Author Topic: Words from a Righteous Gentile: Don't Divide Israel  (Read 1304 times)

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Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Words from a Righteous Gentile: Don't Divide Israel
« on: November 08, 2007, 10:52:04 PM »
A Word of the Lord to President Bush & His Administration:
"If you divide My land ( Jerusalem), I will divide your Nation ( The United States).
"Not only will your land be divided, but you will be invaded from the North, South, East and West. There will be rebellion everywhere. Smoke will go up from your cities. Anguish and crying will fill your Land and you, President Bush, will be ashamed. You say you believe in Me, but you do not listen to my prophet, Zechariah, ' for he that touches you ( Zion) sticks his finger in the My eye!' And, have you not read the prophet, Ezekiel, " Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen...and will gather them...and bring them into their own land ( Israel)...And I will make them ONE nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel...and Neither shall they be DIVIDED into TWO nations any more, at all..." By what you measure, you will be measured; by what you meet out, you will get in return; by what you sow, you shall surely reap.
"Your vision for two Nations living in harmony, side by side, is not My plan. For I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who took Israel out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. I AM the God of Freedom and you dare to pollute my land with a people who have kept my people, Israel, in bondage for thousands of years! Do not break your teeth in fighting Me. Repent and get off your 'road' to destruction and I will repent of my just judgment and spare your Nation. Selah!"
What spirit has deceived Ariel Sharon, President Bush, Condoleezza Rice and turned the Western World over to that old serpent, the devil?
Is it the same spirit that had the British, during the 1940's, turn back European Jewish immigrants to Israel, who had escaped Hitler's death camps?
What happen to the British Empire after it DIVIDED the Jewish Homeland, giving 75% of the land designated by the League of Nations and its own British Mandate via the Balfour Agreement of 1917, to Abdullah, brother of former King Feisal, of Iraq?
The British empire was DIVIDED. You see, there is a divine principle here, stare desisis; 'You divide My land, I'll divide your land'.
History has shown that "land for peace' hasn't worked in Israel.
There is already a Palestinian State; it is called Jordan. It has been around since 1946!
So, why the call for 'another' Palestinian State?
This is a shell game, a con job and President Bush and Condoleezza Rice are being played like a fiddle. They are babes in the woods. The wolves are the Muslim propagandists and their accompanists, our leftist Press who paints little Israel as the aggressor against the gigantic, monolithic Arab world that surrounds her and wants to destroy her.
Ariel Sharon, the Prime Minister of Israel, has completely reversed his Zionist stand and is forcibly removing Jewish 'settlers' from their own homes in 'occupied lands' to appease President George Bush and his 'Road Map' to peace.
George W. Bush announced to the world in May 2005 that negotiations with the ' Palestinians' (which ones?) would begin with the 1949 borders of Israel; this was back when Jerusalem was DIVIDED. Today, after the 1967 war, when six Arab nations attacked Israel and lost, Jerusalem is UN-DIVIDED.
So, our President wants to DIVIDE Jerusalem, again! (Doesn't anyone ever learn not to cross the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob?)
So, the Lord is reminding us AGAIN not to DIVIDE Jerusalem or the United States of America will be DIVIDED.
One doesn't have to be a prophet to understand this warning!
And what is the spirit that is deceiving the nations? It is the anti-Christ spirit.
Jesus is Jewish! He had a Jewish mother!
Speaking of Jewish mothers, it is the women of Israel who are the only ones standing up to Sharon and his 'disengagement' plan. Jewish mothers and their children have made an Alamo stand at the Palm Beach Motel ( in Gush Katif, Israel ) but were bodily removed and manhandled by the storm troop, Israel police, on July 6, 2005!! Hard to believe but true.The Jewish police fighting against the mothers of Israel.
Nadia Matar, 75 year old Nazi death camp survivor, writes a chilling report, a prophetic call for help from Israel ( you will not see what she reports in the liberal American Mass Media). Nadia Matar is a real prophetic voice, in the face of an evil dictatorship ruling present day Israel. See her article at Spread the word. Our President Bush is on a collision course with the God of Israel!
The hatred of the Jews, by the Arabs and others, is the hatred of God because the Son of God, Jesus Christ is a Jew! "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish..."Psalm 2:12.
Now, because the President of the United States and his Secretary of State, are heeding the advise of the anti-Semitic State Department and the pressure of the Oil producing Arab Nations, instead of the Word of God, one can understand that we are about to be judged, DIVIDED and punished severely.
Warn the President. Sound the alarm! Blow the horn in Zion before it is too late!
David Paul Heimbold