Author Topic: Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information  (Read 4551 times)

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Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information
« on: November 03, 2007, 08:06:11 PM »   

The Emperor’s
New Clothes
Updated November 3, 2007

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From Yugoslav Reports
* Oct. 19, 2007 - “What Does the World Owe 1940s Serbs? Not too much...”
A Mar. 26, 1941 eyewitness news account of a massive outpouring of ordinary working people in Serbia and Montenegro, supported by the Orthodox church, aiming to overthrow the Nazi-subservient Yugoslav government, demanding war against the Nazis. The world held its breath...
Posted in scanned and text formats. Both with comments by Jared Israel.

* Oct. 11, 2007 - News: NATO provocation; impending indictment of Montenegrin leaders; NY Times on 1941 German threat against Serbs.








It is widely believed that the British Foreign Office conspired to create the state of Israel.  But in a 1948 UN memorandum, the leftist Nation magazine charged Britain with organizing and doing propaganda work for a campaign of Arab terror to sabotage creation of a Jewish state. Read the Nation memorandum as a text file, with introduction by Jared Israel: The British Record on Partition. Or read the PDF file of the memorandum.

Wondering how a UN force in southern Lebanon could do any harm? Look what the OSCE Verification Mission did in Kosovo: trained and liasoned with the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army, for which substitute Hezbollah. See, “How NATO used the Kosovo Verification Mission to Liaison with the KLA and Stage Albanian Flight.”

Here are three first hand accounts of what NATO and the UN did after occupying Kosovo: “Nightmare by Design: NATO’s Makeover of the Kosovo Town of Orahovac”


“The Pictures Accuse: The Vatican and Nazism in Germany and Croatia” 
Evidence the Vatican helped German and Croatian Nazis.

Did Noam Chomsky Really Defend Serbia? Chomsky Debates TENC editor Jared Israel
 Oppose Fascist Rock Star's US Tour with the Truth
Part 1
by Jared Israel
[Nov. 3, 2007]

NATO Stages a War Provocation in the Balkans
News with analysis by Jared Israel
[Oct. 11, 2007]

‘Slightly Fascist’? The New York Times Prods Croatia. Gently.
by Jared Israel
[1 August 2007]

Croatia: Holocaust Denial on Display
by Jared Israel
[12 February 2007]
[Na srpsko-hrvatskom]
[Deutsche Übersetzung]

Insults, Cover-up and Incitement: Croatia's Mesic at the Israeli Knesset
* Croatian President Stjepan Mesic's supposed apology, delivered at Israel's Knesset (parliament) 31 October 2001
* Critique by Jared Israel (revised 14 February)
[12 February 2007]

“Far more than shameless”
 A Survivor Talks About Croatia’s ‘Museum’ at Jasenovac
Interview with Smilja Tišma (Belgrade), President, Organization of Survivors
Interviewer: Jovan Skendžić 
[5 February 2007]
[Na srpsko-hrvatskom]

Efraim Zuroff of Wiesenthal Center's Israel Office Replies to Jared Israel
[16 January 2007]

The suppressed history of the Holocaust in Croatia
For the first time on the internet, the full text of Yad Vashem's Encyclopedia of the Holocaust article "Croatia," which the Vatican and US and German governments hope you won't read. Also Jared Israel on the opening of the Croatian government's Holocaust-denying Holocaust exhibition, with tragic participation of Jewish, Serbian and Roma representatives; on how the US State Department misuses Washington's Holocaust Museum to market Holocaust denial; and with evidence of the Western media suppressing reports of fascism among Croatia's top officials.
[1 January 2007]
[Na srpsko-hrvatskom]

“Ahmadinejad's World”: A Nightmare in Iran
By Matthias Küntzel
Comment by Jared Israel
[25 September 2006]

Terror on a Very Small Planet
Belgrade, Spring 1999 - New York, 11 September 2001.
Photo montage created by Illarion Bykov
Text by Jared Israel
[Text revised 11 September 2006 - Original post, 2 October 2001]

Nasrallah Delivered
by Jared Israel
Edited by Samantha Criscione
Jenin terrorist leader and PA police chief Zakariya Zubeidi says Hezbollah's weapons, money and coordination have been crucial for Palestinian terror...
[Revised 7 September 2006 - Original post, 14 August]

Lebanon’s Bankruptcy & UN Treachery: The Shebaa Farms Mock-Dispute
by Jared Israel
This article, originally posted 21 August, has been entirely rewritten.
[Revised 31 August 2006 - Original post, 21 August]

Hezbollah Says Lebanon Will Prevent Weapons Smuggling... to Hezbollah
(They would like Italy to run international force, but France is good too.)
Interview from Corriere della Sera, published in English on TENC
Comment by Jared Israel
[30 August 2006]

The UN Ceasefire & Israel’s Policy of Disaster
by Jared Israel
[21 August 2006]
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(1) Milosevic: Not a war criminal, not a great hero, but a media creation used to demonize the Serbs

(2) Crime, terror and racism: what NATO and the UN have wrought in Kosovo (and Macedonia)

(3) Serbs, Muslims, Albanians, Croats and NATO: who stood for what; who did what and to whom

(4) Media misinformation about Yugoslavia

(5) The Hague Tribunal: justice or travesty?

(6) Why the Serbs feared being ruled by Albanian secessionists, Bosnian Muslim extremists and Croatian neo-fascists. (You would too...)

(7) US goals in the Balkans

(8) Articles on the Srebrenica massacre charge

(9) NATO financing and instigation of the October 2000 coup in Yugoslavia

(10) Life in Yugoslavia after the October 2000 coup

(11) Serbian-Jewish relations


(1) Evidence of high-level government complicity

(2) Interviews related to 9-11 & Afghanistan

(3) Osama Bin Laden’s involvement in Western attacks on Afghanistan and the Balkans. Evidence he kept his ties with the CIA.

(4) US/West European links to Islamic Fundamentalism

(5) Evidence that “Strategic Racism”is the method of the US/Euro Empire.

(6) What is the US/Euro Strategy in Central Asia? We argue that it’s not about oil...

 The Media has been Apologizing for Hezbollah and Lebanon for Six Years: Case in Point, the Financial Times
An October 2000 article lied to create sympathy for Hezbollah’s Lebanon-supported war against Israel and incitement of terror.
Comments by Jared Israel
[14 August 2006]

In October 2000 Lebanon’s Information Minister Endorsed Hezbollah’s Incitement to Murder and its Kidnapping of Israeli soldiers - on US TV Comments by Jared Israel
Includes Lebanese PM Siniora’s mind boggling explanation of Lebanon’s casus belli , Shebaa Farms, as broadcast on US television, 21 April 2006.
14 August 2006]

Hezbollah’s Instigation; US Government’s Complicity
News reports and transcripts documenting a) Hezbollah instigation of murder and b) US doubletalk over Hezbollah’s Lebanese cabinet posts.
Comments by Jared Israel.
[Posted 29 July 2006 - Updated 4 August]

Al Manar (Hezbollah TV) Dramatizes the ‘Blood Libel’
Reaching millions with antisemitic lies derived from the Catholic Church.
[29 July 2006]

US and UK Set Israel Up for Media Attack and NATO-Type Intervention
by Jared Israel
[22 July 2006 - Revised 29 July]

The ‘Unilateral Disengagement’ Swindle and US-Israeli Relations - Part 1
by Samantha Criscione
[18 July 2006]

How the Vatican Legitimized the PLO and Coerced Israel to Recognize It
News reports with comments by Jared Israel
[17 July 2006]

In 2004, Italian Court Ruled: Jail Montenegrin PM Djukanovic as Mafioso
Why have no English-language newspapers or TV covered this story?
by Samantha Criscione
[1 June 2006]
[Procitajte ovaj tekst na srpsko-hrvatskom]

Montenegrin PM Djukanovic’s Lawyer Puts Foot in Mouth
Attorney boasts: referendum means PM can’t be jailed for Mafia crimes.
31 May 2006]
[Procitajte ovaj tekst na srpsko-hrvatskom]

Did the Catholic Church help German Nazism?
New section of “The Pictures Accuse: The Catholic Church and Nazism in Germany and Croatia”
by Jared Israel
[12 April 2006]

Journalist Karl du Fresne finds TENC’s comparison between his (admitted) anti-Serb racism and antisemitism “so offensive.” Jared Israel replies
[4 April 2006]

Reader asks: “Why do you say that media attacks on Milosevic are in effect attacks on the Serbian people?” Jared Israel replies.
[17 March 2006]On the Demonization of the ‘Media Milosevic’: How and why it is Done and why it is Nonsense
by Jared Israel
[15 March 2006]

First Reaction to the Death of Slobodan Milosevic
by Jared Israel
[12 March 2006]

On the Destruction of Yugoslavia: Who did What and to Whom. Articles from Emperor’s Clothes
by Jared Israel
[12 March 2006]

Egypt: Elephant in the Living Room of Gaza ‘Disengagement,’
by Jared Israel
[19 September 2005]

Confessions of a Once-Hopeful Leftist, or How ‘Disengagement’ Reveals True Character of  Proposed Arab State in West Bank & Gaza
by Jared Israel
[22 August 2005] Em Português

The British Record on Partition
The full text of the Nation magazine’s 1948 UN memorandum. Based on British intelligence reports, it explodes the PLO’s core myth of National Liberation.

- PDF file of original 
[26 July 2005]

Relevant document: Poster produced 28 April 1948 by (Jewish) Haifa Workers’ Council urging Arab Workers not to Flee Haifa

Why Should one Read Articles Refuting the Srebrenica Massacre Accusation?
by Jared Israel and Petar Makara
Includes UN report on genocide against Serbs living near Srebrenica.
[10 June 2005]  [Procitajte ovaj tekst na srpsko-hrvatskom]

Evidence that the Supposed Srebrenica Execution Video is a lie

Srebrenica “Execution” Video, Part 3: The Media Moves Mountains
By Jared Israel Procitajte ovaj tekst na srpsko-hrvatskom]
[10 July 2005]

Srebrenica “Execution” Video, Part 2: Mission Impossible
By Jared Israel [Procitajte ovaj tekst na srpsko-hrvatskom]
[2 July 2005] Material added 12pm EDT, 4 July, destroys video story.

Srebrenica “Execution” Video, Part 1: What I’ll prove and how I’ll do it
By Jared Israel
[24 June 2005] [Procitajte ovaj tekst na srpsko-hrvatskom]

UN Military Officer Carlos Branco asks, “Was Srebrenica a Hoax?”
Comments by Jared Israel and Petar Makara
[16 June 2005]

Historian who wrote “Zionism: False Messiah” Reverses anti-Israel Views
Nathan Weinstock’s “Stories of Dogs,” with comments by Jared Israel.
[Reposted 27 May 2005] in Italiano * auf Deutsch

Truth or hype? Vatican policies under Pope John Paul II
regarding Jews and the Holocaust, Yugoslavia and El Salvador
Part 1. Did the Pope Reject Church Antisemitism? Mr. Foxman’s Mistake
Written by Jared Israel, edited by Samantha Criscione
[21 April 2005]

Part 2. Did the Pope Reject Church Antisemitism? Mr. Laughland’s Adulation
Written by Jared Israel, edited by Samantha Criscione
[29 April 2005]

Part 3. As Pope flew to Israel, a Top Adviser Attacked the Jews
Written by Jared Israel, edited by Samantha Criscione
[17 May 2005]

The Pictures Tell the Tale: The Vatican and Nazism in Germany and Croatia
Photo montage, with text by Jared Israel
[23 April 2005] New material added 2May, 10am Eastern US time

Bosnia-Herzegovina - Origin of the Myth of a Tolerant, Pluralistic Islam
By Bat Ye’or
Comments by Petar Makara
[30 March 2005]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Slavic au pairs in humanitarian London..

Slaves of the 21st Century
by Urban Fox (London Times)
Comment by Jared Israel
[10 January 2005]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Bush & the Media Cover-Up the Jihad Schoolbook Scandal
Why has the US been Shipping Muslim extremist schoolbooks into Afghanistan for over 20 Years? And why is George W. Bush hiding it?
by Jared Israel
[First posted 9 April 2002 * Re-Posted 1 January 2005]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Assembly Line of Deceit...

The Western Media and the Ukraine Poison Story
by Illarion Bykov, Jared Israel, and Samantha Criscione
[27 December 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Are Western leaders right to eulogize Arafat as a hero of progressive change? To answer, one must understand the origins and goals of his movement

Serbian Condolences to the Jews for the Life of Arafat
by Petar Makara
[22 November 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Election Myth #1: George Bush Fights Muslim Terror
by Jared Israel
[2 November 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

As Israeli forces fight Hamas and Arafat’s Fatah in the Gaza Strip, we need to cut through a mountain of misinformation

What Occupied Territories?
(Refuting Arab League Information Minister Hanan Ashrawi & others)
by Prof. Efraim Karsh
Comment by Jared Israel
[3 October 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Misrepresenting the deadliest confrontation
since the supposed end of the Cold War
Critical Lies, Part 3
Afghanistan: The War the Establishment Wants us to Forget
by Jared Israel
[24 September 2004]

Critical Lies, Part 2
Moore’s own ‘Defense’ Shows he’s Lying
by Jared Israel
[20 September 2004]

Critical Lies, Part 1
How Michael Moore’s Movie Covers up the Attack on Russia
by Jared Israel
[14 September 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Ex-Security Chief Brzezinski’s Interview makes clear: The Muslim Terror Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon
Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s Adviser
Comments by Jared Israel: Are we witnessing the Brzezinski doctrine in action today?
[6 September 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

‘Lies the (London) Guardian told me,’ or ‘The Return of Villainy’
by Jared Israel
Reporter Ed Vulliamy repeats his 1992 claim that the Bosnian Serbs were running death camps, re-publishing one of his “death camp” photos...
EC’s Editor responds
[3 September 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Future of Serbian people is at stake...

Milosevic must Dissociate from Tainted ‘Friends’
by Petar Makara (Makarov)
Editor, Srpska Mreza
Contributing Editor, Emperor’s Clothes
[1 September 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

How Ramsey Clark Championed Baltic Nazi War Criminals
...and he’s still doing it
by Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser
Ramsey Clark is one of the apologists for Fascism associated with the Milosevic publicity committee. (See article below)
[19 June 2003 * Re-posted 29 August 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Apologists for Fascism have Become the Public ‘Voice’ of Milosevic
This is an attempt to tar the Serbs
by Jared Israel
[24 August 2004]

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Why are we ‘dredging up’ Croatia’s past?

The Western Media Suppressed the Truth about the
Rebirth of Croatian Clerical-Fascism
by Jared Israel
Emperor’s Clothes
[11 August 2004]

Some N.Y. Times Articles did Warn about Croatian
Fascism...Seven Years Late
Three NY Times articles
Comments by Jared Israel
[11 August 2004]

The 1947 Yugoslav Embassy report on Catholic Church crimes in
Ustashe (Nazi) Croatia is available as a word file for printing.
You may distribute the report freely using both this word file and the
Internet version.

August is the 9th anniversary of “The Trail of Tears.” As the world
watched, a quarter million Serbs were driven from their homeland by
US-led Croat troops.  The road in the picture below is called the
‘Highway of Brotherhood and Unity.’

Serb farmers forced from the Krajina, Yugoslavia, in August 1995
Click for larger, clearer image

On 4 August 1995, the Croatian Army invaded the Krajina section of Yugoslavia. Within a few days 250,000 Serbian residents were refugees or dead. Croatian death squads then combed the area, hunting those who could not or would not leave. Thus ended a five year struggle - from 1990 to 1995 - during which the Krajina Serbs resisted domination by secessionist Croatia. Why did they resist? To begin to understand, please read “The Case of Archbishop Stepinac,” the 1947 report issued by the Yugoslav Embassy in Washington DC. Written to justify the trial of Croatian Catholic Archbishop Stepinac, the report describes how the Catholic Church formed the backbone of the Nazi Ustashe state, which tried to destroy the Serbs as a people.

The Case of Archbishop Stepinac
How the Catholic Church helped create and govern Nazi Croatia during World War II
Published by the Embassy of Yugoslavia, Washington, 1947
Text-only version (no pictures)
[2 August 2004]

« Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 08:21:39 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Husar

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Re: Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 08:30:45 PM »
"The Emperor’s New Clothes"
is indeed excellent.

"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."


Offline mord

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Re: Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 08:51:06 PM »
"The Emperor’s New Clothes"
is indeed excellent.

Yes it's very good :)
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline serbian army

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Re: Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2007, 08:52:46 PM »
very good ;D
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,


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Re: Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2007, 05:41:11 AM »
Thank you for your message.
That isa great site!

 :) !

Offline Boyana

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Re: Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2009, 04:33:54 AM »
Just to remind new people on the Forum to visit this blog.

Offline Balkanespresso

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Re: Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2009, 05:20:07 AM »
Just to remind new people on the Forum to visit this blog.

Hvala ti puno Boyana,

This site looks great.  I'm sure I'll have hours of reading on here.

Pozdrav iz Bahraina

Speak the truth, then leave quickly.

Offline Boyana

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Re: Very great Serbian/Jewish blog and information
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2009, 06:53:49 AM »
Welcome brother and I hope you will have a good time with us here.
 :israel: :serbia: