If you wonder how much legal aliens live in Belgium,
check this:
http://www.dofi.fgov.be:80/nl/statistieken/Stat_ETR_nl/gemeenten+detail/gemeenten+detail.htmTo get the real number you must multiply by 20.
given that:
- the ones that were given a Belgian ID are not in any statistics.
- when their Babies are born they get Belgian ID too.
- Illegals, when briefly arrested, are never reported in this statistics.
since a couple of years Police is forbidden to give those statistics.
Schools may have illegal children in classes, but are forbidden report them.
(The government pays anyway, but can't arrest parents with children and expel them.)
The only reliable way to know the amount of illegals, is to find how much money hospitals spend each year for people who didn't have social security papers, and to extrapolate those numbers.