
is it better to be an atheist or pagan than a muSSlim??

no, better a muslim than atheist/pagan
2 (18.2%)
yes, better an atheist/pagan
8 (72.7%)
allah fguckbar os ta one and only fguck yoo jeeeews & christians
1 (9.1%)
a muzzy is an atheist
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 1

Author Topic: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???  (Read 20779 times)

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Offline JR-Obilic

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2007, 01:46:31 AM »
if they are doing it only because their lost, I would tell them to go back and think about it.  however, if they convert because they see the world through Christian eyes then that's perfect.

i think overall, when approaching Muslims you have to be very considerate because they take their religion more seriously then most Christians.  Don't attack them, get them interested in and understanding Christianity before you start to debunk Islam.
All or nothing.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2007, 02:27:27 AM »
1- Trying to convert a Jew to another religion is forbidden.
2- Trying to convert a Goy to Judaism is also forbidden.
3- It's allowed to point out mistakes in Goyshe religions. So you can debate with Muslims and tell them what you find wrong in their books. But you must be carefull not to lead them towards atheism. If you feel a Muslim can become a Noahide, or believe in Hashem outside Islam, that's ok. But if the Muslim might become a secular, better keep silent.

I'm not sure I understand 3.

I would think even an atheist is better than a Muslim. 

Put it another way...suppose someone was a Satanist.  Would it be wrong to try to convert him out of his religion, even at the risk of making him an atheist?

A Muslim is not praying to the G-d of the Jews or Christians.  He is praying to Allah, a pagan moon G-d who preaches evil.  Islam is morally equivalent to Satanism.

I consider Satanists to be Atheists. Stanism is only a reaction to religious fundamentalism in Europe in the Middle Ages. They just worship Satan as a symbol of rebellion, but do not believe in it. Now, some youngsters call themselves Satanists to irk Christians, but are only atheists.
Regarding Muslims, they don't believe in the Moon. They just base their calendar on it. Perhaps ancient Arabs did. Muslims not.
Anyway, if a Muslim is violent I'd prefer him to become an Athesit rather than attacking others, but the Muslims you can convert out will nearly always be harmless. Terrorists won't even listen to you, they just kill you if you come near to them, and even worse if you question their beliefs.
And ex- Muslims can also become fundamentalist Arabs leftist like Nasser.

Offline Ulli

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2007, 07:09:51 AM »
1- Trying to convert a Jew to another religion is forbidden.
2- Trying to convert a Goy to Judaism is also forbidden.
3- It's allowed to point out mistakes in Goyshe religions. So you can debate with Muslims and tell them what you find wrong in their books. But you must be carefull not to lead them towards atheism. If you feel a Muslim can become a Noahide, or believe in Hashem outside Islam, that's ok. But if the Muslim might become a secular, better keep silent.

I'm not sure I understand 3.

I would think even an atheist is better than a Muslim. 

Put it another way...suppose someone was a Satanist.  Would it be wrong to try to convert him out of his religion, even at the risk of making him an atheist?

A Muslim is not praying to the G-d of the Jews or Christians.  He is praying to Allah, a pagan moon G-d who preaches evil.  Islam is morally equivalent to Satanism.

I consider Satanists to be Atheists. Stanism is only a reaction to religious fundamentalism in Europe in the Middle Ages. They just worship Satan as a symbol of rebellion, but do not believe in it. Now, some youngsters call themselves Satanists to irk Christians, but are only atheists.
Regarding Muslims, they don't believe in the Moon. They just base their calendar on it. Perhaps ancient Arabs did. Muslims not.
Anyway, if a Muslim is violent I'd prefer him to become an Athesit rather than attacking others, but the Muslims you can convert out will nearly always be harmless. Terrorists won't even listen to you, they just kill you if you come near to them, and even worse if you question their beliefs.
And ex- Muslims can also become fundamentalist Arabs leftist like Nasser.

No Raul,

the Muslimes don't believe in our G-d. The Tanach speakes in two cases of half-moon-amulets in the book of Book of Judges. The people of Midian wear them. This is no accident.

Mohammeds fathers name was Abd allah. Allah is the ancient moon G-d. The former name of allah was al ilāh.

Mohammed allowed the worshipping of the daugthers of allah for a short time. The name of this idols are:


You can read this in the satanic verses.


Raul, the beginning of the islamic cult was a pagan religion. Later they dressed this idol Allah with jewish and christian clothes. But all idols are thirsty of human blood.

The beginning of Christianity is Judaism.

This is a big difference.  :)


All Muzzies say, that the bible is falsified by the evil Jews and Christians.

I think no Christian believes in this absurdity. :)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 07:14:39 AM by Golden Pheasant »
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Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2007, 07:49:26 AM »
1- Trying to convert a Jew to another religion is forbidden.
2- Trying to convert a Goy to Judaism is also forbidden.
3- It's allowed to point out mistakes in Goyshe religions. So you can debate with Muslims and tell them what you find wrong in their books. But you must be carefull not to lead them towards atheism. If you feel a Muslim can become a Noahide, or believe in Hashem outside Islam, that's ok. But if the Muslim might become a secular, better keep silent.

I'm not sure I understand 3.

I would think even an atheist is better than a Muslim. 

Put it another way...suppose someone was a Satanist.  Would it be wrong to try to convert him out of his religion, even at the risk of making him an atheist?

A Muslim is not praying to the G-d of the Jews or Christians.  He is praying to Allah, a pagan moon G-d who preaches evil.  Islam is morally equivalent to Satanism.

I consider Satanists to be Atheists. Stanism is only a reaction to religious fundamentalism in Europe in the Middle Ages. They just worship Satan as a symbol of rebellion, but do not believe in it. Now, some youngsters call themselves Satanists to irk Christians, but are only atheists.
Regarding Muslims, they don't believe in the Moon. They just base their calendar on it. Perhaps ancient Arabs did. Muslims not.
Anyway, if a Muslim is violent I'd prefer him to become an Athesit rather than attacking others, but the Muslims you can convert out will nearly always be harmless. Terrorists won't even listen to you, they just kill you if you come near to them, and even worse if you question their beliefs.
And ex- Muslims can also become fundamentalist Arabs leftist like Nasser.

No Raul,

the Muslimes don't believe in our G-d. The Tanach speakes in two cases of half-moon-amulets in the book of Book of Judges. The people of Midian wear them. This is no accident.

Mohammeds fathers name was Abd allah. Allah is the ancient moon G-d. The former name of allah was al il?h.

Mohammed allowed the worshipping of the daugthers of allah for a short time. The name of this idols are:


You can read this in the satanic verses.


Raul, the beginning of the islamic cult was a pagan religion. Later they dressed this idol Allah with jewish and christian clothes. But all idols are thirsty of human blood.

The beginning of Christianity is Judaism.

This is a big difference.  :)


All Muzzies say, that the bible is falsified by the evil Jews and Christians.

I think no Christian believes in this absurdity. :)

Thanks for proving Islam is a pagan cult dressed up as 'monotheism'
these morons even have the false pretension ,Jews, falsified the original Tora....
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2007, 02:05:33 PM »
The God of Islam is the one and unique, all mighty creator, therefore it is the true GOD. However Mohamed's pretending to carry the word of GOD is clearly false.

Offline Ulli

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2007, 02:13:05 PM »
The G-d of Islam is the one and unique, all mighty creator, therefore it is the true G-d. However Mohamed's pretending to carry the word of G-d is clearly false.

I can only repeat it. The origin of Allah is pagan. Allah is an idol.

You mention the attributes of Allah. But why are all texts from the Tanach in the Koran falsified. This is really demoniacal.

In the Koran are the Jews liers and criminals. In the Tanach they have an eternal covenant with god. ???
« Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 02:14:59 PM by Golden Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2007, 02:16:17 PM »
The G-d of Islam is the one and unique, all mighty creator, therefore it is the true G-d. However Mohamed's pretending to carry the word of G-d is clearly false.

I can only repeat it. The origin of Allah is pagan. Allah is an idol.

You mention the attributes of Allah. But why are all texts from the Tanach in the Koran falsified. This is really demoniacal.

The name Allah descends from al ilah. And changes in preislamic time to the today known name allah. Mohammeds father wears the name Allah in his Name. Abadallah.
So we can be shure that the name Allah exists in preislamic time.
Allah the moongod, marries the sun and gets three daughters. Manat Uzza Lat and a lot of others. All doughters of Allah are in the believe of the arabs the stars.
There are the Satanic Verses, that prove us, that the Koran was changed. Originally Allah has in the Islam this three doughters.
Mohammed is a cheater, who takes the tin gods of the arabic pantheon unclothes them of many attributes of paganism and clothes them with stories he has picked up from jews and christians, but he didn't understand what he heard.

Offline EagleEye

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2007, 02:31:58 PM »
They may not proselityze, but in case a Jew wants to be baptized.... do you think they'll say NO?
Christians of course accept Jewish participation.  Lawrence Auster is an example, born Jewish but converted to Christianity.


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2007, 02:33:33 PM »
They may not proselityze, but in case a Jew wants to be baptized.... do you think they'll say NO?
Christians of course accept Jewish participation.  Lawrence Auster is an example, born Jewish but converted to Christianity.
He's a deluded self-hater.

Offline EagleEye

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2007, 02:39:41 PM »
I enjoy his politics, I don't care too much for his religion.


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #35 on: December 07, 2007, 03:06:33 PM »
I personally have in the past devoted many hours to trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, I haven't had much success, but I think it's definitely a good thing to try and do.


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #36 on: December 07, 2007, 03:08:39 PM »
I personally have in the past devoted many hours to trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, I haven't had much success, but I think it's definitely a good thing to try and do.
A bit death defying, though.


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2007, 03:12:21 PM »
I personally have in the past devoted many hours to trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, I haven't had much success, but I think it's definitely a good thing to try and do.
A bit death defying, though.
If they want to kill me, I care not.


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #38 on: December 07, 2007, 03:18:52 PM »
I personally have in the past devoted many hours to trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, I haven't had much success, but I think it's definitely a good thing to try and do.
A bit death defying, though.
If they want to kill me, I care not.
If the silly buggers can believe that raping animal Mo is a prophet you'd think they'd believe anything. You should be able to convert them to Polynesian volcano worship.

Offline Sarah

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2007, 05:48:06 PM »
I personally have in the past devoted many hours to trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, I haven't had much success, but I think it's definitely a good thing to try and do.

On the other hand a great deal of christians convert to Islam.


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2007, 06:18:07 PM »
I personally have in the past devoted many hours to trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, I haven't had much success, but I think it's definitely a good thing to try and do.

On the other hand a great deal of christians convert to Islam.
But the playing field isn't level. Christians don't kill people who convert to another faith. Over half of converts to iSSlam revert after a few years or become atheist

Offline firster555

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2007, 06:56:46 PM »
Allah is not the same God as the Jewish and Christian God. It is most definitely a made up pagan God by the pedophile prophet. Well, actually, not made up but created to another level. Yes, it is a moon God that had three daughters and so on, just as a few here rightfully explained. Even worse though, it was a rock. muhammad's father ran the kabba. He was a businessman. There were hundreds of idols in the kabba that people paid to come and worship and take care of. Many different pagan Gods were stored there, and the worshippers paid rent to mo's dad. People think the pet rock was invented in the 1970's, not so, credit must go to the predecessors of islam here.
The reason most converts from islam turn to atheism is that their God is so awfully evil and they have had it, falsely, drilled into their heads, that allah is the same God as the Jewish and Christian God, that they turn from any religion. I still would rather see them as atheists then as muslims. Atheists don't want me to put up a Christmas tree, muslims want to kill me for it. I would even rather see them become satanists, heard of any satanist terrorist attacks lately?
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man. Brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2007, 08:05:54 PM »
I personally have in the past devoted many hours to trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, I haven't had much success, but I think it's definitely a good thing to try and do.

On the other hand a great deal of christians convert to Islam.
Many Muslims become Christian, I was only saying, that I personally have failed to cause such an occurrence so far.

Offline Sarah

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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #43 on: December 09, 2007, 05:15:17 AM »
Allah is not the same G-d as the Jewish and Christian G-d. It is most definitely a made up pagan G-d by the pedophile prophet. Well, actually, not made up but created to another level. Yes, it is a moon G-d that had three daughters and so on, just as a few here rightfully explained. Even worse though, it was a rock. muhammad's father ran the kabba. He was a businessman. There were hundreds of idols in the kabba that people paid to come and worship and take care of. Many different pagan Gods were stored there, and the worshippers paid rent to mo's dad. People think the pet rock was invented in the 1970's, not so, credit must go to the predecessors of islam here.
The reason most converts from islam turn to atheism is that their G-d is so awfully evil and they have had it, falsely, drilled into their heads, that allah is the same G-d as the Jewish and Christian G-d, that they turn from any religion. I still would rather see them as atheists then as muslims. Atheists don't want me to put up a Christmas tree, muslims want to kill me for it. I would even rather see them become satanists, heard of any satanist terrorist attacks lately?

The God  that muslims believe in is "The God", there is only one God that of the Jews and Christians and so their beliefs are in reference to same God.

In the Kabah there did reside an idol called Allah. The word Allah means The God in arabic. If the idol worshippers believed that the piece of stone was God then that would be a name they would call it.

I don't think that the "moon God" point is valid. Since Islam is a monotheistic religion.


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Re: Am i allowed to convert muslims away from islam???
« Reply #44 on: December 09, 2007, 06:01:34 AM »
Allah is not the same G-d as the Jewish and Christian G-d. It is most definitely a made up pagan G-d by the pedophile prophet. Well, actually, not made up but created to another level. Yes, it is a moon G-d that had three daughters and so on, just as a few here rightfully explained. Even worse though, it was a rock. muhammad's father ran the kabba. He was a businessman. There were hundreds of idols in the kabba that people paid to come and worship and take care of. Many different pagan Gods were stored there, and the worshippers paid rent to mo's dad. People think the pet rock was invented in the 1970's, not so, credit must go to the predecessors of islam here.
The reason most converts from islam turn to atheism is that their G-d is so awfully evil and they have had it, falsely, drilled into their heads, that allah is the same G-d as the Jewish and Christian G-d, that they turn from any religion. I still would rather see them as atheists then as muslims. Atheists don't want me to put up a Christmas tree, muslims want to kill me for it. I would even rather see them become satanists, heard of any satanist terrorist attacks lately?

The G-d  that muslims believe in is "The G-d", there is only one G-d that of the Jews and Christians and so their beliefs are in reference to same G-d.

In the Kabah there did reside an idol called Allah. The word Allah means The G-d in arabic. If the idol worshippers believed that the piece of stone was G-d then that would be a name they would call it.

I don't think that the "moon G-d" point is valid. Since Islam is a monotheistic religion.
The name Allah descends from al ilah. And changes in preislamic time to the today known name allah. Mohammeds father wears the name Allah in his Name. Abadallah.
So we can be shure that the name Allah exists in preislamic time.
Allah the moongod, marries the sun and gets three daughters. Manat Uzza Lat and a lot of others. All doughters of Allah are in the believe of the arabs the stars.
There are the Satanic Verses, that prove us, that the Koran was changed. Originally Allah has in the Islam this three doughters.
Mohammed is a cheater, who takes the tin gods of the arabic pantheon unclothes them of many attributes of paganism and clothes them with stories he has picked up from jews and christians, but he didn't understand what he heard.