Hey.......no disrespect to the French but they deserve it.
Punishment from G-d for the Dreyfuss affair and the collaboration with the Nazis.
Today a MuslimNaziPig told me that the recent Fires in California, and Hurricane Catherina are the revenge of Mu'd&moonghost... for you know what of course.... I set this counts for Iran too (earthquake of Bam).
Oh but Shias are not really Muslim.....(....)
I told him I am pro-USA&Israel. Should have seen his face...
.... .... MNP :"euh , you believe in g'd? " me:"Yes of course!" MNP: "you know allah and God are the same , we believe in Isa too,...." Me:"No, I think our Bible/Thora, is a Sacred , not your Koran, just does not even come close to it , it is more the opposite." MNP:"Do you know what Jihad really means....(....)"
Then he continued about the American Army "controlled demolition" of WTC 7, 1, 2. HAHA
Are you Jewish?? He asked my name ., Oh, so you're not Jewish...,
"If you were a Jew, a swear , I'd kill you. If you were a Jew, a swear , I'd really kill you. But you're Christian, You're OK"
I told him that he maybe should learn from his enemies instead of killing them.