Answer, JTF supports the wonderful Serbs 1000%! They have been loyal friends of America and the Jews.
This is not the place for a Croatian to come and accuse them of war crimes. Look at your own history, and how your Ustasha leaders collaborated with the Nazis and put the Serbs in concentration camps. And more recently us New Yorkers have to deal with that Croatian band Thompson coming into our country.
I can't say I blame the Serbs considering that Croatians wanted to go back to having a nazi Croatian state just like in 1941.
Yeah, right.. you should hear what they think about America and Americans.. you would change your opinion..
And that Thompson that you consistly talk about is not even popular in Croatia, everybody who has some taste in music describe his music as "junk".. and yes, some kids appear on his concerts wearing all kinds of signatures .. and what the f do they know.. they are 15 or 16 years old (born in the 90is!)
Lisa if you are smart, you should inform your self (I repeat:
YOUR SELF) with some history facts and the whole picture between Croats and Serbs before you make such hard accusations.. You should know that Serbs never liked Croats, and that they allways dreamed about country called "great serbia" wich includes allmost half of the Croatian territory, and that attitude begins long time before WWII..
Yes, that former state, called NDH was a "black spot" in Croatia's history, but that was total regime, and that was artifitial made state.. (there were no "ellections", that was not a "free will of a nation".. ) .. and may I inform you, that TODAY, greatest political party in serb parlament are the radicals.. yes, the same one that caused so many wars in the 90is.. (I will repeat that, because it's very important to know: THE SAME ONE WHO CAUSED ALL THE WARS, AND THE SAME ONE WHO ATTACKED CROATIA are STILL.. MOST POPULAR POLITICAL PARTY IN SERBIA) - and that's not an accusation, that's a FACT..
So Lisa, I believe, you are smart.. so try to inform your self about some history facts.. (and just a friendly advice - if you see a sign "chetnik", you sholud be very carefull.. )