Author Topic: "I have read the Koran and can tell you that I unequivocally believe that Islam  (Read 5032 times)

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Offline Ambiorix

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Glenn Beck: "I have read the Koran and can tell you that I unequivocally believe that Islam is a religion of peace"
So says Glenn Beck in his bestselling new book, An Inconvenient Book.

And wouldn't it be nice if it were so? But -- inconvenient as it may be -- saying "I have read the Koran and can tell you that I unequivocally believe that Islam is a religion of peace" is like saying, "I have read the Qur'an but I read it with my eyes closed."

The Qur'an counsels warfare -- hot warfare, with casualties and prisoners -- against unbelievers in numerous passages, including 9:5, 9:29, 2:190-193, 8:60, 2:216-217, 8:65-67, 9:111, 60:8-9, and 47:4, and that's just off the top of my head. There are many other such passages as well. I am not talking for the moment about whether such fighting is defensive or offensive, or prescribed for all time or only for the believers of Muhammad's day, or justified or not for whatever reason. I am merely pointing out that the Qur'an -- regardless of (as the common objections will surely come) what the Bible or any other sacred text says or does not say -- at face value mandates warfare against unbelievers in numerous passages. Anyone who reads it attentively will see this.

Now, that fact alone does not establish that Islam is not a religion of peace. Some contend, or Glenn Beck may assume, that the traditions and laws of Islam mitigate the literal meaning of these texts. (Whether or not this is actually true is irrelevant to the present discussion, which is just about the Qur'an itself.) They may think that they are universally interpreted in a spiritualized manner, or that they are not regarded literally, or that modern Muslims do not see them as binding. But Glenn Beck did not, unfortunately, say or suggest any of those things. Rather, he said, "I have read the Koran and can tell you that I unequivocally believe that Islam is a religion of peace," which is a statement about the Qur'an. It suggests that its contents are other than what they are.

Now, Beck continues by saying: "The overwhelming majority (I believe at least 90 percent) of all Muslims are good, peace-loving people." That may be so, but it does not follow from the contents of the Qur'an in any case. Religious traditions are large things, and while the contents of the Qur'an are what they are, that does not mean -- and I have never argued, although the careless, foolish and malevolent frequently assume that I do -- that every Muslim knows all of those contents, takes them to heart, and acts upon them, or ever will.

Beck's statement is a typical one, showing one of the ways in which this issue gets clouded. People see that there are peaceful Muslims and assume on the basis of their existence, and because of presuppositions they have about the nature of religious texts in general, that the jihadists must be twisting the peaceful message at the religion's core. Or they think that the only way we can support genuine Muslim moderates is by retailing polite fictions such as this one. This completely ignores, of course, the fact that jihadists around the world are making recruits today by appealing to peaceful Muslims as the exponents of "pure" and "true" Islam, and quoting the Qur'an and Sunnah copiously to buttress this claim.

Until the Glenn Becks of the world, and Muslims and non-Muslims of good will, understand that and begin to confront it rather than pretending it is not happening, that recruitment will continue

We must get rid of these morons !!
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.


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Dhimmi of the month?


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Dhimmi of the month?
The slot is already taken, October's is bush and this month's is Putin:

Offline Ambiorix

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We should write a protest-letter!?
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.


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We should write a protest-letter!?
I don't have time to, sorry.

Offline yeshuadisciple

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Isn't there a lot of Oil money behind CNN?  The press is not free. 

I have read the Koran and can say without reservation that it's the worst piece of literature I've ever read.  Aside from all the hate mongering and commands to beat your disobedient wife and and wage war on infidels and cut off their heads.  It's just a really, really poorly written book.  I could barely get through it. 
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.  And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
Zechariah 12:9-10

"Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.  "So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress.  "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.  "And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."
Daniel 9:24-27

My lovely wife


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Isn't there a lot of Oil money behind CNN?  The press is not free. 

I have read the Koran and can say without reservation that it's the worst piece of literature I've ever read.  Aside from all the hate mongering and commands to beat your disobedient wife and and wage war on infidels and cut off their heads.  It's just a really, really poorly written book.  I could barely get through it. 

Absolutely, a group of 5 year year olds could compile a better book.

It seemed to me to be the ramblings of a person or people with severe mental disorders