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Ask JTF For November 19 Broadcast

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Hello Chaim, I'm asking this question in despair. My father is a Moroccan Jew who is hopelessly left-wing. He does business in China and recently came back from a trip. After a round of golf, we had a political discussion and the subject turned to China and he said things that really saddened me. He expressed great support for Chinese communist society and how people work hard and there is little dissent. I pointed out that the communist Chinese have killed and oppressed millions of their own and he wouldn't hear any of it!!! He said that "all countries" have done terrible things, as if that excused what China has done. He also praised Bill Clinton's China relations and went on to say Clinton was the most pro-Jewish president in US history. No facts would persuade him otherwise. It's gotten to the point where I just don't argue because it hurts to hear him say things like this.

My parents are divorced and my mother is a WASP who generally is right-wing on a lot of issues, or at the very least able to see common sense. My father remarried a Jewish woman who is generally left-wing herself. Sadly, he has great disdain for religious Christians and Jews. A while ago, I asked him what he thought of Rabbi Kahane of blessed memory and the response was not good to say the least.

I just don't know what to do. I will always love and honor my father but I fear for his soul when he says such evil things. You have said that you have some left-wing family who don't support your views and actions. How do you deal with the possibility they may face G-d's harsh judgement? I want him to be righteous but I don't know what to do. Thank you for any advice you can provide and G-d bless.

p.s: Sorry for the long question.

I have already asked a question, so I'm just going to be a little Chutzpaduik Chaim in asking for your comments on a pro-Tamil Tiger MP who was gunned down in Sri Lankaka - Nadarajah Raviraj, 44, was assassinated/killed last week.
Shalom and thank you so much Chaim.

Dear Chaim,
        Thank you for answering our question each week, and all you've done for the Jewish people. My question this week is would you accept a truly right wing government that is secular like, it would have been if Rekhavam Zeevi had become Prime Minister?

I really want to see a religious government which will restore Malchut Beis David in control but I think I'd accept any government which expells the Arabs.

Also, has Hazit considered mimicking the strategy of the UK's BNP in rather then trying to take control of the parliament the BNP has concentrated on local party building with a eye to the future and they have started to have serious succseses. Has Baruch Marzel considered working on a local level to build his party and win local election rather then trying to get in to the knesset as our only goal

dear chaim, i remember how a few weeks ago you were talking about king saul and the way you were talking about him made him look like a rasha. even though he sinned wasnt he stiil a tremendous tzadik

I have noticed that you don't use the term  "Kike"  any more.  What is responsible for this?

Chaim II


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