Yakov. You are pathetic.
Attention all trolls. If you would like to be an administrator on this forum, follow these simple rules:
1) Create an account.
2) Make sure to select female for gender.
3) Post a picture of a beautiful woman and claim that it is a picture of you.
4) Have fun being the center of attention, as a new administrator of the JTF Forum!
This forum needs more adult supervision.
Are you not meant to be adults anyway, does the Admin have to baby sit you every 5 minutes?
To much of the baby crap happens here. What are the average age of the Admin and mods??
He is a young man doing a great job.
You are only a mod, with no idea on what it takes to run a forum.
You are meant to support and work with your Admin not against it.
You don't need trolls on this forum the members are doing enough damage all by themselves.