
How important are Women to any movement?

Not important
0 (0%)
Very important
16 (88.9%)
Somewhat important
1 (5.6%)
They just get in the way
1 (5.6%)

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Author Topic: Women  (Read 15167 times)

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Re: Women
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2007, 09:38:25 PM »
We don't need women in the military ,so should they get out! :)

Women are far more skilled than men in the military. And women have been fighting along side their men for hundreds of years.


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Re: Women
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2007, 09:41:56 PM »
No what I mean is I have seen many good and bad movements come and go but the ones where women are involved  last beyond! ;)

That's because women play the G-d given role of civilizing men.

LOL yes they do.  :::D


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Re: Women
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2007, 11:08:31 PM »
I hate when women try to say they are equal to men in everything and vice versa.
I think in general we are very different and it was meant to be that way.
Sorry if that is not PC with some women.
Women being different from men doesn't make them any less important.
Very true, Bullcat!

I agree.

Look at the armed forces. A 98 lb female intelligence analyst (like Mills) does a hugely important job, just as the 250 lb parratrooper. But, they are NOT the same or equal in all areas.

The feminist ideology that states there are NO differences and that women should be put in front-line combat roles is a farce.

We see a similar situation in politics. Women make excellent public service administrators but we see less of them in government. It's not a male plot to keep them out. The fact is that they are less suited to the head-kicking, gutter-fighting environment of Congress or Parliament. It doesn't mean they are of less value, though.

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Re: Women
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2007, 11:16:21 PM »
Look at the armed forces. A 98 lb female intelligence analyst (like Mills)

98lbs! I wish! 
(Although...for my height, if I were 98lbs I'd be dead. :laugh:)
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Women
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2007, 11:56:07 PM »
I hate when women try to say they are equal to men in everything and vice versa.
I think in general we are very different and it was meant to be that way.
Sorry if that is not PC with some women.
Women being different from men doesn't make them any less important.

Women are equal if not more so than men in many areas.

And if women think they are more sexually attractive by playing the dumb blonde routine more power to them, they just once again proved men are not very smart when dealing with the female of the species.

And how women use their god given gifts to create what they want.  :::D

And now careful ladies don't break a nail while typing, you need to look good for your master.  ;)

Joe Schmo

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Re: Women
« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2007, 12:09:42 AM »
We don't need women in the military ,so should they get out! :)

Women are far more skilled than men in the military.

Whatever you say.


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Re: Women
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2007, 12:14:12 AM »
We don't need women in the military ,so should they get out! :)

Women are far more skilled than men in the military.

Whatever you say.

I'm sure they are in certain support fields. But in infantry, combat engineers, clearance divers???? C'mon.


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Re: Women
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2007, 12:30:30 AM »
I'm sure they are in certain support fields. But in infantry, combat engineers, clearance divers???? C'mon.

Women will never be in infantry, there are too many problems with that. First off, many people will throw a fit to see their daughters being killed etc. But also there is the danger of rape. There is rape that goes on against women in the military by superiors that are NOT reported under penalty of being stigmatized and hated by other servicemembers. But also, the danger of more female POWs and their possible rape under enemy hands. Rape is unfortunately one of the bigest threats against women worldwide. It's terrible. I'm sure there are more reasons besides the rape thing, like women not being able to keep up in a infantry platoon...I mean come on-let's be honest. Back when I was in the Army, I was allowed to run 2 miles in I think 18:30 min or less but men had a lot less time...I mean a lot and not many females-even those in top shape were able to do the maximum time allowed for men. Some did, but not many.
I did have some female friends who went into engineering, and into being Patriot Missile technicians. but I don't know exactly what they did.

It's also biology/behaviour.

When was the last time anybody saw a woman in a fist fight with a man? Not a cat fight, a fist fight? I rest my case. They are not designed or programmed for combat. And don't anyone bring up martial arts, dojo BS. I'm talking real world.


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Re: Women
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2007, 12:53:35 AM »
It's also biology/behaviour.

When was the last time anybody saw a woman in a fist fight with a man? Not a cat fight, a fist fight? I rest my case. They are not designed or programmed for combat. And don't anyone bring up martial arts, dojo BS. I'm talking real world.

Oh yes, honestly...and as a woman, I would not win a fight like that, I would loose and be beaten! I mean even the wakest guy could throw me to the ground, it actually happened when I was in High School, some guy did throw me to the ground as he laughed (he was a friend-he was playing I guess) but anywho, a woman would not win in a fist fight againts a man. NOT EVER (unless he is a really old senior citizen of 90 years of age or a man who is severely sick...but that's it) Some women can't live with the thought- and thus Xena was born!

You've got me thinking of Xena and her little friend Gabrielle, now! (Those girls fill my sleep!) :)


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Re: Women
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2007, 01:00:32 AM »
You've got me thinking of Xena and her little friend Gabrielle, now! (Those girls fill my sleep!) :)
I used to watch that show, it came out when I was...I think before High School. It was interesting but sooo cheesy!
So funny how Xena could easily beat up men.  :::D I laugh at the thought.

That big, strapping Lucy Lawless gives me droolage! :P


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Re: Women
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2007, 01:40:54 AM »
We don't need women in the military ,so should they get out! :)

Women are far more skilled than men in the military.

Whatever you say.
Never except a civvy to understand military  ;D


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Re: Women
« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2007, 01:42:53 AM »
Dreaming about Xena??? Newman!  :::D


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Re: Women
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2007, 01:45:11 AM »
Dreaming about Xena??? Newman!  :::D

She's a big, tall, athletic, sexy thing who could hold me down and....... (ah, never mind)


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Re: Women
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2007, 01:52:54 AM »
Dreaming about Xena??? Newman!  :::D

She's a big, tall, athletic, sexy thing who could hold me down and....... (ah, never mind)
