Here's what I know for Serbian:
I am: Ja sam (pronounce "Ya" sam, like in german: "j"="y")
mother: mater
son: sin
daughter: (old Serbian dokcer, dokcher) 'kcer ('kcher)
brother: (old Serbian brater) brat
sister: sestra
milk: mleko
seat down: sedi dole
throat: vrat
knee: koleno
blue: plavo
water: voda
(By the way:
for the "infinitive"
form in grammar:
to (something), in English,
ti, in Serbian,
we deal here with the "T" letter,
whereas in germanic,
you've got the "en" or "ein" form,
for instance "gehen", to go,
same as in Greek,
for instance "potein", to drink,
which gives it a german
"look", structure)
wo(u)lf: (old Serbian vulk) vuk (volk in Russian)
bear: bral (bralin=berlin)
beard: brada
(eye-)brow: obrva
to eat: jesti (yesti)
again some grammar:
en: jed
en (yeden)
gold: zlato
golden: zlatan
to lie: lagati (germanic lügen)
to slam: slomiti
to stoop: stupati
hard: tv(a)rd
guest: gost
sun: sunce
grave: grob
to beat: biti
day: dan
night: noc (notch)
mouse: mis (mish)
new: novo
heart: srce (s'art'se)
tamed: pitom
dear: drag(i)
down: dole
meat: meso
mute: mutav
love: ljubav (lyoobav) (liebe, in german)
hehemmmm, to piss: pis(h)ati
both: oba
yester(day): jucer (yoocher)
to lick: lizati
to suck: sisati
to stay: stajati (stayati)
log: log
buffalo: bivol
young: jun (yoon)
I: Ja (Ya)
snow: sneg
no: ne
saddle: sedlo
murk: mrk
to sit: sesti
ale: alevina
book: bukvar
divine: divno
nacked: nag
left: levo
east: istok
one: jedan (yedan)
two: dva
three: tri
six: sest
seven: sedam
eight: osam
thousand: tisuc (teesooch)
stone: stena
goose: guska
swine: svinja (svinya)
plough: plug
wine: vino
my: moj (moy)
nose: nos
thin: tanak
flame: plamen
will: volja (volya)
smile: osmeh, smej se (smey se)
tree: drvo
boat: brod
to be: biti
thorn: trn
apple: jabuka (yabooka) (Russian: jabloko, yabloko)
widow: udovica
need: njuzda (nyoozda)
small: mali
idle: igla
many: mnogo
light (not heavy): lak, lagan
to deal: delati
breast: p(e)rsa
rib (bone): rebro
to hurry: zuriti, juriti (yooriti)
habits: obicaj (obitshay)
desk: daska
boots: obuca (obootsha)
nest: gnezdo
For a few ones...
Such a list can be done
with german/Serbian comparison,
latin/Serbian, etc.
This topic pleases me a lot.
I'm fond of Linguistics.

I'm sorry if I didn't put
anything about african words...