Author Topic: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.  (Read 5603 times)

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Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« on: November 15, 2007, 04:49:35 AM »
G-D and nature have decreed that the african savage become extinct. Left entirely to their own devices they would be extinct now. The only reason they're not is because the west interferes with the natural order with foreign aid and medicine. The same applies to the minorities in our inner cities and welfare.

We should have more respect for G-d and nature and let things run their natural course.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2007, 08:37:38 AM »
G-D and nature have decreed that the african savage become extinct. Left entirely to their own devices they would be extinct now. The only reason they're not is because the west interferes with the natural order with foreign aid and medicine. The same applies to the minorities in our inner cities and welfare.

We should have more respect for G-d and nature and let things run their natural course.

IF Gd had intended that, then they wouldn't genetically be able to have babies so easily...

I do beleive that if any population ran rampant, any of the following could take place: Increased diseases, more wars, more crime, shorter life spans, etc... I think Gd intends that if a population boom do take place that it happen gradually and that the intelligence of humans be able to create magnificent cultures and ideas for everyone to get along with each other and praise Gd on a daily basis.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Husar

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2007, 08:46:23 AM »
G-D and nature have decreed that the african savage become extinct. Left entirely to their own devices they would be extinct now. The only reason they're not is because the west interferes with the natural order with foreign aid and medicine. The same applies to the minorities in our inner cities and welfare.

We should have more respect for G-d and nature and let things run their natural course.

I fully agree and add:
the same should be applied to ALBANAZIS,

....unfortunately to all of us,
germans, saudi arabia and vatican
do fully support these crawling beasts...

Were they not there, the Serbs
would have already smashed them
out of this planet.
"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."



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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2007, 08:48:03 AM »


They are actually fullfilling G-D's plan.

The part where evil gains power, and oppresses and attacks G-D's people >:(

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2007, 11:41:57 AM »
G-D and nature have decreed that the african savage become extinct. Left entirely to their own devices they would be extinct now. The only reason they're not is because the west interferes with the natural order with foreign aid and medicine. The same applies to the minorities in our inner cities and welfare.

We should have more respect for G-d and nature and let things run their natural course.

That sounds like a paragraph of Mein Kempf!!! But at leat "Hitler" YSH"W, did not mention G-d!!!!! Awfull antihuman post. And why hating Blacks in their own continent? Even if you dislike them, do you want Africa for yourself? Allowing this kind of posts would not only be a crime in Argentina under the Law against Discrimination. It would also be a civil offense against the Jewish Community for using the name "Jewish".
Here, even Messianics are forbidden to show a Maguen David or Shofar in their cult. And they do no evil, but they are charged for bringing confusion about real Judaism.
Imagine what would the Rabanuth say if there is Nazi post in a forum which caims to be Jewish!!!! Any Kehilah of the world could make a lawsuit!!!!!

Moderators, please delete this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2007, 11:48:03 AM »
G-D and nature have decreed that the african savage become extinct. Left entirely to their own devices they would be extinct now. The only reason they're not is because the west interferes with the natural order with foreign aid and medicine. The same applies to the minorities in our inner cities and welfare.

We should have more respect for G-d and nature and let things run their natural course.

That sounds like a paragraph of Mein Kempf!!! But at leat "Hitler" YSH"W, did not mention G-d!!!!! Awfull antihuman post. And why hating Blacks in their own continent? Even if you dislike them, do you want Africa for yourself? Allowing this kind of posts would not only be a crime in Argentina under the Law against Discrimination. It would also be a civil offense against the Jewish Community for using the name "Jewish".
Here, even Messianics are forbidden to show a Maguen David or Shofar in their cult. And they do no evil, but they are charged for bringing confusion about real Judaism.
Imagine what would the Rabanuth say if there is Nazi post in a forum which caims to be Jewish!!!! Any Kehilah of the world could make a lawsuit!!!!!

Moderators, please delete this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have stated FACTS:

The africans would NOT be alive today WITHOUT western aid. That's the truth.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2007, 12:07:41 PM »
The africans would NOT be alive today WITHOUT western aid. That's the truth.
That's true. But also the West would not have developed if the ancient Semite Hebrews hadn't taught them to write. Polio would have decimated America if Sabin, a Jew, hadn't discovered the vaccine. Do you also think Jews should stop teaching the West what they discover? Absurd! There are many evil Westerners, but no excuse to be unhuman to individuals. Even less excuse to be unhuman to Africans who have done no evil!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2007, 12:10:46 PM »
The africans would NOT be alive today WITHOUT western aid. That's the truth.
That's true. But also the West would not have developed if the ancient Semite Hebrews hadn't taught them to write. Polio would have decimated America if Sabin, a Jew, hadn't discovered the vaccine. Do you also think Jews should stop teaching the West what they discover? Absurd! There are many evil Westerners, but no excuse to be unhuman to individuals. Even less excuse to be unhuman to Africans who have done no evil!!!!!!!!!!

Don't make up things I never typed.

At no time did I say we should harm them. I just said we should not interfere with aid.

There are presently poor indians in South America. Just because you are not taking food to them now doesn't mean you're being inhumane.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2007, 12:24:20 PM »
You have just said it is wrong to help Africans. Once thing is not to do it by yourself due to selfishness and wishes to keep your money, and another one to say that it is wrong to help.
And I didn't accuse you of inciting to harm. I just say it is also unuman to refuse to help, and encouraging others not to help. Jews wouldn't have harmed anyne if they had kept their culture and science to themselves, but.... do you also think they should keep any medicine they discover in secret not to help the west? That would be unfair because the West is evil, but the individuals are humans. Besides Africa is no evil. They were chased like animals by Westerners to be slaves and conquer America. Think about it!

Regarding me, I do send money to charitable orgs who deliver food to Indians, including Catholic ones, even if I disagree with Catholics and there's a risk of proselitism, simply because saving a life is above all


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2007, 12:29:01 PM »
You have just said it is wrong to help Africans. Once thing is not to do it by yourself due to selfishness and wishes to keep your money, and another one to say that it is wrong to help.
And I didn't accuse you of inciting to harm. I just say it is also unuman to refuse to help, and encouraging others not to help. Jews wouldn't have harmed anyne if they had kept their culture and science to themselves, but.... do you also think they should keep any medicine they discover in secret not to help the west? That would be unfair because the West is evil, but the individuals are humans. Besides Africa is no evil. They were chased like animals by Westerners to be slaves and conquer America. Think about it!

Regarding me, I do send money to charitable orgs who deliver food to Indians, including Catholic ones, even if I disagree with Catholics and there's a risk of proselitism, simply because saving a life is above all
Exchange and aid are two different things.

The west is a civilisation that advances and evolves and is worth exchanging technology with. It did not require aid.

Africa is stoneage and has not evolved in 10,000,000 years. It is not worth sustaining as it has no value.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2007, 12:38:04 PM »
Well, there's no point in arguing with you. You just hate Africa. I only remind you that the world is not yours. And I have every right to help Africa. And the Western Nazis who enslaved Africans should pay compensations. You love the West who burned Jews through Iquisition, kidnapped selfless Africans, and decimated our natives. May Hashem send Redemption soon, and take the Twelve Tribes of Israel back to the Holy Land, and also take us to one of our own Seventy Nations.
You have no right to take the Name in vain, and place it in a Nazi post!!!!!


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2007, 12:43:56 PM »
Well, there's no point in arguing with you. You just hate Africa. I only remind you that the world is not yours. And I have every right to help Africa. And the Western Nazis who enslaved Africans should pay compensations. You love the West who burned Jews through Iquisition, kidnapped selfless Africans, and decimated our natives. May Hashem send Redemption soon, and take the Twelve Tribes of Israel back to the Holy Land, and also take us to one of our own Seventy Nations.
You have no right to take the Name in vain, and place it in a Nazi post!!!!!

my friend, it was not only the europeans whom partook in the slave trade! ALL groups at that time partook in the trade. EVERYONE! White, arabs and even BLACKS!

As for the inquisition of Jews. Yes true, but it was not only the Jews that were inquisitioned!!! FAR more protestants were inquisitioned than the Jews!

Now, tell me, when you say your natives, whom are you refering to?

oh, and btw,Newman did not, and has NEVER said he wanted africa!!!


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2007, 12:53:20 PM »
Well, there's no point in arguing with you. You just hate Africa. I only remind you that the world is not yours. And I have every right to help Africa. And the Western Nazis who enslaved Africans should pay compensations. You love the West who burned Jews through Iquisition, kidnapped selfless Africans, and decimated our natives. May Hashem send Redemption soon, and take the Twelve Tribes of Israel back to the Holy Land, and also take us to one of our own Seventy Nations.
You have no right to take the Name in vain, and place it in a Nazi post!!!!!

Africans were enslaved by other africans and arabs who sold them to westerners. Compensation has been paid several fold in the form of trillions of dollars in aid (which due the the africans' cultural inferiority has achieved NOTHING).

The west of today is no more the west of the inquisition. Just as Red China is not the Ming Dynasty, Japan is not feudal/ samurai Japan and the Ford Taurus is not the Model T.

Africa is STILL stoneage africa.

Australia and the USA went from agricultural penal colonies to 1st class countries in less than 200 years. Africa has not put one brick on top of another in TEN MILLION YEARS!!!!!!!!

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2007, 01:07:41 PM »
It's just a pity that now, at the worst time in history, when a meeting is to be held in USA to make "peace" with Arab invaders and Jew killers, to give away the Holy Land, to surrender Humanity to terror.... at these very same time, those like you who claim to love Yisrael, lose your time, and bring shame on yourselves and on Jews by writting Nazi articles, instead of helping Am Yisrael and Humanty in this tragic moments. Really sad.
Some Jews and Gentiles hate themselves and love terror and even seem to enjoy being murdered, others lose their time cursing the far away inocent suffering Africa.
Where is a Torah Jew or a Righteous Gentile, please? Humanity needs them now!!!!! Aieka???
« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 01:09:13 PM by Raulmarrio2000 »


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2007, 01:10:46 PM »
It's just a pity that now, at the worst time in history, when a meeting is to be held un USA to make "peace" with Arab invaders and Jew killers, to give away the Holy Land, to surrender Humanity to terror.... at these vey time, those like you who claim to love Yisrael, lose your time, and bring shame on yourselves and on Jews by writting Nazi articles, instead of helping Am Yisrael and Humanty in this tragic moments. Really sad.
Some Jews and Gentiles hate themselves and love terror and even seem to enjoy being murdered, others lose their time cursing the far away inocent suffering Africa.
Where is a Torah Jew or a Righteous Gentile, please? Humanity needs them now!!!!! Aieka???

You ignorant fool!

Africans are among the biggest Jew-haters on Earth. Ever read the stuff Mandella puts out about Israel???? Look at the voting in the UN.

Africans hate Jews!!!!!!!


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2007, 01:25:12 PM »
It's just a pity that now, at the worst time in history, when a meeting is to be held un USA to make "peace" with Arab invaders and Jew killers, to give away the Holy Land, to surrender Humanity to terror.... at these vey time, those like you who claim to love Yisrael, lose your time, and bring shame on yourselves and on Jews by writting Nazi articles, instead of helping Am Yisrael and Humanty in this tragic moments. Really sad.
Some Jews and Gentiles hate themselves and love terror and even seem to enjoy being murdered, others lose their time cursing the far away inocent suffering Africa.
Where is a Torah Jew or a Righteous Gentile, please? Humanity needs them now!!!!! Aieka???

You ignorant fool!

Africans are among the biggest Jew-haters on Earth. Ever read the stuff Mandella puts out about Israel???? Look at the voting in the UN.

Africans hate Jews!!!!!!!

Newman is right!

Look at whom the blacks are supporting...MUSLIMS! Does that not tell you something?

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2007, 01:32:15 PM »
Nearly all Govts vote against Yisrael un the UN. But who is sopnsoring that damn meeting in Annapolis? That's the emergency now.
It's funny that when a Western country votes against Yisrael, you here say it was only a self-hating Govt. When a non West does it, you say that all hate Jews.
But it is no time for fun now. It's time to fight! or to mourn for that damned meeting! A fast would be better, to pray for mercy for Yisrael and mankind.


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2007, 01:35:14 PM »

I think you need to watch Chaim's video's regarding blacks.

Unfortunantly, you have been brainwashed by the liberal media :'(
BUT, there is a solution, watch chaim's videos...ther is hope my friend


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2007, 01:37:25 PM »
Nearly all Govts vote against Yisrael un the UN. But who is sopnsoring that damn meeting in Annapolis? That's the emergency now.
It's funny that when a Western country votes against Yisrael, you here say it was only a self-hating Govt. When a non West does it, you say that all hate Jews.
But it is no time for fun now. It's time to fight! or to mourn for that damned meeting! A fast would be better, to pray for mercy for Yisrael and mankind.

Don't equate the USA, Australia, Marshall Islands with the Jew-haters of africa or the EU. The sponsoring of Anapolis is different to 60 years of constant opposition, lies and blood libles!

We call ALL Jew-haters what they are east or west. Self-hate referrs to what western governments do to their OWN people, not Israel.

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2007, 01:43:54 PM »
I dislike liberals and think they are just a reaction to rightist West who held a hate ideology fot 2 milenia. I also dislike all the West. No problem with blacks, and even less in their Homeland. One has to be too ignorant to blame Blacks for what Mandela thinks, it's only one leader in South Africa!
Why not saying that all whites are evil, just because Himmler was white???


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2007, 01:51:26 PM »
I dislike liberals and think they are just a reaction to rightist West who held a hate ideology fot 2 milenia. I also dislike all the West. No problem with blacks, and even less in their Homeland. One has to be too ignorant to blame Blacks for what Mandela thinks, it's only one leader in South Africa!
Why not saying that all whites are evil, just because Himmler was white???

Every black country supports the arabs!!!!!! Not just "one leader".

When blacks are not hating Jews, they are raping their own women and children and killing and eating each other. They choose to be poor, ignorant and savage just as the Japanese choose to be rich, learned and civilised.

Liberals are NOT a reaction to western history! They are marxist inspired evil-doers. They are haters of religion, enterprise, beauty, talent, achievment and goodness. They support every evil on earth. It has NOTHING to do with what Luther or Torquamada did.


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2007, 01:52:04 PM »
ok, just one leader...with the support of %90 of the black population ::)


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2007, 01:53:23 PM »
what?!! You hate the west?  ??? mmmmm.......


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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2007, 01:55:36 PM »
what?!! You hate the west?  ??? mmmmm.......

I bet he's an indian and not a spaniard.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Foreign aid and welfare interfering with G_d and nature.
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2007, 02:03:56 PM »
what?!! You hate the west?  ??? mmmmm.......

I bet he's an indian and not a spaniard.

My ancestors were Italian, Danish, Basque, Spanish, Indians....a mix of all. I dislike Western culture, not western individuals.
When I was a child I was a Sun worshipper and rejected Catholicism who honoured the massacres of Amerindians here. Even if my family is Catholic. I began to believe in Hashem at 16 when I knew about Jews. Had I met you, instead of a Rav, I would have never believed, I would have thought the Jews were like Catholics!
Had I come here when I was 16, now I would still be saying the prayer to the Sun every morning and afternoon!!!