Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Are Croats related to Iranians?

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The ONLY genetically/ethnically related "croats" to Iranians
are the converted (to scatholicism) Serbs.

Being and remaining Slavs, Serbs are,
as any other Slav, and Indo-European in general,
related to Iranians AND (Hindu/Buddist) Indians.

Conversions (more or less forced) of Serbs to scatholicism
occured from the times of the austro-hungarian empire,
up to N.D.H. (google this NDH) /NAZICROATIA.

N.D.H., "independant state of croatia",
converted forcingly ONE THIRD
of Bosnia's Serbian Population.

It was USTASHA/NAZICROAT "program",
concerning the Serbs, in croatia, bosnia,
and even Serbia, since N.D.H. "borders"
went as far as to Belgrade's Doors (!!!):

one third Serbs slaughtered,
one third Serbs converted to scatholicism,
the last third Serbs forced OUT of their Land.

NAZICROATS slaughtered almost A MILLION SERBS.
This means they converted almost A MILLION SERBS.
The "last" MILLION having been forced to depart to Serbia proper.

This is one of the reasons why "croats"
which is the National dance of Serbia and Serbs.

If KOLO is related to Iran in whatsoever,
it's ONLY due to its Serbian-Slavic Roots.

This is just for one example,
among plenty of them.


"Are Croats related to Iranians?"

They are related
to german balls.


"Are Croats related to Iranians?"

They are related
to my dog's tail.


Yes, I hate them.




I hope ItalianZionist
has read my answer
to his question...


I would guess most eastern europeans are distinguishable from Iranians, particularly wider facial features, and a rounder face.  I have not studied the Croats enough to make any definite conclusions about their ancestry and anthropology.

If you look at the Mediterranean people, which I would think includes many Iranians, they will be found mainly within Southern Europe and in Greece, if you are talking about Europe.


--- Quote from: Husar on November 24, 2007, 06:34:35 PM ---"Are Croats related to Iranians?"

They are related
to german balls.


"Are Croats related to Iranians?"

They are related
to my dog's tail.


Yes, I hate them.




I hope ItalianZionist
has read my answer
to his question...


--- End quote ---

 ;D ;D


--- Quote from: EagleEye on November 24, 2007, 07:47:35 PM ---I would guess most eastern europeans are distinguishable from Iranians, particularly wider facial features, and a rounder face.  I have not studied the Croats enough to make any definite conclusions about their ancestry and anthropology.

If you look at the Mediterranean people, which I would think includes many Iranians, they will be found mainly within Southern Europe and in Greece, if you are talking about Europe.

--- End quote ---

(In red: This is a mongolic-hungarian-bulgarian-turkish characteristic.)

"croat" "studiers" should NEVER forget
that WHAT is called "croat" today,
was SERBIAN yesterday ("Ancestry/Anthropology").

Here's an example of this "croat" COMPLEX
towards Serbs and Serbia, id est SERBDOM:


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