this how hagia sophia should look, this should be the holiest fight of every christian orthodox in world

The Holy Hagia Sophia is the Mother of all Churches, for 1500 years. Since it was a desecrated into a mosque, and now a museum, it is a pain in the hearths of all of us. We do know the sufferings of the Orthodox Church. We are starting to feel the near future can be the same here too. Nobody knows what will happen as the mostermuslims' children will be majority here in 2050.
We all wish muslimturkey dead. It may never enter the E.U. as that will be the end of our freedom. The E.U. is a dictatorship that never listens to the will of our people. They say we are "racists". I have no doubt turkey will enter soon.
The E.U. (NATO and U.S.A) is a puppet of our enemies, that want to destroy the European people and rule Eurasia, at the cost of its best people. For Russia, especially the southern borders, France, Great-Brittain, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, Greece, Balkans, Bulgaria, Rumania, Vatican, are under the direct threat of islamic conquest from within. The invaders are breeding an millions man army on our soil. They listen to the commands of allah, the devil himself.
This is the moment to wake up the people! In West-Europe only 3 little countries, the Danish, Swiss , and Flemish are awake.
The use of force in self-defense is justified. "You shall not kill", will be soon forgotten as the hordes of the monster of evil will try to wipe us out.
Forgive the Crusaders for attacking Constantinopolis, and this Church in 1204. They were blinded by their goal to finish the muslim occupation of Jeruzalem.
2 of my fore-fathers went and came back from Crusade. I respect them. They fought, came back and made a prosperous family.