General Category > Introduce Yourself

From a basement in Scandinavia I present ME!

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The Debater:
Let me indtroduce myself.

I'm 16, I live in Denmark and is a political debater.

I like to discuss religion, history and everything that touches our everyday life.

I'm not jewish, nor christian, in other words I'm against religion in it's puriest form!

I'm not here to make friends, spreading proporganda or denigrate anyone due to thei racial background or religion! I'm only here to parcipitate in disscusion and respresent myself and other who share my believes in how life and humans SHOULD be.

The Debater


Debater, do you share the concerns of other Danes about the muslim community in Denmark.

PS: Thankyou  to your fellow Danes for Mohammad cartoons and Folkboats (folkebad I think in Danish??)

Welcome, The Debater .

Hail Columbia:
Welcome to the board.


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