I'm proud to insist about this movie.
Serbian (especially) Brothers and Sisters,
look at this movie: you will see a lot of
similarities with what WE Serbs went trough
all these past centuries, and what we are going through NOW.
Indians, once Hinduists or Buddists,
then, isslam came in India,
created pakistanis out of Indians,
exactly like isslam invading Serbian Lands,
creating the nowadays "bosnians"....
Then, converted to isslam,
Indian and Serbian muSSlims
just wish to convert or slaughter
their non-muSSlim Brothers and Sisters...
Look in the movie,
how TARA (our Hero)
"baptizes" his future wife,
and makes a Hindu out of her,
like her Ancestors were.
Yes, Tara puts a red spot
between the eyes of Sakina.
He makes an Hinduist out of her,
This red spot is red,
because it is blood.
We Christian Serbs,
have the Sacred Duty
to baptize our "bosnian muSSlim"
Sisters, for their own Good,
so that they can re-embrace their
Ancestry again, like once,
a long time ago.
Then, Tara has a Child with his wife, a Son.
This son, the future of India,
wishes to FIGHT with his Father,
against the enemies of India.

Please, brothers and Sisters,
watch this "Gadar" (Mutiny) movie.