Save Western Civilization > Save America

The Black Panthers

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I seriously dont know how anyone can take these people seriously there speakers literally sounded mildly retarded and severly racist

You must take these creatures seriously. Shabazz has been around for approx. 15 years. As leader of the new black panther party he speaks on college campuses, has addressed the congressional black caucus several times, has numerous radio and tv apperances, press conferences and is a well repected leader of the black tribes. He is a close confidant of charles barron, charlie rangal, cynthia mckinney and the rest of the tribe. He has a lot of influence with the 'hip hop' community and is well recieved by the black clergy. I have followed their antics for a long time. THEY ARE GROWING STRONGER DAY BY DAY!!!!

I know, I meant how can people follow them. Not only are they evil scum, they also sound like they took one too many blows to the head

We are dealing with primitives that cannot fend for themselves. They are creatures that evolution has passed by. They try so hard to believe that when the white universities reward them worthless college degrees that they are equal. They are nothing more than what self hating whites award them. Most of the so-called  black college grads have a degree in african american studies, sociology, education, or some other useless track of education that has no use and no vialble use in a world that will not need these rapists, robbers, muggers, vermin, food stamp users, aid to dependent children, earned income tax credit users that was given for this  trash that has never worked but the federal gov. gives them 2000 dollars on their tax return (even though they have never held a job)  for every illegitimate bastard that they want to spread thier legs to inflict on white people that pay their bills


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 01, 2006, 09:23:44 AM ---they also sound like they took one too many blows to the head
--- End quote ---



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