Here's a thread where you get to show how tough a JTF'r you are.
See if you can beat this (and you SHOULD):
17 rope chin-ups* (nonstop)
30 regular chin-ups (nonstop)
45 fingertip push-ups (nonstop)
300 leg raises (nonstop, lying on horizontal surface)
10 handstand push-ups (nonstop)
swim 1000m (~40 laps nonstop) under 18 min.
close CoC #2 at least once**
(I would have listed some weightlifting figures such as benching 225 lb,
squatting 290 lb, deadlifting 365 lb, and standing military press 165 lb,
but since I switched lately to bodyweight exercises, it's no longer relevant.)
* 2 in. rope, wrapped over chin-up bar

(unlike the guy in the image above, you have to bend your elbows fully for it to count as one rep)
** IronMind's Captains of Crush #2

Made in America. Don't even bother trying until you can close their #1 at least 20 times...