Author Topic: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!  (Read 9684 times)

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Offline davkakach

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You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« on: November 08, 2006, 04:19:27 PM »
Here's a thread where you get to show how tough a JTF'r you are.

See if you can beat this (and you SHOULD):

17 rope chin-ups* (nonstop)
30 regular chin-ups (nonstop)
45 fingertip push-ups (nonstop)
300 leg raises (nonstop, lying on horizontal surface)
10 handstand push-ups (nonstop)

swim 1000m (~40 laps nonstop) under 18 min.

close CoC #2 at least once**

(I would have listed some weightlifting figures such as benching 225 lb,
squatting 290 lb, deadlifting 365 lb, and standing military press 165 lb,
but since I switched lately to bodyweight exercises, it's no longer relevant.)

* 2 in. rope, wrapped over chin-up bar

(unlike the guy in the image above, you have to bend your elbows fully for it to count as one rep)

** IronMind's Captains of Crush #2

Made in America.  Don't even bother trying until you can close their #1 at least 20 times...

Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2006, 04:54:22 PM »
I'm nowhere near capable of that stuff...

Offline davkakach

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2006, 09:48:10 PM »
I'm nowhere near capable of that stuff...
Finally, a response...  It seems the others are more interesting in being pencil-neck keyboard tigers.

If you're younger than 18, you will be capable of doing all that and much more (guaranteed!) but your focus now should be on heavy lifting, not bodyweight exercises.  (Bodyweight exercises are for people over 30.)  If you want to build the body of a Hercules, focus on three exercises:  the squat, the deadlift, and the overhead (standing) press.  That's all you need to do to become monstrously powerful.  Forget about "pumping," machines, "isolation exercises", and the rest of the ineffectual nonsense that only gym bunnies do.  Ease into the Big Three, and then gradually transition to heavy lifting (heavy lbs, low reps).  Get Brooks Kubik's Dinosaur Training---it's an absolute MUST, and you won't regret it, guaranteed!

I have it, and I love it!  When you approach your 30s, you will change your routine, lowering the lbs and increasing the reps, to avoid injuries or problems such as arthritis, because your joints, tendons, and ligaments won't be as supple as when you were young, but by that time you will have built an incredible foundation that you will (hopefully) maintain in your later years.

Check out the following websites:
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2006, 12:51:25 AM »
I'm 33 and at this point I am in OK shape but not great and try to exercize a few times a week. I wasn't allowed to be a guy growing up as my mother used to get enraged when I would show too muchj competitive spirit so at this point in my life I do resistence training using the pulley's  2 or 3 times a week at a gym using moderate wrights

Offline davkakach

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2006, 10:00:22 AM »
I'm 33 and at this point I am in OK shape but not great and try to exercize a few times a week. I wasn't allowed to be a guy growing up as my mother used to get enraged when I would show too muchj competitive spirit so at this point in my life I do resistence training using the pulley's  2 or 3 times a week at a gym using moderate wrights
Good for you.  After 30, the keyword is "moderate" and the emphasis should be on health, not performance.  However, you should still aim for improvement, and you should try to increase the poundages gradually whenever you can.  Don't be like those people who work with the same weight for years and years.  There must be progress in either lbs or reps for you to get any benefit from weight lifting.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2006, 06:52:03 AM »
The mere thought of having to get into a gym and being surrounded by aggressive young gentile males, pouring with sweat while their girlfriends massage their bulges to pounding hip-hop, makes me quiver with dread.   :o

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2006, 08:26:55 AM »
The mere thought of having to get into a gym and being surrounded by aggressive young gentile males, pouring with sweat while their girlfriends massage their bulges to pounding hip-hop, makes me quiver with dread.   :o

Whatever.  ::)

I set up a bench press in my garage and I bench at home. I also do push ups as I'm trying to develop my upper body. But Davka, this is intense man. I wouldn't even know where to start.


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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2006, 12:48:10 PM »
I practice Chinese internal martial arts...Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Chi Gung.

The internal martial arts focus on breathing, joint expansion, relaxation, mental focus, sensitivity, internal power, etc. 

From these arts I've learned profound techniques for the promotion of health, longevity and most important, self-defense.  They improve piano playing, golf scores, marksmanship, and just about anything else you can think of.

The problem is finding a good teacher.  Most teachers who claim to be internal martial arts instructors are really glorified dance instructors.  A great teacher will make you realize that the internal arts are your 'Ace-in-the-hole'.

Push ups and weight training are for young people.  They build muscle, damage joints, and make people tight when what we need is to be loose.

How many people suck in their stomachs in an attempt to make themselves look attractive?  The internal philosophy is different.  Let your stomach hang out naturally.  This give the internal organs more breathing room and promotes general well-being.

Internal awareness...that's where its at.

Offline davkakach

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2006, 12:44:36 AM »
The mere thought of having to get into a gym and being surrounded by aggressive young gentile males, pouring with sweat while their girlfriends massage their bulges to pounding hip-hop, makes me quiver with dread.   :o

Whatever.  ::)

I set up a bench press in my garage and I bench at home. I also do push ups as I'm trying to develop my upper body. But Davka, this is intense man. I wouldn't even know where to start.
Usually the strongest men are those who train in their garage, with nothing but a bench and squat rack.  You don't need to go to the gym and you don't need a lot of equipment.  Just one sandbag can offer you all the resistance you need.  I'd like to see you clean and press a 200-lb sandbag...  shoulder a 200-lb sandbag and then do squats with it.  Bear-hug it and walk around with it until you can't hold on to it---alternative to cardio.  Grab it by the cloth, lift it clean off the ground, and hold it for as long as possible---develops an insanely strong grip.  Lie on your back and do presses with the sandbag (instead of on a bench).
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline davkakach

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2006, 12:49:56 AM »
I practice Chinese internal martial arts...Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Chi Gung.

The internal martial arts focus on breathing, joint expansion, relaxation, mental focus, sensitivity, internal power, etc. 

From these arts I've learned profound techniques for the promotion of health, longevity and most important, self-defense.  They improve piano playing, golf scores, marksmanship, and just about anything else you can think of.

The problem is finding a good teacher.  Most teachers who claim to be internal martial arts instructors are really glorified dance instructors.  A great teacher will make you realize that the internal arts are your 'Ace-in-the-hole'.

Push ups and weight training are for young people.  They build muscle, damage joints, and make people tight when what we need is to be loose.

How many people suck in their stomachs in an attempt to make themselves look attractive?  The internal philosophy is different.  Let your stomach hang out naturally.  This give the internal organs more breathing room and promotes general well-being.

Internal awareness...that's where its at.
I'd love to learn how to do proper tai chi chuan.  I have two books by Wong Kiew Kit, The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan and Art of Shaolin Kung Fu, but I don't seem to possess the discipline to start and stick to it.  Stance training and Lifting Water are amazing exercises.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline Sarah

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2007, 03:21:29 PM »
I think this is brilliant. Its extremely important to keep fit, no matter what age you are, religions also advise you to do so as well and not to become fat, take-away, gungy slobs :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

I hope those images motivated you ;D

I don't exactly want to weight lift....but i did the swimming! and i played 2hours of was great!! Its sickening seeing some kids becoming so obese due to not enough exercises....then there parents pretend the love them by giving them an extra 2 chocolate bars.. :-\

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2007, 06:59:06 PM »
I used to do 30 push ups on my knuckes every day.  I also used to break one inch wood boards but I stopped this bec. it was dangerous.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 07:58:12 PM by jdl4ever »
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD

Offline mord

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2007, 01:51:22 PM »
Yes i can do it and i'm sure Marzutra can do it as i saw his photo .i'M ON jtf MY SPACE JUST LOOK
« Last Edit: March 19, 2007, 01:55:33 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03


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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2007, 06:24:59 PM »
I used to do 30 push ups on my knuckes every day.  I also used to break one inch wood boards but I stopped this bec. it was dangerous.
I've tried doing press ups on my knuckles, but my wrists aren't really strong enough for them, I'm working on that though...

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2007, 10:57:18 PM »
Start doing it on carpet since it is easier than doing it on hard floor. 
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD


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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2007, 06:23:48 PM »
I've managed 10 knuckle press ups in one go now, tommorrow I'll try and do 15.

Offline drew_in_oregon

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2007, 05:03:07 PM »
The mere thought of having to get into a gym and being surrounded by aggressive young gentile males, pouring with sweat while their girlfriends massage their bulges to pounding hip-hop, makes me quiver with dread.   :o

If it's like my gym, you're more likely to encounter middle-aged women with their fat rolls bulging out of their leotards...

Seriously, I would not feel intimidated in the least about going to a gym, unless you are going to a weightlifting gym.  If you stick with the common ones (e.g., 24 Hours, Bally's, etc. - NOT saying pro or con about them, just using them as an example) you will likely find yourself in a room full of out-of-shape Americans and will feel either right at home or somewhat superior ;)

Offline Bodhi

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2007, 06:41:36 PM »
  Fingertip pushups are tough, but if you can do 10 you should be able to do 40.......I agree with te essence of it though, if we all strived for these minimum goals we'd be better for it..I just wish I could have Chaims' bodyweight on my fingertips rather than my own, there's quite a difference, 20 for him is about 40 for me. ;)

Joe Schmo

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2007, 06:51:03 PM »
We should all be able to do 10 one-handed pull-ups.

Not one-handed pull-ups.

Offline Sarah

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2007, 02:52:23 PM »
I play tennis and badmington and my arms are quite strong but i CANT do a proper full single push up! NOT EVEN ONE, yet alone all these sophisticated  knucle and figertip doings. I know im a girl and wont be a bodybuilder but its still embarrassingly weak!

Maybe i'm doing something wrong......


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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2007, 04:49:59 PM »
I play tennis and badmington and my arms are quite strong but i CANT do a proper full single push up! NOT EVEN ONE, yet alone all these sophisticated  knucle and figertip doings. I know im a girl and wont be a bodybuilder but its still embarrassingly weak!

Maybe i'm doing something wrong......
Just keep trying, it wasn't many years ago that I couldn't do a single press up, now I can do two sets of fifty most evenings.

Offline ScotcH

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2007, 02:20:19 PM »
I play tennis and badmington and my arms are quite strong but i CANT do a proper full single push up! NOT EVEN ONE, yet alone all these sophisticated  knucle and figertip doings. I know im a girl and wont be a bodybuilder but its still embarrassingly weak!

Maybe i'm doing something wrong......

Ever try lifting hand weights ?  Should contribute to upper body strength !

Keep your back straight and let-er-rip...not literally of course !
I do 100 per's really a combo of physical and mental strength and determination !
Block everything out and get-r-done !!! ;)

Offline Sarah

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2007, 05:11:38 PM »
There aren't a set of hand weights even at the local gym but now i've started lifting my bed up and down :D It has a metal frame that folds into the wall and boy is it heavy!

How do you bend your elbows while doing a push up, because mine feel like they might snap....


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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2007, 07:24:37 PM »
To do the simplest of press ups, have your legs straight and your feet together, and have your hands shoulder width apart with fingers pointing forwards, keeping your legs straight bend your elbows slowly untill at the least your nose is lower down than your elbows, try and get your nose all the way to the floor if you can, then straighten your arms again, if it's hard do it slowly.

Offline ScotcH

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Re: You heard Chaim: drop down and give me 20!
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2007, 11:00:52 AM »
There aren't a set of hand weights even at the local gym but now i've started lifting my bed up and down :D It has a metal frame that folds into the wall and boy is it heavy!

How do you bend your elbows while doing a push up, because mine feel like they might snap....

So You can LIFT YOUR BED, yet can't do a Decent Push Up.  This sounds rather Odd doesn't it ! ;)

Now as far as elbow positioning, you can attempt set your hands up in a triangle beneath you which will alleviate pressure from your elbows, but will in turn place greater pressure on your Upper torso.  Before attempting this I would recommend you get your hands on a pair on decent hand weights though !

Tell us when you have accomplished your Mission !!
N' btw... Awesome Dream !!