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"The Black Hebrews"

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--- Quote from: Get thee hence Satan on August 30, 2006, 06:27:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: NeverMore on August 25, 2006, 02:53:59 AM --- beat up cats (i always act against them when i see it)

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'People' who attack cats in youth have a much higher probability of growing up psychopathic, murderous, violent, perverted, etc.

The L-rd demonstrates his sore displeasure by putting outward signs on the body so as to show other people the viciousness which reposes inside.  Thus it is, that black skin is a portent of an evilness of character which only true conversion to Torah can clean away.

But I strongly suspect that no pure-blooded negro has enough brainpower to behave like a human being.

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[censored], starting from your second line and on. pure racism.


--- Quote from: NeverMore on September 06, 2006, 06:58:16 AM ---[censored], starting from your second line and on. pure racism.

--- End quote ---

Go to: are you going to try and disprove anything I said or are you just some kind of imbecile?

I've already said I am fond of the Ethiopian Jewry.  I simply said that pure-blooded negroes are beasts, brutes of the field, which is certainly true.

African-Americans are on the average 15% WHITE because of inter-racial mixture between abolitionist white women and manumitted black men, white slave owners and female slaves, etc.

But the African negro is a menace but then again so is the average European.  THey suit each other.  I hope Europe is miscegenated and invaded until it becomes an annexe of black Africa. 


--- Quote --- are you going to try and disprove anything I said or are you just some kind of imbecile?

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now that wanst pretty at all.
i will always stand against all kind of racism- dont forget that only 60 years ago Jews were the lower race (and absolutely not the "high white race" and other crap like that) all over europe... time passed and now, Jews use the same kind of racism against other races. that cant be good i think "life's a boomerang" symbolizes what im trying to say. please, unless you are a friend of the KKK dont say that true blacks are like beasts- thats VERY wrong, just because they kicked your butt in school doesnt mean they are all the same. saying that their sin is being black... no, i cant agree with you on that. i agree that a lot of afro- americans cause trouble, sure i agree (even though im not from US). but being racist and not treating other races as equal HUMNs is the worship of satan, thee get it?


--- Quote from: NeverMore on September 06, 2006, 09:39:50 AM ---
now that wanst pretty at all.
i will always stand against all kind of racism- dont forget that only 60 years ago Jews were the lower race (and absolutely not the "high white race" and other crap like that) all over europe... time passed and now, Jews use the same kind of racism against other races. that cant be good i think "life's a boomerang" symbolizes what im trying to say. please, unless you are a friend of the KKK dont say that true blacks are like beasts- thats VERY wrong, just because they kicked your butt in school doesnt mean they are all the same. saying that their sin is being black... no, i cant agree with you on that. i agree that a lot of afro- americans cause trouble, sure i agree (even though im not from US). but being racist and not treating other races as equal HUMNs is the worship of satan, thee get it?

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You are absolutely right about white violence against non-whites.

Dark-haired people were vilified as being 'non-Aryan' even in the immediate years after the second world war.  The racial myth was strong in Europe but today the pendulum has swung too far back in the other direction.

Listen, I hardly even consider myself to be 'white'.  To me 'white' is more of a club than a racial grouping.

And I already told you that I love and adore many black people.

Look, I am really NOT a racial supremacist.  I just notice that the MAJORITY of blacks, esp. black males, behave like absolute beasts.  Black men seem to fail in life so often because all of their efforts go towards pestering and harrassing white women, usually blondes.

Why does noticing this evil behaviour prevalent among young negroes make me 'less Jewish' or a hater?


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