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Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« on: November 16, 2007, 09:05:37 AM »   

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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Why Ron Paul supporters hate Giuliani: He'll be America's First Jewish President

by Eric Dondero

Within the last few days, there've been a flurry of articles all over conservative political websites on Ron Paul's connections to Neo-Nazi groups. The articles have been extensive and well-documented.

Conservative Web Columnist JB Williams first raised the question of Paul's ties to extremist groups, with "Why Ron Paul is dangerous." The Williams piece picked up by over 20 sites, prompted 800 comments on Free Republic alone. This was followed up by a long piece, well-researched with numerous links in the American Thinker: "Ron Paul and his NeoNazi supporters."

Predictably, the Ron Paul fanatics have gone bonkers. Most have accused Williams and other Paul critics of being "NeoCons" (current code word for Dirty Jew Pro-Israel stooge).

Now to add fuel to the fire, a top Rudy Giuliani for President Campaign Spokesman is quoted as saying that Giuliani would be the Nation's "First Jewish President."

From JTA Global Jewish News Service, 11/14/7:

Surrogates for three Republican presidential candidates pledged they would move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem if elected.

In a debate Tuesday in New York, campaign representatives for Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney all promised to respect an American law calling for the embassy's transfer from Tel Aviv. The debate, held at a Manhattan law firm, was organized by the Republican Jewish Coalition.

"I think Jews are smart, so I think they're going to vote for Rudy," said Guiliani's surrogate, Ken Kurson, in response to a question about the candidate's appeal to Jews who mostly tend to vote Democrat.

Kurson said that like Bill Clinton, who was seen as the country's "first black president" for his strong support among blacks, Giuliani would be the country's first Jewish president, said Kurson, noting the candidate's broad support in America's most Jewish city.

Kurson wore a yarmulke in the debate and proudly identified himself as a Jewish gun owner.

Solid proof that Giuliani is indeed a "tool of the Jews" as the worst Ron Paul critics have feared.

If you think they went apeshit over JB Williams and the American Thinker piece, wait til you see the reaction now that Giuliani has been certified as an Honorary Jew.

Posted by Eric Dondero at 5:39 AM 14 comments
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Offline Bodhi

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2007, 10:44:25 AM »
   I don't know.  I still support Paul.  I still hate Giuliani. I support Paul because he seems to make sense.  I hate Giuliani because he is a two faced hypoctit and an immoral scumbag.....I guess that is redundant to say about a polititian though.  I think it's like most elections the best choice always seems to be none of the above.

  I wonder if we could write in Chaim....probably not since he's got a record, but why not do it anyway.

Offline mord

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2007, 11:30:12 AM »
I don'nt think he's famous enough
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2007, 11:36:35 AM »
That's True but... Chaim wouldn't run for office in America anyway!

Offline דוד בן זאב אריה

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2007, 12:48:49 AM »
Bodhi you really need to take a good look at Ron Paul he would be a disaster. Rudy Giuliani will more then likely be the Republican Nominee and he doesn't support the creation of a Muslim Terror State in the heartland of biblical Israel. Yes he is not a conservative he is really our best shot at stopping Hillary.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2007, 01:55:14 AM »
Bodhi you really need to take a good look at Ron Paul he would be a disaster. Rudy Giuliani will more then likely be the Republican Nominee and he doesn't support the creation of a Muslim Terror State in the heartland of biblical Israel. Yes he is not a conservative he is really our best shot at stopping Hillary.

There really isn't any "front-runner" in the GOP primaries.  Giuliani isn't doing well so far in Iowa and NH polls.

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2007, 02:32:46 AM »
Giuliani has a huge lead in Missouri, California, Pennsylnvia, Floriad, NJ, NY, CT, Washington, and he is in the lead in South Carolina and Nevada and Michigan. Besides Giuliani just hit the airwaves with his first TV add so that could be huge. Not to mention that Huckabee is only a few points behind in Iowa and a loss for Romney could be the end of his campaign, the Giuliani campaign just needs to finish in the top three in Iowa.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2007, 04:49:34 AM »
Giuliani is terrible on abortion issues.

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2007, 02:42:04 PM »
Giuliani isn't ideal but his is great. I'll tell you why. As Mayor of New York Abortion went down almost 20% and Adoption went up over 160%. What a canidate does and what a canidate says is two different things. But with Hillary we will get Ruth Bader Ginsberg or worse, she support partian birth abortion Rudy does not. Why do you think Pat Robertson endorsed him??
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2007, 02:47:27 PM »
What? No I hate Guiliani because he's a hypocrite. He swings on his issues and is ANTI-GUN. Anyone that has half a brain and has researched what he did in New York City would realize that he violated peoples rights by confiscating guns and passing gun registration on pistols.

And since when is Guiliani Jewish? I guess if it was spelled "Jewliani" but he doesn't look the slightest Jewish nor does he care about Jews. For crying out loud, he said he supports "peace in the middle east" in other words he supports a Eretz Yisrael next to Israel. If you think Bush is bad, Guiliani will be worse.

Sure he supports your right to have guns, as long as it's only hunting rifles and six shot single action revolvers. That'll include registration as well and a renewal of the assault weapon ban. *sigh*
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 02:49:00 PM by Cohen »

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2007, 02:49:55 PM »
Giuliani will be better becase he won't push for peace unless the Arab Muslim Nazis stop bombing which won't happen.

I never said Rudy is Jewish
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2007, 02:51:10 PM »
Giuliani will be better becase he won't push for peace unless the Arab Muslim Nazis stop bombing which won't happen.

I never said Rudy is Jewish

Ron Paul doesn't support either, he doesn't care about the region period and wants them to do their own thing. That's better than having a president who needs to stick his nose in Israels business and draw the lines in the sand. Ron Paul is a blessing in disguise as newman puts it.

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2007, 02:57:35 PM »
Ron Paul Speaks a lot about the Constitution and the founding fathers you've got to be kidding the founding fathers were Zionists. John Adams wrote about how he dreamed that one day the Jews would return to their homeland. They were Zionists many of the founding fathers were learning Hebrew because they greatly admired the Jews. George Washington welcomed the first Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island and spoke of his great admiration for the Jewish people. You think he would be involved with scum like Ron Paul and the Human Excrement that is part of his campaign? The Founding Fathers Detested Cowards and traitors like Ron Paul. The Founding Fathers and the people who framed the great constitution of the United States of America did not tolerate for one minute anyone attacking this country they did say to avoid foreign entanglements yes. Foreign entanglements that are not necessary, but when American is under assault by people that want to exterminate us just because we are not Muslim. And that is what they say they say that they want to exterminate us just because we are not Muslim. They say that the whole world has to become Muslim. Ron Paul keeps saying read the constitution Ron Paul has never read his Bible or his Koran. He should read the Koran and see why are enemies really want to attack us. Ron Paul is an evil person he hates the Jews and Israel he wants them to go down and his whole attitude is just disgusting and evil and immoral. The founding father and the people who gave us the constitution always defended America and her interests and never hesitated to do so when America was in danger. Ron Paul and his followers are a sick malevolent tumor in the American Political purposes. They must be resisted and opposed. Thankfully Ron Paul has no chance of getting elected no chance of getting anywhere, but still he represents an evil phenomenon. We as moral decent bible believing Jews and Christians decent people we have to speak out and we have to condemn evil wherever it is and Ron Paul and his campaign represent evil

I am quoting Chaim Ben Pesach
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2007, 03:10:00 PM »
Ron Paul Speaks a lot about the Constitution and the founding fathers you've got to be kidding the founding fathers were Zionists. John Adams wrote about how he dreamed that one day the Jews would return to their homeland. They were Zionists many of the founding fathers were learning Hebrew because they greatly admired the Jews. George Washington welcomed the first Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island and spoke of his great admiration for the Jewish people. You think he would be involved with scum like Ron Paul and the Human Excrement that is part of his campaign? The Founding Fathers Detested Cowards and traitors like Ron Paul. The Founding Fathers and the people who framed the great constitution of the United States of America did not tolerate for one minute anyone attacking this country they did say to avoid foreign entanglements yes. Foreign entanglements that are not necessary, but when American is under assault by people that want to exterminate us just because we are not Muslim. And that is what they say they say that they want to exterminate us just because we are not Muslim. They say that the whole world has to become Muslim. Ron Paul keeps saying read the constitution Ron Paul has never read his Bible or his Koran. He should read the Koran and see why are enemies really want to attack us. Ron Paul is an evil person he hates the Jews and Israel he wants them to go down and his whole attitude is just disgusting and evil and immoral. The founding father and the people who gave us the constitution always defended America and her interests and never hesitated to do so when America was in danger. Ron Paul and his followers are a sick malevolent tumor in the American Political purposes. They must be resisted and opposed. Thankfully Ron Paul has no chance of getting elected no chance of getting anywhere, but still he represents an evil phenomenon. We as moral decent bible believing Jews and Christians decent people we have to speak out and we have to condemn evil wherever it is and Ron Paul and his campaign represent evil

I am quoting Chaim Ben Pesach

They didn't sound like they were zionist supporters to me. Sounds like they were against religion being part of the country whatsoever.

Warning, this link is provided by Atheist alliance so it does have a slant on their view of religion but contains quotes from the founding fathers in regards to their views on religion


Explore what some of the founding fathers had to say about religious persecution and, especially, religious freedom:

 I have examined all the known superstitions of the World, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature.  They are all alike, founded on fables and mythology.  Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned.  What has been the effect of this coercion?  To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the world . . .  . The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind . . . to filch wealth and power to themselves.  [They], in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ.
Thomas Jefferson


It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no G-d.
Thomas Jefferson


Question with boldness even the existence of a G-d; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.
Thomas Jefferson


I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.
Thomas Paine


My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
Thomas Paine


Persecution is not an original feature in any religion; but it is always the strongly marked feature of all religions established by law.

Thomas Paine


Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.
George Washington


. . . the path of true piety is so plain as to require but little political direction.
George Washington, 1789, responding to clergy complaints that the Constitution lacked mention of Jesus Christ


If they are good workmen, they may be from Asia, Africa or Europe; they may be Mahometans [Muslims, followers of the Prophet Mohammed], Jews, Christians of any sect, or they may be Atheists....
George Washington, to Tench Tighman, March 24, 1784, when asked what type of workman to get for Mount Vernon


. . . I beg you be persuaded that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and every species of religious persecution.

George Washington, to United Baptists Churches of Virginia, May, 1789


All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean [conduct] themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.

George Washington


When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and G-d does not take care to support it so that its professors are obliged to call for help of the civil power, 'tis a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin

These quote suggest that many of our Founding Fathers were skeptical of organized religion and felt there was no place in our secular government for any specific religion. Here are a couple of web sites that will provide more information:

However the founding fathers were not anti-semitic, there have been some forged quotes on neo nazi sites that have been debunked by historians.

In fact, in 1790 Washington sent a letter to the Jewish community in Rhode Island, writing that he envisioned a country "which gives bigotry no sanction ... persecution no assistance". For the first time in modern history, Jews lived in a country where they enjoyed full and equal human and political rights - as a birthright of citizenship

Please cite your sources where the founding fathers supported a Jewish homeland and were Zionists. They sounded like they were freemasons, not religious though they tolerated all religious and non religious beliefs in America.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2007, 05:55:13 PM »
Re:  "...Ron Paul and his campaign represent evil..."

Assuming that this is correct, I am still unable to find any presidential candidate who represents a lesser evil.

Giuliani has just become embroiled in a very nasty scandal involving litigation which is sure to become uglier by the day.  (the old adage "Pick your friends carefully, for when they're no longer your friends they will know a great deal about you" certainly applies to Judith Regan's lawsuit).

Giuliani represents the Government of Qatar....big $ from Jew-hating phony sheiks who refuse to acknowledge Israel's existence.

Romney represents Wall Street Banking interests and talks out of both sides of his mouth.

Thompson?  Don't make me laugh.

Hunter & Tancredo?  Don't stand a chance due to lack of charisma and lack of their own Party's support.

Each and every Democrat?  Will make Russia appear to be the world capital of freedom and capitalism.

*p.s.--still not one person has shown me proof of Paul's voting to make Ramadan a holiday.  That's just one big lie as far as I'm concerned.

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2007, 06:53:00 PM »
Ron Paul is the greater evil
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2007, 07:41:01 PM »
Re:  "...Ron Paul is the greater evil..."

A vote for evil is a vote for evil.

Isn't Giuliani a Knight of the British Empire today?

Is it possible to have a president named President Sir Rudy Giuliani?

Didn't Bush in his first debate with Al Gore promise the American people that one of his first moves as President would be to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

Answer:  Yes.

So what makes you believe Sir Rudy will be at all different?

Once you become President using the Establishment to put you there, you answer to your bosses, and they are far removed from the American people.

Anyone deciding to "go their own way" ends up the same as JFK.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2007, 09:29:26 PM »
Ron Paul is oblivious to the danger of Islam.

Ron Paul couldn't care less if Iran gets nukes.

Ron Paul blames Islamic aggression and genocide on U.S. foreign policy.

Ron Paul thinks the way to deal with hostile mooozie nations is to increase trade and expand dialogue.

Ron Paul is insane.

He's insane about the most important issue that should define the 2008 Presidential election: effectively dealing with moooozies.

Guiliani has shown a backbone when he tossed Arafat out of Lincoln Center and when he told the Saudi pig to shove the 10 million up his moooozie colon.

What would Ron Paul have done ?

The lesser of evils ?

You really need to ask ?

If you do, you're as insane as Ron Paul.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2007, 09:32:39 PM »
Ron Paul is oblivious to the danger of Islam.

Ron Paul couldn't care less if Iran gets nukes.

Ron Paul blames Islamic aggression and genocide on U.S. foreign policy.

Ron Paul thinks the way to deal with hostile mooozie nations is to increase trade and expand dialogue.

Ron Paul is insane.

He's insane about the most important issue that should define the 2008 Presidential election: effectively dealing with moooozies.

Guiliani has shown a backbone when he tossed Arafat out of Lincoln Center and when he told the Saudi pig to shove the 10 million up his moooozie colon.

What would Ron Paul have done ?

The lesser of evils ?

You really need to ask ?

If you do, you're as insane as Ron Paul.

Ah here we go with the labeling again, do what you want. If you want to vote Guiliani, I could care less. Obviously i'm not going to change your mind. I would rather vote for Ron Paul than Guiliani who I know will stab us in the back like Bush.

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2007, 10:01:25 PM »
What labeling ?

Just the facts.

What part of my post do you care to dispute ?

Ron Paul's policies of dealing with the moooozies is obviously insane.

Are you seriously going to tell this forum you support Ron Paul's foreign policy towards moooozies ?

You want to expand trade, and dialogue with the moooozies ?

You also don't care if Iran gets nukes ?

Are you nuts ? Because Ron Paul is !

You're certain Guiliani will stab us in the back. That's speculation that might be true.

But the difference is at least Guiliani says the right things about Iran, and has shown a backbone when dealing with moooozies.

On the other hand, Ron Paul clearly says he wants more trade, more dialogue with the moooozie beasts and blames us for moooozie hostility and terror all over the planet.

So thanks alot for giving me permission to vote for Rudy instead of Ron Paul. You have my permission to vote for Ron too.

You're right. You're not going to change my mind. And I'm not going to change yours.

Hopefully, some people that are undecided or unaware of what Ron Paul is about will read this thread and come to the conclusion that Guiliani is definitely the better option between the two.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2007, 12:41:42 AM »
Re:  "...Ron Paul is oblivious to the danger of Islam.
Ron Paul couldn't care less if Iran gets nukes.
Ron Paul blames Islamic aggression and genocide on U.S. foreign policy.
Ron Paul thinks the way to deal with hostile mooozie nations is to increase trade and expand dialogue.
Ron Paul is insane.

This may all be true...

But Giuliani is a known DRAG QUEEN!

Everyone knows this to be a fact, and there are numerous photos of him trying to french kiss Richard Gere, who is a known Jew-Hater and Israel hater, a bad actor, and a Hamas supporter.

Rudy is a DRAG QUEEN whose own son hates his guts, and who hasn't been able to stay married to the same woman for very long.

He says he's the terror fighter, but doesn't reveal that he's been paid numerous times for going to Dubai & kissing Muzz butt, and he doesn't reveal that his law firm represents Qatar & other Muzzie terror states.

Somehow, I just don't believe that Rudy will do other than take orders from the CFR the minute he's sworn in.

And what are you going to tell your kids when they are watching the swearing-in ceremony, and Sir Rudy shows up dressed like a woman in heels and lipstick?

Everyone knows he's going to do this, because he's done it several times while Mayor of NY City!

Maybe Sir Rudy and Paul could get married and have a butt baby.

They could name it Mohammed if it's a boy; Hez if it's a girl.

I might could get over the fact that a Drag Queen is the President (after all...just look around at NY City...they're all over the place), even one from an unstable home life.

But then he's going to legalize illegal aliens, allow abortions, and round up everybody's guns too!

Two weeks after Rudy-Toody becomes the El Presidente, he'll change his tune and announce that he's initiating the newly revised RoadMap to HELL for Israel!

Suddenly he'll make references to "Occupied Territories", "Final Status for Jerusalem", "the need for a PLO HAMAS NAZI STATE in the heartland of Israel", etc...

At Least Hitlery Clinton will actually be a real woman in a dress, as well as do all the bad things that Rudy will do, so that means that all things being equal, it's better not to put a queer in office!

Of course, with this horribly scandalous lawsuit of Judith Regan's promising to reveal what she knows dirty about Kerick and Rudy, he may well be out of the running by next month.

There's always Osama Obama!...At least when he is the President he'll have the Jamaican reggae artist "Yellow Man" to play the inauguration ball!

If Obama Osama wears a yellow tux at the inaugural ball, the guests won't be able to see anything but a big yellow suit of clothes dancing on the floor!

On the other hand, Pat Buchanan is warning that a vote for Rudy is a Vote For War!

Pat says Rudy will start a new war with each and every country and make Bush look like a pacifist!

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2007, 12:47:52 AM »
Re:  "...Ron Paul is the greater evil..."

A vote for evil is a vote for evil.

Isn't Giuliani a Knight of the British Empire today?

Is it possible to have a president named President Sir Rudy Giuliani?

Didn't Bush in his first debate with Al Gore promise the American people that one of his first moves as President would be to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

Answer:  Yes.

So what makes you believe Sir Rudy will be at all different?

Once you become President using the Establishment to put you there, you answer to your bosses, and they are far removed from the American people.

Anyone deciding to "go their own way" ends up the same as JFK.

What did JFK do that they disliked? 

Was the establishment for or against the "Bay of Pigs?"

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2007, 02:32:02 AM »
Re:  "...Ron Paul is oblivious to the danger of Islam.
Ron Paul couldn't care less if Iran gets nukes.
Ron Paul blames Islamic aggression and genocide on U.S. foreign policy.
Ron Paul thinks the way to deal with hostile mooozie nations is to increase trade and expand dialogue.
Ron Paul is insane.

This may all be true...

But Giuliani is a known DRAG QUEEN!

Yeah, but the drag queen was tough enough to clean up New York City.

You're entitled to have your doubts about Guiliani being true to his words and effectively dealing with the moooozies. It's silly to take any politician's promises at face value. But I'd rather worry about a candidate not keeping his word than vote for a candidate who I fear will keep his word. That's an important distinction.

As far as Rudy goes on abortion and gun control, you have valid reason to dislike him as a candidate. But let's be realistic. Is Ron Paul or any candidate going to stop abortion ? You might disagree, but I also think Rudy knows darn well he's not going to be able to take firearms away from decent Americans, and I don't think that's his objective. Besides, as I've stated numerous times, while these are legitimate issues and concerns, they pale in comparison to the threat of Islam. Combating Islamic terror and expansion is the most pressing issue this nation faces. It is literally an existential threat and we can't afford a Ron Paul who is in denial of this reality.

Massuh, your humorous lambasting of the candidates and harpooning of the political process is well deserved. It sure would be nice to enthusiastically vote for someone rather than settling for the best of a poor lot or the lesser of evils.

There's still plenty of time to go before the election. While we're enduring another year of Jorge Wahabi and CongoSleeza, alot can and will happen. But as things stand right now, I'm convinced Rudy will emerge as the Republican candidate-- and your choice will be between him and the Arkansas lesbian lover of Suha Arafat.

I predict Rudy will get the JTF endorsement at that time, and on election day, like it or not, you'll be holding your nose and voting for 'the drag queen'.

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2007, 03:41:12 AM »
Ron Paul blames everything on the Neo-Consertives and claims that they are all tied to the Likud party. He is anti Israel he wants and even handed approach. I can understand that you may support him because he is not in the establishment. But Huckabee is as close to the perfect candidate as we will get this time around. He is Pro Life he is anti Gay Marriage he is for border security he is for a tough stance against global Jihad and he is a Former Baptist Minister so you know he is an Israeli supporting Richeous Gentile. I see no flaws in Huckabee.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Why Paul supporters hate Giuliani
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2007, 04:12:45 AM »
Ron Paul blames everything on the Neo-Consertives and claims that they are all tied to the Likud party. He is anti Israel he wants and even handed approach. I can understand that you may support him because he is not in the establishment. But Huckabee is as close to the perfect candidate as we will get this time around. He is Pro Life he is anti Gay Marriage he is for border security he is for a tough stance against global Jihad and he is a Former Baptist Minister so you know he is an Israeli supporting Richeous Gentile. I see no flaws in Huckabee.

You're wrong about Huckabee.  He's awful when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration:
« Last Edit: November 21, 2007, 04:18:05 AM by RationalThought110 »