is a tactic, you can’t make war against this, rather it is Islam which has created a war against the west and all its non-Muslim inhabitants that we have to overcome and defeat. Coexistence with such a racist, Nazi religion is not possible, peace with people devoted to our destruction and who follow a mass-murderer and terrorist called Mohammed is not possible. The overwhelming majority of people who call themselves Muslims are followers of Mohammed and his genocidal and satanic religion, which call Jews apes, pigs, monkeys and dogs, who need to be annihilated.
Consider the following: What do we do when we are brutally attacked by a Nazi ideology that happens to be the deeply held religious belief of 1.3 billion Muslims?
What do we do when the Muslim religion itself, through its hateful Koran, orders all Muslims to engage in "jihad" (holy war) until the whole world is "dar al Islam" (under Islamic rule)?
What do we do when the world's Muslims obey Koranic Nazi teachings and massacre huge numbers of Christians, Jews and other non-Muslim "infidels"?
What do we do as the Muslim world races excitedly to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction to eradicate millions of Americans and Israelis as their religion commands them to do?
What do we do about the Muslim birthrate, which is by far the world's biggest and which is causing the Islamic threat to grow astronomically?
It is possible that only a number of them totaling several million would actively be engaged in terror, but the majority of them are steadfast n their determination to destroy Israel and celebrate when Jews are murdered. The majorities are anti-Jewish, as shown by their dictatorial government-controlled media outlets and the “education” system across the Muslim world is viciously Nazi, hatful and anti-Semitic, never mind the huge private Islamic terrorist media empire. The fact that the Nazi Koran preaches fanatic hatred, intolerance and genocide against all non-Muslims is ignored.
Arab Governments who trade with Israel do so for their own financial gain, against the agreement of their populations who are anti-Jewish and Israel. The corrupt, dictatorial and totalitarian Arab governments could not care less about their people, only their back pockets
As a side note, Arab Muslim admiration of Hitler ysh”vz is somewhat know, as Egyptian tyrant Sadat mimicked Hitler and worshiped him. Today, in the Muslim world, in countries such as terrorist Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Adolf Hitler's infamous Mein Kampf is admired and required reading. It’s the second-best-selling book in the Arab world.
We DO need to hunt them down, NOT appease them or be soft on them. We deny reality because to acknowledge the truth would be to condemn an entire religion, something which we consider to be extraordinarily distasteful. The only way to end this nightmare is to have leaders in America and Israel who clearly identify the enemy: Islam. As long as 1.3 billion Muslims continue to believe in a Nazi book that demands genocide against all non-Muslims, Islamic terrorism will only get worse, much worse, until millions of "infidels" are massacred by weapons of mass destruction.
We need to become energy independent and cut off the hundreds of billions of dollars that flow to Muslim terrorist regimes in order to purchase their oil. Then we would end the insane policy of giving foreign aid to all of our enemies. In addition, we should destroy Muslim terrorist nuclear bomb-making factories in Iran. That would force an end to the Muslim population boom, and there would not be the billions of dollars needed to rebuild the destroyed nuclear bomb-making factories.”
Zev …


"Thank you for your well-written letter.


As I mentioned in my article, there is no doubt that Islamic extremist are a very real threat. However it is important that we not delude ourselves into thinking that Islam is a brand new religion, and that the Koran was written yesterday.

For over twelve hundred, a significant percentage of the worlds population have chosen to follow the precepts of this religion. There have been numerous incidents of extremists who over the centuries used this religion to wage war against non-Muslims, the vast majority of Muslims – to this very day – chose for a great variety of practical reasons to interpret the Koran in a non-belligerent manner.

In fact, when one compares the lives of Jews in Muslim countries versus the lives of Jews in Christian countries over the last thousand years, we will find that it was generally the Christians who used their religion as a reason to massacre, persecute, and forcibly convert the Jews, while the Muslims – relatively speaking – treated the Jews residing in their lands fairly decently.

Though it is very alluring to rewrite history, we must remember that it was the Christians who repeatedly waged war on the Muslims, most infamously during the period of the Crusaders. On their way to defeat the “non-believers,” the Christians brutally massacred thousands of Jews in France and Germany. Later on, Christians perpetuated the Inquisition and countless pogroms - all in the name of their religion.       

While it certainly is true that some Islamic leaders had close ties to Hitler, the Nazi regime was still essentially a Christian creation. While some Muslims can rightfully be accused of believing in “Nazi ideology” they are simply emulating their Christian role models.

It is very difficult to argue that it is “Islam” per se that is suddenly the root cause of terrorism or anti-Semitism. As mentioned, the Islamic leadership somehow managed to interpret the Koran in a non-violent manner for more than a thousand years, and instead of adding fuel to the flames, we ought to be encouraging Muslims to follow their example.

At the same time, we need to keep in mind that it is only quite recently that the Catholic Church has finally stopped formally calling for the conversion of the Jews, and has basically stopped any official proselytizing. Much of the Protestant church, particularly the evangelicals, continue to believe that their religion demands of them to do everything they can to convert Jews to their cause.   

Whatever claims that can be made about the danger of Islam, they pale in example to the inherent dangers of Christianity. Nonetheless, while we are obligated to do everything human to save precious Jews from the vicious and poisonous fangs of missionaries, we have to be careful not to antagonize or public attack Christians nor their religion. The same is true for terrorism and Islam as well.

Most importantly, as Jews, we must remember our role. We are “Yidden and Golus,” and while we must defend ourselves as necessary, we must follow the example of Yaakov Avinu and first try Tefilah, appeasement, and only then wage war.


Avi Klar"


My follow up response:

“Dear Mr. Klar,

I would like to thank you for your quick, personal and comprehensive letter in reply to mine.  Thanks for taking the time to read it and respond and hoping you will read my following response to that.

Whilst many are forced into hiding in revealing the true nature of this insane, intolerant religion (Islam), and others are ignorant of its content, due to language difficulties, I do believe people are becoming more aware of the reality of Islam, due to translations, especially ones into English from credible, academic places such as: http://islamicity.com/mosque/Surai.htm and http://islamicity.com/mosque/TOPICI.HTM. Here we can see what is really written, by Muslims and Arabs – so called “professors” and ‘academics’ – who translate it with no ‘interpretations’.

Islam has spread wars, conflicts and violence, wherever it’s been and where it goes it transforms places into evil darkness and one of mayhem. There is something more than “interpretation” which  causes them to murder, pillage and be so cruel, unlike Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, (today’s) Christians and lehavdil bea”h, the Jewish people.  I do not believe in concepts such as “moderate Muslims”, like I do not believe in such as a thing as “moderate Nazis” or “good, peaceful Nazis”. Followers of this religion follow a path of fascism, perversion, distortion, murder, racism, and primitivism – as I detailed in my letter. 

One recent example, the French gave Lebanon sovereign self-government in in order to create a mainly Christian nation in the Arab world that would provide safe haven for Arab Christian victims of Islamic Nazi persecution and genocide. With a plain Christian majority, Lebanon was supposed to provide a answer to the constant problem of anti-Christian genocide in the Arab world. The Lebanese Christians hoped that their pro-Nazi stance would gain them acceptance among Arab Muslims - given that Arab Muslims fanatically supported Nazi Germany in World War II, and have always adored German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler yimach shmo ve-zichro. Muslims started a civil war in 1975 with the express goal of annihilating all of the Christian "infidels." In 1982, over 300,000 Lebanese Christian men, women and children had been slaughterd by the Lebanese Muslims and their PLO terrorist supporters.

True, Jews were treated not as harshly in Muslim places, as in Christian countries; however, they were still oppressed, persecuted and treated like fifth class citizens. Christianity does not call for the killing of Jews, and the proportion who seek to convert Jews are even, I believe, going against the fundamentals of their faith, G-d, says He will bless those who bless Israel and the Jews.  Also of course, there is the ever lasting covenant, which many Christians go against, by them trying to rip Jews away from their faith, with their misinterpretation of the Bible and taking it out of context. This is completely different to Islam, however.   
You are totally correct about the vicious Christian pogroms, inquisitions, blood libels, massacres, holocausts etc. against the Jewish people, but Islam does not come much behind in its brutality against Jews, especially with its founder personally killing hundreds of Jewish and non-Jewish men, women and children who did not wish to convert to Islam. In addition, Islam was responsible for massacring several hundred million non-Muslims, and forcibly converting millions of others to his merciless and wicked religion. 

As for the Koran, Muslims see it as a duty to fight the “infidel”, and the Saudi version is the true version of Islam, they have killed non-Muslims by hanging, the sword and other brutal methods in yesteryear, in addition to burning places of worship of other religions, and desecrating all non-Muslim places, as that is what their terror bible, the Koran teaches them.  When Jews did not want to follow Mohammed, all hell broke loose, and it is very clearly visible in the Koran, in which this illiterate, maniac authored.

Those who do not believe that Jews are monkeys and apes, who have to be forcibly converted or killed, are not Muslims and certainly are going against Mohammed’s savage words in the Koran. Many Muslims may be ignorant of his statements, but if they become aware of this and are able to do what Mohammed commanded them … you can just imagine what a frenzy they’ll have. Lying is a key theme, as I mentioned, that they use, and are told to do in the Koran, to non-Muslims, until they are strong enough to rule and conquer!

Hitler ysh”vz, was influenced more by Paganism than anything else, and they, the German Nazis and their counterparts saw each other, despite some differences, as my ‘enemies enemy is my friend’. Muslim anti-semitism is based purely on the fact that Jews are Jews; and they are hated ‘purely’ for their DNA.  I would argue that Muslims are Nazis, as explained, because of their non-stop idolizing Hitler and through the Koranic Nazi hate, by Islam’s Mohammed yimach shmo ve-zichro. 

Egypt’s Abdel Nasser's called for genocide against Israeli Jewry. Israel's greatest successes were achieved when Jews had no doubt that their Muslim enemies were united in seeking to destroy the Jewish people. Furthermore, Nasser was a wild Nazi who, like so many of his counterparts in the Arab world, openly proclaimed even to Western ears, that they were irreversibly devoted to exterminating the Jewish people.

We see Nazi salutes by the PLO-Fatah, by Hizbullah, by Hamas, by Iranian Guards, and by many others. There was a Muslim Nazi army brigade of course in Bosnia, supporting and working for Hitler’s attempt to annihilate the Jewish people.  Haj al-Hamin Al-Husseini yimach shmo ve-zichro, the notorious predecessor of Arafat’s-Fatah-PLO, had very close connections with Hitler. In fact, Hitler admired Islam very much and wanted the German nation to convert to Islam, calling it a great religion! Nazism and Islam, with its supremacist and racist ideas are very closely intertwined. They have linked to neo-Nazi racists around the world too.

The PLO "philosophy" of total Muslim Nazi genocide against the Jewish people were identical to that of Egyptian dictator Sadat's "philosophy". One difference was that Sadat yimach shmo ve-zichro - following in the footsteps of his deities, Mohammed and Hitler - sought to more cleverly achieve his genocidal objective through more deceptive and effective "tactics and methods". The leader of the Arab world has tended to be Muslim Nazi Egypt,

Scholars like Strauss lent credence to German Nazi propaganda that Nazism was "a good thing for Germany" and that the world had little to fear from, just like Islam, and could still admire, Islamic culture.   There is no such thing as a moderate Islam. The Koran call on Muslims to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force.

In my estimation, appeasement has lead, and will always lead to weakness and vulnerability and it strengthens and encourages our enemies.  It leads to terror, death and destruction. We have to fight and defend ourselves when necessary (that time is debatable) and defeat, crush and eliminate our enemies, like, if I am correct many of our sages did. 

We will have to agree to differ when it comes to threats, Christianity, Islam, and the “Golus” (that’s a whole subject in itself), but I think Islam needs to be condemned (at least not mis-underestimated as a threat) and those that follow it completely dissociated with, simply because of what is written there very clearly (in the Koran and the Hadith), it is pure hate, incitement and terrorism, and is a monstrous, unjust and anti-semitic religion. To conclude, lests understand this: the Muslim world wishes to completely eliminate the Jewish State and the Jewish people. The Arab and Muslims are divided into two camps: first, the more smart Muslims, who act as if they are "moderate" when speaking to Western "infidels", who seek to annihilate Israel in stages; and second, the less intelligent Muslims who openly demand Israel's immediate destruction.

Zev …”



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« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2007, 08:26:21 AM »
Zombie really does an outstanding job of documenting these types of events.

The amount of hatred for America and Israel--and the degree of support for the Islamonazi savages, communists, or any enemy of Western culture--displayed on campuses like Berserkley and Cal Irvine is astounding.

The universities of this nation have been infiltrated, and are now dominated, by the lowest, most perverse, vile elements of society imaginable. They've become hotbeds of Islamism and communism, that pander to the enemies of America, and stomp out the dissenting voices of those who haven't been brainwashed to endorse their sick agenda.

The enemy within.

Thanks for sharing this Kelly.

I love zombie's pics....though some, especially "peace" protest ones, I wouldnt advise eating before viewing...why do they all want to be out with no clothes on.....YUCK :-\


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« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2007, 08:44:45 AM »
Dear JTF members,
A columnist for the European-based English language edition of the Chareidi-weekly “Hamodia” newspaper, Mr. Avi Klar, recently wrote that Islam and terrorism is not the threat we face today as some make it out to be. Rather, he argues, Christian missionaries are a far, far greater threat to the Jewish people.

He misleads misinformed readers, and minimises real threats. So I, not a good writer at all, as many of you may realise, took pen to paper and responded to him with loads of information, using JTF material (which helps a lot!).

I am providing JTF members, exclusively his reply to me. But first of all, my original letter - followed by his response - … and then my response to that. That’s where it ended.  I think it may be of interest to other members to read it. Enjoy! Thank you.




“Dear Sir,
I was very surprised and disturbed by Mr. Avi Klar’s column on threats, where he argues that crime and missionaries are more potent and present threats than Islamic terrorism. I think this illustrated a great misunderstanding and ignorance on part of the writer as to Islam and its doctrine on Jews and all other non-Muslim “infidels”.

He is greatly misinformed to underestimate the Islamic threat on our world. Of course missionary activity on Jews is a threat, however, Islam whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims and whose goal are to either exterminate all non-Muslims or forcibly covert them is far greater.
Islam which seeks world domination and the destruction of western civilization is a real and imminent threat. We should not get into the position of trying to lever up which is a bigger threat, crime or missionaries as they both are, and are different so can not possibly be categorized like that.
The Koran tells Muslims to lie on their true intentions so they can grow and achieve world conquests, which leaves Jews and non-Muslims vulnerable and ignorant as to the huge and growing danger that is Islam. Their genocidal goals and aims are therefore hidden by their lies and deceptions.
Polls and surveys across the Arab and Muslim world show massive support for terror attacks against Jews. They are guided by their Koran and Hadith, which are full of hatred, supremacy and anti-semitism. Failure to understand the great evil that we face today will cost us dearly. We must wakeup, and not allow ourselves to be fooled, we must not be blind or politically correct cover-ups because the future of our world is at stake, and the menace and threats we face from Islam is too massive to ignore. We need to understand that the Muslim Koran, calls for genocide, holocausts and mass murder against all non-Muslims. 
Terror is a tactic, you can’t make war against this, rather it is Islam which has created a war against the west and all its non-Muslim inhabitants that we have to overcome and defeat. Coexistence with such a racist, Nazi religion is not possible, peace with people devoted to our destruction and who follow a mass-murderer and terrorist called Mohammed is not possible. The overwhelming majority of people who call themselves Muslims are followers of Mohammed and his genocidal and satanic religion, which call Jews apes, pigs, monkeys and dogs, who need to be annihilated.
Consider the following: What do we do when we are brutally attacked by a Nazi ideology that happens to be the deeply held religious belief of 1.3 billion Muslims?
What do we do when the Muslim religion itself, through its hateful Koran, orders all Muslims to engage in "jihad" (holy war) until the whole world is "dar al Islam" (under Islamic rule)?
What do we do when the world's Muslims obey Koranic Nazi teachings and massacre huge numbers of Christians, Jews and other non-Muslim "infidels"?
What do we do as the Muslim world races excitedly to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction to eradicate millions of Americans and Israelis as their religion commands them to do?
What do we do about the Muslim birthrate, which is by far the world's biggest and which is causing the Islamic threat to grow astronomically?
It is possible that only a number of them totaling several million would actively be engaged in terror, but the majority of them are steadfast n their determination to destroy Israel and celebrate when Jews are murdered. The majorities are anti-Jewish, as shown by their dictatorial government-controlled media outlets and the “education” system across the Muslim world is viciously Nazi, hatful and anti-Semitic, never mind the huge private Islamic terrorist media empire. The fact that the Nazi Koran preaches fanatic hatred, intolerance and genocide against all non-Muslims is ignored.
Arab Governments who trade with Israel do so for their own financial gain, against the agreement of their populations who are anti-Jewish and Israel. The corrupt, dictatorial and totalitarian Arab governments could not care less about their people, only their back pockets
As a side note, Arab Muslim admiration of Hitler ysh”vz is somewhat know, as Egyptian tyrant Sadat mimicked Hitler and worshiped him. Today, in the Muslim world, in countries such as terrorist Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Adolf Hitler's infamous Mein Kampf is admired and required reading. It’s the second-best-selling book in the Arab world.
We DO need to hunt them down, NOT appease them or be soft on them. We deny reality because to acknowledge the truth would be to condemn an entire religion, something which we consider to be extraordinarily distasteful. The only way to end this nightmare is to have leaders in America and Israel who clearly identify the enemy: Islam. As long as 1.3 billion Muslims continue to believe in a Nazi book that demands genocide against all non-Muslims, Islamic terrorism will only get worse, much worse, until millions of "infidels" are massacred by weapons of mass destruction.
We need to become energy independent and cut off the hundreds of billions of dollars that flow to Muslim terrorist regimes in order to purchase their oil. Then we would end the insane policy of giving foreign aid to all of our enemies. In addition, we should destroy Muslim terrorist nuclear bomb-making factories in Iran. That would force an end to the Muslim population boom, and there would not be the billions of dollars needed to rebuild the destroyed nuclear bomb-making factories.”
Zev …


"Thank you for your well-written letter.


As I mentioned in my article, there is no doubt that Islamic extremist are a very real threat. However it is important that we not delude ourselves into thinking that Islam is a brand new religion, and that the Koran was written yesterday.

For over twelve hundred, a significant percentage of the worlds population have chosen to follow the precepts of this religion. There have been numerous incidents of extremists who over the centuries used this religion to wage war against non-Muslims, the vast majority of Muslims – to this very day – chose for a great variety of practical reasons to interpret the Koran in a non-belligerent manner.

In fact, when one compares the lives of Jews in Muslim countries versus the lives of Jews in Christian countries over the last thousand years, we will find that it was generally the Christians who used their religion as a reason to massacre, persecute, and forcibly convert the Jews, while the Muslims – relatively speaking – treated the Jews residing in their lands fairly decently.

Though it is very alluring to rewrite history, we must remember that it was the Christians who repeatedly waged war on the Muslims, most infamously during the period of the Crusaders. On their way to defeat the “non-believers,” the Christians brutally massacred thousands of Jews in France and Germany. Later on, Christians perpetuated the Inquisition and countless pogroms - all in the name of their religion.       

While it certainly is true that some Islamic leaders had close ties to Hitler, the Nazi regime was still essentially a Christian creation. While some Muslims can rightfully be accused of believing in “Nazi ideology” they are simply emulating their Christian role models.

It is very difficult to argue that it is “Islam” per se that is suddenly the root cause of terrorism or anti-Semitism. As mentioned, the Islamic leadership somehow managed to interpret the Koran in a non-violent manner for more than a thousand years, and instead of adding fuel to the flames, we ought to be encouraging Muslims to follow their example.

At the same time, we need to keep in mind that it is only quite recently that the Catholic Church has finally stopped formally calling for the conversion of the Jews, and has basically stopped any official proselytizing. Much of the Protestant church, particularly the evangelicals, continue to believe that their religion demands of them to do everything they can to convert Jews to their cause.   

Whatever claims that can be made about the danger of Islam, they pale in example to the inherent dangers of Christianity. Nonetheless, while we are obligated to do everything human to save precious Jews from the vicious and poisonous fangs of missionaries, we have to be careful not to antagonize or public attack Christians nor their religion. The same is true for terrorism and Islam as well.

Most importantly, as Jews, we must remember our role. We are “Yidden and Golus,” and while we must defend ourselves as necessary, we must follow the example of Yaakov Avinu and first try Tefilah, appeasement, and only then wage war.


Avi Klar"


My follow up response:

“Dear Mr. Klar,

I would like to thank you for your quick, personal and comprehensive letter in reply to mine.  Thanks for taking the time to read it and respond and hoping you will read my following response to that.

Whilst many are forced into hiding in revealing the true nature of this insane, intolerant religion (Islam), and others are ignorant of its content, due to language difficulties, I do believe people are becoming more aware of the reality of Islam, due to translations, especially ones into English from credible, academic places such as: http://islamicity.com/mosque/Surai.htm and http://islamicity.com/mosque/TOPICI.HTM. Here we can see what is really written, by Muslims and Arabs – so called “professors” and ‘academics’ – who translate it with no ‘interpretations’.

Islam has spread wars, conflicts and violence, wherever it’s been and where it goes it transforms places into evil darkness and one of mayhem. There is something more than “interpretation” which  causes them to murder, pillage and be so cruel, unlike Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, (today’s) Christians and lehavdil bea”h, the Jewish people.  I do not believe in concepts such as “moderate Muslims”, like I do not believe in such as a thing as “moderate Nazis” or “good, peaceful Nazis”. Followers of this religion follow a path of fascism, perversion, distortion, murder, racism, and primitivism – as I detailed in my letter. 

One recent example, the French gave Lebanon sovereign self-government in in order to create a mainly Christian nation in the Arab world that would provide safe haven for Arab Christian victims of Islamic Nazi persecution and genocide. With a plain Christian majority, Lebanon was supposed to provide a answer to the constant problem of anti-Christian genocide in the Arab world. The Lebanese Christians hoped that their pro-Nazi stance would gain them acceptance among Arab Muslims - given that Arab Muslims fanatically supported Nazi Germany in World War II, and have always adored German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler yimach shmo ve-zichro. Muslims started a civil war in 1975 with the express goal of annihilating all of the Christian "infidels." In 1982, over 300,000 Lebanese Christian men, women and children had been slaughterd by the Lebanese Muslims and their PLO terrorist supporters.

True, Jews were treated not as harshly in Muslim places, as in Christian countries; however, they were still oppressed, persecuted and treated like fifth class citizens. Christianity does not call for the killing of Jews, and the proportion who seek to convert Jews are even, I believe, going against the fundamentals of their faith, G-d, says He will bless those who bless Israel and the Jews.  Also of course, there is the ever lasting covenant, which many Christians go against, by them trying to rip Jews away from their faith, with their misinterpretation of the Bible and taking it out of context. This is completely different to Islam, however.   
You are totally correct about the vicious Christian pogroms, inquisitions, blood libels, massacres, holocausts etc. against the Jewish people, but Islam does not come much behind in its brutality against Jews, especially with its founder personally killing hundreds of Jewish and non-Jewish men, women and children who did not wish to convert to Islam. In addition, Islam was responsible for massacring several hundred million non-Muslims, and forcibly converting millions of others to his merciless and wicked religion. 

As for the Koran, Muslims see it as a duty to fight the “infidel”, and the Saudi version is the true version of Islam, they have killed non-Muslims by hanging, the sword and other brutal methods in yesteryear, in addition to burning places of worship of other religions, and desecrating all non-Muslim places, as that is what their terror bible, the Koran teaches them.  When Jews did not want to follow Mohammed, all hell broke loose, and it is very clearly visible in the Koran, in which this illiterate, maniac authored.

Those who do not believe that Jews are monkeys and apes, who have to be forcibly converted or killed, are not Muslims and certainly are going against Mohammed’s savage words in the Koran. Many Muslims may be ignorant of his statements, but if they become aware of this and are able to do what Mohammed commanded them … you can just imagine what a frenzy they’ll have. Lying is a key theme, as I mentioned, that they use, and are told to do in the Koran, to non-Muslims, until they are strong enough to rule and conquer!

Hitler ysh”vz, was influenced more by Paganism than anything else, and they, the German Nazis and their counterparts saw each other, despite some differences, as my ‘enemies enemy is my friend’. Muslim anti-semitism is based purely on the fact that Jews are Jews; and they are hated ‘purely’ for their DNA.  I would argue that Muslims are Nazis, as explained, because of their non-stop idolizing Hitler and through the Koranic Nazi hate, by Islam’s Mohammed yimach shmo ve-zichro. 

Egypt’s Abdel Nasser's called for genocide against Israeli Jewry. Israel's greatest successes were achieved when Jews had no doubt that their Muslim enemies were united in seeking to destroy the Jewish people. Furthermore, Nasser was a wild Nazi who, like so many of his counterparts in the Arab world, openly proclaimed even to Western ears, that they were irreversibly devoted to exterminating the Jewish people.

We see Nazi salutes by the PLO-Fatah, by Hizbullah, by Hamas, by Iranian Guards, and by many others. There was a Muslim Nazi army brigade of course in Bosnia, supporting and working for Hitler’s attempt to annihilate the Jewish people.  Haj al-Hamin Al-Husseini yimach shmo ve-zichro, the notorious predecessor of Arafat’s-Fatah-PLO, had very close connections with Hitler. In fact, Hitler admired Islam very much and wanted the German nation to convert to Islam, calling it a great religion! Nazism and Islam, with its supremacist and racist ideas are very closely intertwined. They have linked to neo-Nazi racists around the world too.

The PLO "philosophy" of total Muslim Nazi genocide against the Jewish people were identical to that of Egyptian dictator Sadat's "philosophy". One difference was that Sadat yimach shmo ve-zichro - following in the footsteps of his deities, Mohammed and Hitler - sought to more cleverly achieve his genocidal objective through more deceptive and effective "tactics and methods". The leader of the Arab world has tended to be Muslim Nazi Egypt,

Scholars like Strauss lent credence to German Nazi propaganda that Nazism was "a good thing for Germany" and that the world had little to fear from, just like Islam, and could still admire, Islamic culture.   There is no such thing as a moderate Islam. The Koran call on Muslims to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force.

In my estimation, appeasement has lead, and will always lead to weakness and vulnerability and it strengthens and encourages our enemies.  It leads to terror, death and destruction. We have to fight and defend ourselves when necessary (that time is debatable) and defeat, crush and eliminate our enemies, like, if I am correct many of our sages did. 

We will have to agree to differ when it comes to threats, Christianity, Islam, and the “Golus” (that’s a whole subject in itself), but I think Islam needs to be condemned (at least not mis-underestimated as a threat) and those that follow it completely dissociated with, simply because of what is written there very clearly (in the Koran and the Hadith), it is pure hate, incitement and terrorism, and is a monstrous, unjust and anti-semitic religion. To conclude, lests understand this: the Muslim world wishes to completely eliminate the Jewish State and the Jewish people. The Arab and Muslims are divided into two camps: first, the more smart Muslims, who act as if they are "moderate" when speaking to Western "infidels", who seek to annihilate Israel in stages; and second, the less intelligent Muslims who openly demand Israel's immediate destruction.

Zev …”


Thats a great reply!!

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2007, 08:48:47 AM »
I don't want to minimize the danger Christian missionaries pose to the Jewish people, but anyone that thinks they pose a greater threat than the satanic moooozie savages is out of his frigging mind !

Good letter, Yesha.


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« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2007, 09:07:18 AM »
Exactly, the missionaries can only pose threats to those not secure in their beliefs, they should not be allowed in Israel at all, but at the very least they will not saw off your head or wish for your demise.

Offline AussieJTFer

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« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2007, 09:13:51 AM »
Hey kellymaureen, this has nothing to do with the topic of this post but anyways:
I just finished listening to the last Ask JTF and I gotta say that your son is an absolute hero and he should be teaching his class instead of the tool that is masquerading as his teacher. You are an awesome mum for teaching him what is true and I hope your son keeps on sticking it to his arsehole teachers and doesn't back down!


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« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2007, 09:32:23 AM »
Hey kellymaureen, this has nothing to do with the topic of this post but anyways:
I just finished listening to the last Ask JTF and I gotta say that your son is an absolute hero and he should be teaching his class instead of the tool that is masquerading as his teacher. You are an awesome mum for teaching him what is true and I hope your son keeps on sticking it to his arsehole teachers and doesn't back down!

Oh thanks I appreciate that, Ive always taught him right from wrong and he is like me and will stand up for what he believes and knows to be the truth, and he knows he has my backing.  I havent run into too many issues yet, because he was young but now that hes getting older, I would guess there will be plenty more of this kind of thing happening in school, he is not liberal or PC so he's going to have issues....and I will always back him up, he's respectful to the teacher (even though he doesnt deserve it) and doesnt need to resort to any disrespect or even raising his voice when he has facts on his side. 

Offline MarZutra

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« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2007, 09:55:06 AM »
Actually if you want to see a good video on Walid go to

Too bad there is no such thing as a "Palestinian".  Perhaps Shoebat might be more vocal on this fact?
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Daniel

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« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2007, 03:08:32 PM »
Along with Walid Shoebat and Wafa Sultan, I believe that Nonie Darwish is genuine and can be trusted. She presents very well in "Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West." Regardless of what you think of the name, she still speaks well in this film and makes some excellent points, along with Walid Shoebat.

Offline MarZutra

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« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2007, 04:02:02 PM »
A very good letter Zev. I must agree with you.  Most people who say that Islam has been "Highjacked" have never read the Qur'an, Hadith and are ignorant to historically accurate Mohammed.  I feel the political reasons of not wanting to inflame the entire Islamic, oil wealthy world, is, perhaps the greatest factor.. you are right and keep up the fight...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.