These fairies are more concerned with anti-Semitism in America (not that it isn't a problem, but I mean American Jews aren't awakened with rocket showers on a nightly basis), and abortion and faggot marriage and wetbacks, than their brothers and sisters getting murdered every single day in their own country. These kapos are prime candidates for anti-Semitic hate crimes, and they would deserve every bit of it.
But this poll, if true, is still profoundly troubling and illustrates that Jews have no real friends, and need to take care of themselves and have a strong, militant homeland that takes no crap from anyone.
PS: I want to know why Jews are constantly charged with dual loyalty (when in fact only a handful of American Jews have any loyalty to their brothers and sisters at all) but Mexicans never are. I'm willing to bet that the percentage of AMERICAN Mexicans loyal to America rather than their toilet bowl south of the border is lower than 30%.