Author Topic: Rachel's Yahrzeit  (Read 2803 times)

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Rachel's Yahrzeit
« on: October 21, 2007, 06:40:44 PM »
On the Aniversary of the Death of Our Matriarch Rachel
Thousands of Women Across the Globe will
Remember Rachel

    * Rachel, our Mother, died on the 11th of Heshvan 3,561 years ago and every year we commerate her yahrzeit. This year her yahrzeit will begin on Monday evening, 22 October 2007 of the Gregorian (Civil) Calendar and will last until Tuesday evening at sundown.

On the eve of her yahrzeit, that is, on Monday evening, the 22nd of October, 2007, after sundown...

    * ...women throughout the world will gather together in small groups to say Tehillim (Psalms) in memory of our Matriarch Rachel.  HaRav Sholom Gold of Jerusalem has recomended reciting the following Psalms upon this occasion: 42, 43, 44, 50, 55, 69, 70, 74, 79 & 83.  Those who visit Rachel's Tomb should recite those as well as add Psalm 33.
    * In these gatherings, we will ask G-d to note the merits of our Ancestors to help us through these dificult times for our nation.
    * It is essential today for the Jewish People to show that we have not forgotten our forbears and that we will not abandon them.
    * We will take on the qualities that Rachel displayed during her lifetime, i.e.:  NEVER TO GIVE UP!  NEVER DISPAIR!
    * Those saying Tehillim should also pray for Israeli Soldiers who are Missing In Action.
    * Persist in your efforts on behalf of Am-Yisrael until He helps us reach our national goals!

Open your home to your friends and family for an evening of  Tehillim,
or find the closest home where Tehillim will be recited.

In Israel you can contact:

David Landau by fax at 02/ 960-5008 or via e-mail at [email protected]
Organized by the Committee For Rachel's Tomb.

Please note that there will beNO appeal for donations at these gatherings.  However, to contribute donations to the Yeshiva please click here.
 Donations in memory of our Matriarch Rachel may be sent earmarked 'Rachel's Tomb' to the
Central Fund of Israel, P.O. Box 1029, Derech Efrata, 90435, Israel

Donations will strengthen The Yeshiva Of Rachel's Tomb,
learning daily in the Rachel's Tomb complex, Bethlehem.

Offline Sarah

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Re: Rachel's Yahrzeit
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2007, 05:37:05 PM »
Yacov, I don't really get this. :)

Who was Rachel?