islamic magic is dazzling......this was written by an ex muslim. to ibn Abbas, Ya Sin is a Syriac language, which means ‘Glorified is His mention’. On the potency of Islamic Black Magic of this Sura ibn Ishaq (p.222) mentions that when Abu Jahl’s people went to Muhammad’s house to kill him, Muhammad recited 36:1–8 and sprinkled dust on the faces of Abu Jahl’s men, and they failed to see Muhammad.
Today, this Islamic Black Magic is very much alive among the devout Muslims. If a Muslim is serious about protection from harmful slander, he just recites verses 36:65–66. When a Muslim suffers from pneumonia or dysentery, all he/she has to do is to write these verses on a piece of paper, wash the paper with water, and then drink the water. If a Muslimah follows this procedure during child–birth she is guaranteed to have a painless child‑birth, the Mullahs firmly believe. For toothache, write verses 36:78–83 on paper and hang it on the side of the ear of the aching tooth. This will remove the toothache—Islamic style.
Here are more examples of Islamic Black Magic from the Qur’an:
Here is a brief list of Islamic Black Magic via the Qur'an:
To protect valuables in a box—write Sura 114 on paper and store the scribble in the box.
To prevent moth attack—write 2:267 and keep it in clothing. (I cant say how many times I was concerned about being attacked by moths...totally useful

To prevent the effect of evil eyes—write 2:14–15 on a turtle’s skin, and keep the turtle with you.
For abundant produce from a garden, write the entire Sura Ya Sin (Sura 36) and hang the paper on a tree in the garden.
For personal security, wear Sura Ya Sin inserted in a talisman.
To find hidden treasure, tie verse 3:9 and the entire Sura 95 (The Fig) on a white rooster’s neck, and let the rooster find the treasure.
To overcome thirst during a journey, write verse 2:6 on a piece of paper, wash the paper, and drink the water.
To eliminate fatigue of a long walk, tie verse 36:25 on your feet.
For safe long journey in the sea, and to ameliorate draught and famine, recite repeatedly 2:256–260.
For protection against flood, wear verse 36:48; even when the whole world is flooded the wearer’s sole will remain dry.
To be a famous scholar, on the first Friday of the month, during sunset, write on a black stone verses 5:109–112, and wear the stone‑carving.
A man hunting a suitable marriage partner, write 4:87–89 on a piece of garment worn by a young married woman, keep that garment with him. In due time, his match‑makers will find the woman he has in mind.
Woman wanting to maintain harmonious relation with her husband, write the above verses (4:87–89) on a piece of paper, insert the paper inside a talisman, and hide that talisman under the pillow of husband.
To destroy an enemy’s house, write 3:122–124 on a piece of horse skin, bury it underground on your enemy’s property, and in due time Allah will destroy the property.
If you desire the death of another person, read 2:256–260 and Allah will do the job. (allah can kill a person....but hes afraid of ice cream and soda

Alternatively, on plaster of paris, make a mask of the enemy’s face; write 5:30–33 on the mask’s face, write the name of the enemy on the back of the mask, and then stab with a knife the location where the name is written.
For bullet‑proof vest, Islamic style, write the entire Sura Ya Sin (Sura 36) on an Islamic shirt, and wear it. No bullet will pierce this Islamic vest.
And we thought the koran contained no miracles