I met a Boer years ago when I was selling land. He was a former South African policeman.
He told me that all their household appliances 'back home' had to be the best quallity to be 'kaffir proof'. He said if you put a black in an empty concrete cell with two cannon balls, he'd break one and lose the other.
I laughed like hell because my Dad told me the EXACT same things about the natives on my grandfather's plantation in Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides). Dad said " You can only use Seagull outboards on the punts, because they're coon-proof. What a coon doesn't break, he'll lose".
that's soo true Newman hahah

No kidding, it's true!!! As you will see below:
Our family moved to a new home, and already residing there, was a black family of 2. As all Boers, we felt sorry for them, and allowed them to work for us, so we could support them, and support them we did, even when it left a hole in our pockets! So anyway, to take one example...
We made an arangement, that the husband just every weekend clean the garden each week, which only took about an hour, so ja, it was a bargain on his side, 1 hrs for a week for free housing, food, utilities etc etc (and yet, we get called racists...

) Anyway, so one day, there was no petrol in the hedge trimmer, so what does Mr. Smart do, he makes Black petrol. Now let me tell you about this ingenious "Black Oil", or one could say "Kaffir Oil" which if you read on sound more approprioute

Mix some Jayes Fluid (heavy duty drain cleaner-Black in colour-as is black

) with some water, and whom knowes what else, and voila! You have super cheap petrol

. Insert new petrol into engin and pray damn hard...lol hahahahah
I think you all get what it took to fix the engin lol