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newbie from germany

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I have an aversion  to nazis of all kinds but not to Germans. Nazis are in all countries in ww2 a whole lot of German/Americans were killed fighting nazis.


"I don't defend Germany.

What are you doing now ?

They invaded us twice. But there is no point in hating them now. It is history.

What is "history" to you
is MODERN to Serbs, Serbia....and NAZICROATIA.
germany hit ONCE AGAIN in the Balkans.

86.000 died, 1/4 a Jewish victim. National-socialism is gone. .... well ya,...

OFFICIAL national-socialism....maybe,
not the hidden national-socialism germany PROVED to export,
when SUPPORTING its WWII allies...surrounding Serbia.

The first world war here was really horrible. but that is 89 years ago now.

For Serbia, this WWI isn't finished.
Serbia fights to survive against either germany (again),
or EVERY SINGLE germany-supported slaughterers around her.
It's far from being "89 years ago" for us.
But for Flemish the French are actually a bigger threat to us!! they took 1/3 of our territories those bastards!!
But Belgians internal politics are just a complete waste of time to study anyway,

yugoslavia creation was the same as belgian one.
It was just difficulty after difficulty, non-stop.

The monarchy here is not representative anymore, our Italian Queen speaks very bad Dutch ,
The King is a Sax-Coburg, so he can be immediately repatriated to Germany.
their princes are complete morons. 100% inbreed. IQ below 90.

Seems to me that Serbian "monarchy"
has the same problem...too meek, too sweet,
for pretending to whatever...

I am sure one day we'll have our own president.
Chaim will Israel recognise our state? we have good contacts with the Boers too!

As a matter of fact the last world war finished in 1945.

NOT FOR SERBIA, unfortunately.
The exact same WWII NAZIZOMBISTIC ENEMIES knock at Her Door...
You have to REALIZE this, so that we can understand each other.

Since then we haven't been a single day at war.

Lucky flemish-waloonic Children...

Belgium is a country that is going to split in two in a couple of years.
But that is just a formality.
Violence between our nations in EU is now-days out of the question.

There was no way for Belgium or Holland to stop the Germans at that time,
Our armies were quickly defeated, also the French were easily defeated.

Serbia entered WWII against numerous SS divisions,
some of which were ESPECIALLY created
to annihilate Serbian Resistance.

The occupation time of WWII in Belgium was in no way comparable to what happened in Poland e.g.

What happened to the Serbs and Serbia was hellish.

The WWII could have been prevented if the Versailles - treaty was less tough.

germany was enthusiastical about entering WWI.
It encouraged austria-hungary to EXTERMINATE Serbia.
Serbs were against austria-hungary,
because it annexed Bosnia, which
was vastly inhabited by Serbs.

Remember willhelm II's cannibalistic (HUNNIC) behaviour,
at the thought of Serbian Blood...

The whole reason to start war in my opinion is bull****.

Better to learn to respect your neighbours.

Explain this to expansionnous germans, please...

The Western front was in no way comparable to the Eastern front were
a lot more atrocities happened.

So why are you trying
to explain to me what germans are (?),
since WE know VERY WELL what they are....

As a matter of fact Germany in the 1700 -1800 was a much more decentralised country , with plenty of kingdoms, and so on.

germany gets BIGGER
while tearing apart the
"smaller Countries" around it...
Wake up.

Since the middle-ages ± 900 AD Flanders' enemies were:

1 France
2 Spain
3 England
4 Austria
5 Belgium
6 Germany

Holland is a friendly nation.
today the French-speaking walloons are still trying to steal territorium of us, but these are very minor issues here.

The difference you and me have,
Is that I basically have no problem with any other european country.
We live in peace with all the neighbours.

We Serbs would like to LIVE IN PEACE also,
was it "just" for our Serbian Children's sake...
But we are agressed again, and again,
and again, by the same ones...

So therefore,
if I take the train 2 hours ,
and I step out in London, Amsterdam, Paris, Bonn , it doesn't matter who I meet there.
I speak all their languages quite well, and people behave like friendly people.

What does bother me is the hordes of  jihadis and "refugees" of Congo and Ghana,... Ya ganja weed man!

And frankly in the EU, nobody understands the situation and history of the Balkans.

EVERYBODY agrees that Serbs kill,
that Serbs NEVER DIE, that Serbia is against iSSlam,
and therefore, deserves PUNISHMENT,
like the URANIUM BOMBS we received....
...certainly as a gift...

No  , it was just something on tv, with every day news coverage from Sarajevo.
that was it , and once and a while there were rapports of UCK.
I was a still kid back then.
I even don't know why this war was fought.
why was everybody living mixed in Bosnia?

That you have reasons to hate Germans, I don't doubt.

But I know Russians, who are as patriotic as you,
They lost almost 24000 million people.
And they respect the Germans.

...for what ?
having been BUTCHERS ?!...

 They won the war, and Germany lost.

germany WINS ANEW from 1991,
when recognizing NAZICROATIA.
Open your eyes.

They don't sympathise with hitler, but they are OK with Germany today.
For them, Germany is only a little excrement-country that tried to attack them.
Like napoleon,like the turks,...
And they find both lenin/stalin/hitler as mass-murderers.

I know Jews, and they live in Europe, and speak among other languages ,
German, work with Germans, make business there.
No complaints I hear of them.

That doesn't mean they forgot, forgave whatsoever about germans.
It's just that you're not in this kind of (great) forum with them.

And allow me to add:
however Jews may act today towards germans,
what was done to them (as well as to the Serbs)
is now part of the past, NOT FOR THE SERBS AND SERBIA,
who can feel german RENEWAL,
beginning with the german

I think your problem is that you are too nervous.

Don't expect me to sit down and relax, OK ?
You said it yourself: you LIVE IN PEACE,

I think that is a bad feeling. We need woman, make babies & give love.

I'm married and the father of one son.

Start building a family is some very important thing, to have enough soldiers against jihad."

Serbs do this for centuries.

But germans murdered Serbian babies.

Did you read me well ?

It's not 1941's germany supporting the NAZICROATS, now...
It's the 1991's germany !
It's NOWADAY's germany, that works on this:
never to be forgotten, forgiven, by the Serbs and Serbia.

You just have to understand this,
in order to be aware of the MANY
(too many) Reasons Serbs
have to hate germany.

Yes , they are probably planning the Anschlüss with Croatia.

Germans are still the same Jew-hating nazis they always were.

They hate Israel, support 'peace now', support p@lestinians and german firms supplied chemical weapons components to numerous muSSlim-nazi dictatorships.


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