Hallo My Russian Brother.
Welcome to the forum.
I hope we'll see tons of posts about Russia, and Europe.
I'd like to see Russia as an ally of Europe, but EU is just another USSR.
But don't make the mistake we hate Russians, I know lots of them , and they deserve the highest respect.
Apart from drinking way too much Wodka , I mean

I do think Putin is reinstalling a bolshevik government, but even then , Putin has a better government, more patriotic, then West-European traitors, who let in the muzzies with the millions!
Unfortunately Putin is anti-Jewish, and tries to be popular among the Muslim-Nazi-states, by selling them top-quality weapons.
But honestly, USA does exactly the same.
Maybe we'll meet each-other on the battlefield in the frontline of the war on islam.
Death to all Russian-neo-bolshevik-atheist-traitors,
Death to Islam,
Glory to the still-existing Russian Orthodox Church, Russia, Europe, Russia, Israel USA, Canada, and the rest of the Western World Civilisation.