Author Topic: Is it "Un-American" to question suspicious airline passengers?  (Read 2373 times)

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Offline Mstislav

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Is it "Un-American" to question suspicious airline passengers?
« on: November 08, 2007, 06:46:44 PM »
With a new airline profiling suit upon us, it is important to bear in mind who would stand to gain the most if such suits succeed: jihad terrorists, who would have free reign in airports with passengers too afraid of being sued to report suspicious behavior.

"Is It 'UnAmerican' To Question Suspicious Airline Passengers? The New Racial Profiling Lawsuits," by Annie Jacobsen for Pajamas Media:

Six Iraqi natives announced in Detroit last week that they are suing American Airlines for “hundreds of thousands of dollars” because they were racially profiled, leaving at least one of the six feeling “violated.” Putting aside the inaccurate charge—racial profiling is defined as the practice of substituting skin color for evidence as grounds for suspicion by law enforcement officials; the men’s skin color was never an issue—the real question to be asked of this scenario is, are groups of Middle Eastern men purposefully behaving suspiciously in airports and on airplanes in an effort to cash in on America’s civil justice system?
The Director of Safety and Security for at least one airline, Sun Country Airlines, believes this may be true.

“There are some groups out there pushing the limits to reap the rewards of what happened on 9/11,” Tony Loeks told PJM in an interview. “They behave in a non-violent but suspicious manner to get themselves pulled off the aircraft with the result being a civil suit against the airline.”

Read it all.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 10:00:55 AM by Mstislav »
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

Because the West needs to be won again and the stakes couldn't be higher . . .

Offline Mstislav

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Re: Is it "Un-American" to question suspicious airline passengers?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2007, 06:55:32 PM »
Yet more cries of victimization from the ROP. The arab islamic filth should not get one cent.
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

Because the West needs to be won again and the stakes couldn't be higher . . .