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Was Charles Darwin Psychotic? A Study of His Mental Health

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By evolution I mean that certain species of animals appeared before others.  I treat "evolution" as a chronology of appearances of species, and I don't care about theories which try to explain how and why.  Even if man descended from apes (which is not entirely unreasonable, considering certain "members" of our society), the change was divinely inspired.

I should probably use the word "chronology" instead of "evolution"...

>By evolution I mean that certain species of animals appeared before others. 

Uh-huh. Like I said you will twist evolution to mean whatever you want it to me even though it is not what darwin or the other so called scientists who support evolution said. You seem to want it both ways davkakach. I don't mind a heated discussion but I don't like you avoiding the issues I brought up in my last post in which certain complexity in many parts of the human body "disagree" with the theory of evolution and by you "changing" the definition of evolution to fit your tastes to ignore the issue's brought up in the last post. 


--- Quote from: adam613 on November 03, 2006, 01:31:19 AM --->By evolution I mean that certain species of animals appeared before others. 

Uh-huh. Like I said you will twist evolution to mean whatever you want it to me even though it is not what darwin or the other so called scientists who support evolution said. You seem to want it both ways davkakach. I don't mind a heated discussion but I don't like you avoiding the issues I brought up in my last post in which certain complexity in many parts of the human body "disagree" with the theory of evolution and by you "changing" the definition of evolution to fit your tastes to ignore the issue's brought up in the last post. 

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There are bigger issues facing the Jewish people right now.

Christian Zionist:

--- Quote from: davkakach on November 02, 2006, 12:02:44 PM ---Evolution is a fact.  Creation evolves.  Plants, animals and human beings evolve physically, and a few human beings also evolve spiritually.  The difference between us and the leftists and atheist scientists is that we believe that the cause for this evolution is G-d, whereas the atheists attribute it to random mutations, the majority of which are inferior and get weeded out in a survival of the fittest-kind of reality.  They see Creation as still chaotic, whereas we see divine purpose in our lives and in everything that surrounds us, and we know that chaos was done away with on the first day of Creation (whether you treat "day" as a literal day, or like me, you treat it as a certain period of time).

--- End quote ---

Evolution is a fact?

When did some one see that happenning?  Why evolution is not happenning now?

Evolution theory makes God of the Bible a liar!

G-d created man but he made animals.  Creating is spiritual when G-d breathed His life into Adam's nostrils and he became a living creature!  Creation is making something which did not exist before!  Making is making out of something which was already existing like making a furniture out of forest woods.  Only man was created in His image but animals were not!

Evolutionists say that man is just another animal because we have evolved from other animals. The Bible says that man is specially created in the image of G-d to have dominion over the animals. Little is discussed about the differences betwen man and animals. Consider these differences:

1. Only man can benefit from accumulated knowledge passed on to the next generation as history.

2. Only man is religious.

3. Only man has an innate sense of morality, of right and wrong, of violated conscience.

4. Only man makes and uses fire and tools.

5. Only man produces art.

6. Men sing, apes don't.

7. Only man communicate abstract thoughts in sentences, writes, invents and composes.

8. Only man conceptualises eternity.

9. Only man surrounds death with ceremony and funerals.

10. Man is unique physically, biochemically, neurologically and posturely with an upright heel-toe walk.

Why mankind is not evolving now from animals?    Evolution really stinks and there are too many missing links!

The following Tanak verses would become a lie if evolution is true!

Sixteen Bible passages say that G-d created life on earth:

1. "In the beginning G-d created the heaven and the earth". Genesis 1:1

2. "So G-d created man in his own image, ... male and female". Genesis 1:27

3. "The Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created ..." Genesis 6:7

4. "The day that G-d created man upon the earth". Deuteronomy 4:32

5. "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might ....." Isaiah 40:26

6. "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting G-d, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of his understanding." Isaiah 40:28

7. "I have created him (humans) for my glory". Isaiah 43:7

8. "I have made the earth, and created man upon it". Isaiah 45:12

9. "Hath not one G-d created us?" Malachi 2:10


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