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"The Black Hebrews"

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Why not just assign the area that the "He-be-a-bro's" live in to the Palestinain Authority if they don't seem to accept white Jews as equals ? ;D

u come a lot to Israel?


--- Quote from: NeverMore on August 25, 2006, 02:53:59 AM --- beat up cats (i always act against them when i see it)

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'People' who attack cats in youth have a much higher probability of growing up psychopathic, murderous, violent, perverted, etc.

The L-rd demonstrates his sore displeasure by putting outward signs on the body so as to show other people the viciousness which reposes inside.  Thus it is, that black skin is a portent of an evilness of character which only true conversion to Torah can clean away.

But I strongly suspect that no pure-blooded negro has enough brainpower to behave like a human being.


--- Quote from: Get thee hence Satan on August 30, 2006, 06:27:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: NeverMore on August 25, 2006, 02:53:59 AM --- beat up cats (i always act against them when i see it)

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'People' who attack cats in youth have a much higher probability of growing up psychopathic, murderous, violent, perverted, etc.

A person is ALREADY psychopathic if they are harming innocent creatures, NOT the otherway around.
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--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on August 24, 2006, 03:02:49 PM ---On my recent trip to Israel, I visited Dimona. I walked by the "Black Hebrew" ghetto there. Dimona is the poorest town in Israel in the middle .....The Black Hebrews?

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The Black Hebrews? Aren't they the apes on 14/34/42st screaming Jesus was a black man?  Aren't they the gorillas wearing the monkey suits?


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