Author Topic: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.  (Read 1700 times)

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Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« on: November 01, 2007, 04:24:29 AM »
Over the last 6 months Ahmadinejad has been recieving more than 200 messages from a group of people I belong too, now funny none of your statements or questions have ever been published.

I have recieved a few emails from his cranky lot trying to justify their actions.

I was interested to see the Australian and New Zealand posters that got through.  :-\

Tipene [Stephen] Curtis     [email protected]
Mr President. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom with us, It is interesting that America takes exception to the way things are in Iran. One must wonder what the real motive of America is? If America genuinely cared for the Iranian people one wonders why they supplied chemical weapons to Iraq to harm the Iranian people. America has been involved in some despicable acts that have seriously affected millions of people because of their foreign policy. America has no right to dictate to any other country what should or should not be done. Thank you for your time and for your words of inspiration.

A Bloke from New Zealand

   noerlaili laili     [email protected]
Im sorry my english is bad coz im Indonesian. Im silent after hear your all opinion in international forum coz i think that too but i cant showed it. i havent power to do it but jsut in person only by internet. I proud you, brother. I got new energy. i feel have real muslim borther now...brave,smart,high giroh.

A bloke from Australia

    brewerstroupe     [email protected]
Mr President. Please be assured that your message is getting through to many of us in the West. Here in New Zealand a substantial minority are beginning to reject the Bush Doctrine and recognise the rationality of your words. We wish you success and we will continue to work for the victory of reason over propaganda, truth over falsehood.

Bloke from New Zealand

    M - New Zealand     [email protected]
As a westerner, I admire your stance regarding nuclear energy for your country. I agree that it is your right to develop nuclear power and I sincerely hope that you achieve this.

No sure but from New Zealand

    anon. anon.     wit
Sir, I believe you should stop trying to deny that you are leading your nation away from a Western world. The sooner you realise that America is the worlds police, the sooner you can cancel your Nuclear program, and the soon your country can seperate herself from typical Middle Eastern sterotypes.

From Australia

     Jon Baumann     [email protected]
Thanks for the blog, very interesting and I just want you to know that I fully support your stand against the capitalist terror

From Australia

As you can gather the evil influence of the man has reached here and has continued to grow.

These people are far removed from Ahmadinejad muslims ways, and seen as an attractive option.

People like these are our home grown terrorist risks.


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Re: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2007, 04:29:12 AM »
In WW2 America had it's German-American Baund and Britain had it's Black-shirted Mosley followers. There are always lunatics and traitors.


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Re: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2007, 04:35:11 AM »
Problem is it only takes one nutcase to carry a bomb.  ???

Offline AussieJTFer

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Re: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2007, 05:32:29 AM »
These people should be shot.


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Re: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2007, 05:46:58 AM »
These people should be shipped to iran with a one way ticket....and lets hear from them in a few months :D


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Re: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2007, 06:04:25 AM »
I am in favor of shooting, it costs less.


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Re: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2007, 06:07:47 AM »
Lol oh im sure they will be shot in iran....Id love to see the look on their faces when they realize they have no freedoms :laugh:


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Re: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2007, 06:33:09 AM »
Lol oh im sure they will be shot in iran....Id love to see the look on their faces when they realize they have no freedoms :laugh:

It's like those few idiot communists who would leave the USA/ Europe to live in the USSR's land of milk and honey in the 50s/60s and 70s. They ALL came back.

I'm all in favour of pro-muslim traitors being shipped off to a muslim stinkhole. Just as we should send self-hating white liberals to live in harlem or South Central LA.


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Re: Ahmadinejad and his supporters downunder.
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2007, 07:19:03 AM »
Lol oh im sure they will be shot in iran....Id love to see the look on their faces when they realize they have no freedoms :laugh:

Most likely swinging from a crane in town square. Irainians are one of the most racist self hating race around.

Depends who's in power, if its mullahs they hang non mullahs, if its non mullahs they hang mullahs.

It surprises me that any are left alive.  :-\