What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
So there is a problem with whites being proud of their race? There is plenty of white culture.
Jews, well Jews aren't technically a race, Jews are a nation, but the majority of Jews are caucasian. They are of the semitic groups, so semite pride world wide. Just kidding

. But out of seriousness, many Jews have genetic markers to the tribes.
Y-chromosomal Aaron is the name given to the hypothesised most recent common ancestor of many of the patrilineal Jewish priestly caste known as Kohanim (singular "Kohen", "Cohen", or Kohane). In the Hebrew Bible this ancestor is identified as Aaron, the brother of Moses.
Research published in 1997 and thereafter has indicated that a large proportion of contemporary Jewish Kohanim share a set of Y chromosomal genetic markers, known as the Cohen Modal Haplotype, which may well derive from this single common ancestor.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal_AaronSeriously, why are you so opposed to nationalism? Do you just want Jews to assimilate with every other race? I am against race mixing and I refuse to mix with someone of different color than me. Does this make me a racist? Absolutely not, this is a personal decision and genetics are very important. Genetics aren't necessarily important for just race either, it's also important to know your background and the person you marry if you have certain genetics that pass down genetic diseases like tay-sachs, etc so you can know what to look out for if you have children. Genetics exist, you can pretend they don't, but then you will be living in a very sheltered world. Liberals like to pretend race doesn't exist and "we are all the same" so they can have a world full of different colors. They are destroying the fabric of society and culture.