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Was Charles Darwin Psychotic? A Study of His Mental Health

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Most evolutionary theories are like works of science fiction ... Darwin wrote in his conclusion to 'Origin of Species' that mankind as it is presently constituted would eventually die out and some 'favourably mutated' alternative species would inherit the planet.  That would kind of render the Torah null and void IF IT WERE TRUE.

But those with any sense know that human beings, as we see them today, are the high point of G-d's good creation.

I personally think that evolution can potentially fit in with the story in genesis. Wether it is the truth or not, I do not know.

Zionist Revolutionary:
It appears that MassuhDGoodName was hacked or something.

Likely by a Muslim/Affirmative-Action Ape/White Liberal who wanted to ruin his name.  His above post was nonsensical, it is simply redundant to respond to any of the points "Massuh" typed.

I call into question that he actually wrote this.  I think he was hacked, or someone found his password or something.

Evolution is a fact.  Creation evolves.  Plants, animals and human beings evolve physically, and a few human beings also evolve spiritually.  The difference between us and the leftists and atheist scientists is that we believe that the cause for this evolution is G-d, whereas the atheists attribute it to random mutations, the majority of which are inferior and get weeded out in a survival of the fittest-kind of reality.  They see Creation as still chaotic, whereas we see divine purpose in our lives and in everything that surrounds us, and we know that chaos was done away with on the first day of Creation (whether you treat "day" as a literal day, or like me, you treat it as a certain period of time).

>Evolution is a fact.

Then why is it called the theory of evolution. Even the one's that support evolution call it a "theory".

>Creation evolves.

Davkakach, there are serious scientists that disagree that many functions of our body could not have "evolved". . And to just mold any new discovery as WELL THAT ALSO IS EVOLUTION is intellectually dishonest. Here is a chemist who disagree's who wrote a book called "Darwin's Black Box".

Ten years ago, Darwinists could credibly boast that no "serious" scientist took issue with Darwin's theory of evolution. Then came biochemist Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box -- and everything changed. Drawing on cutting-edge discoveries in biochemistry, Dr. Behe revealed that life at the molecular level exhibits unmistakeable evidence of design, beyond Darwinian randomness. Using the examples of vision, bloodclotting, cellular transport, and more, he showed how the biochemical world comprises an arsenal of chemical machines with so many finely calibrated, interdependent parts as to be "irreducibly complex" -- meaning that they cannot have evolved by stages, because any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a part would be completely nonfunctional

Now, Darwin's Black Box has been reissued in a Tenth-Anniversary Edition with an all-new afterword in which Behe explains that the complexity discovered by microbiologists has dramatically increased since the book was first published -- and that the evolutionists have had no success in explaining it.


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