Author Topic: I am a bit Irrate right now  (Read 6040 times)

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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2007, 09:00:57 PM »
C4J, wasn't your previous post on Catholicism supposed to be your last?  I'd like to remind everyone here that we do not go around criticizing the religion or religious leaders of our wonderful fellow JFT'ers.  Many Jews here certainly do not like having Rabbi Ovadia Yosef criticized.  So it's only fair to show our Catholic friends the same respect.  This is not the place for critiquing the ideology and religious leaders of our loyal people.

Masterwolf is absolutely right when he says that Catholics don't go around strapping bombs on their children and making them kill themselves along with scores of others.  And Masterwolf is one of our oldest, best and most enthusiastic members.  He does a great job of promoting JTF and emailing people. 

So don't make me lock this thread as well!

Beg pardon Lisa but we DO attack religious leaders if they are dangerous to Israel or the west. We can't make clergy off limits. Some are our enemies. Fine, leave the layety alone but the leaders are fair game.


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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2007, 09:14:54 PM »
Think if the current Pope is off limits, I don't know much about this one I admit, but past Popes were not all Jew friendly.

Can we comment on them, what they did in the past, and how that has influenced the future.

And Having Christian beliefs are all well and good, far better than being anything else other than Jewish.

I comment solely as an Italian in this statement. I feel the church as done little to nothing for the people of Naples. The poor go hungry and the churchs coffers get bigger.

I think the church needs to practice a bit of giving, more than taking.

Christains have their place, and I think that needs to be respected, but also jewish history needs to be respected as well.

MasterWolf1 is a great member and a fine person, but the fact is the world is not made up of MasterWolf's , more the pity in many cases.

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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2007, 09:17:10 PM »
As Infidel pointed out, not all past popes have been Jew friendly.  But at this point in time, I don't see them having much power over the Jews.  Our biggest enemy right now, if you want to discuss religious leaders are the mullahs, imams and their excusers. 

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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2007, 09:19:06 PM »
As Infidel pointed out, not all past popes have been Jew friendly.  But at this point in time, I don't see them having much power over the Jews.  Our biggest enemy right now, if you want to discuss religious leaders are the mullahs, imams and their excusers. 

Yes, but it's true that most popes in the past weren't Jew friendly. Our enemies are the muSSlims, KKKomunists, Nazis, Terrorists, Liberals and anyone else destructive and immoral!


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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2007, 09:20:35 PM »
As Infidel pointed out, not all past popes have been Jew friendly.  But at this point in time, I don't see them having much power over the Jews.  Our biggest enemy right now, if you want to discuss religious leaders are the mullahs, imams and their excusers. 
True. But if muSSlim-nazis are being enabled by koran-kissing popes it should be discussed.

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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2007, 09:31:49 PM »
True. But if muSSlim-nazis are being enabled by koran-kissing popes it should be discussed.

None of that should come as a surprise.   Europe is fast on its way to becoming Eurabia.  I know I've touched on this in the past, but Europe made a deal with the Arab countries during the 1973 war that in exchange for a steady supply of oil, they would assist these rogue states in building weapons/nukes, they would allow heavy Muslim immigration into Europe, and side with the Islamic world against the U.S. and Israel politically and in their press.  The idea was to build a Euro-Arabian league to counteract the power of the USA. 

This is what the Egyptian-Jewish writer Bat Ye'or wrote about in her book "Eurabia," as well as the late Orianna Fallaci in "The Force of Reason." 

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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2007, 09:48:32 PM »

I don't understand the purpose of insulting our Catholic members.

White ethnic Catholics in the United States are potentially among our greatest allies. They are patriotic, family-oriented, G-d-fearing and rightwing. And they can't stand Muslims, leftists and other enemies of America and Israel.

To post threads that insult Catholics makes no sense. This is playing into the hands of our enemies.

As far as the Croats are concerned, I do not believe that most American Catholics would approve of the Croats' monstrous behavior if American Catholics knew about it. In fact, I believe that American Catholics would be horrified to know that a million Serb Christian civilians, mostly women and children, were brutally exterminated by Croat Nazis who claimed to be devout Catholics. And the Croat Nazis to this day are proud of their unforgivable crimes against humanity. American Catholics would be enraged to see these horrors committed in the name of their religion.

JTF seeks to build a coalition of decent people from all backgrounds. Anything that divides decent people works against our sacred cause. Please bear that in mind.

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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2007, 10:18:43 PM »
Thank You Chaim.

I'm a Catholic from Flanders/Belgium.
 In 1585 the Spanish crushed a Protestant rebellion, and took Antwerp, our last free city. Since then Flemish are all Catholics.

I think history teaches us that there have been wars between different branches of Christianity, and that these wars were wrong.

I love all my Orthodox, Protestant, Lutheran, Anglican, Catholic (did I miss any?)  and Jewish brothers, on the one condition that they want to resist evil, and that includes socialism and islam.

I hope at one point our Catholic Church starts fighting Islam.
I hope that all Churches becomes one Church again, and that we take back the Hagia Sophia in Byzantine!

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2007, 10:21:27 PM »
Thank you, Chaim  O0
Well Said! O0

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Re: I am a bit Irrate right now
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2007, 04:10:35 AM »

I don't understand the purpose of insulting our Catholic members.

White ethnic Catholics in the United States are potentially among our greatest allies. They are patriotic, family-oriented, G-d-fearing and rightwing. And they can't stand Muslims, leftists and other enemies of America and Israel.

To post threads that insult Catholics makes no sense. This is playing into the hands of our enemies.

As far as the Croats are concerned, I do not believe that most American Catholics would approve of the Croats' monstrous behavior if American Catholics knew about it. In fact, I believe that American Catholics would be horrified to know that a million Serb Christian civilians, mostly women and children, were brutally exterminated by Croat Nazis who claimed to be devout Catholics. And the Croat Nazis to this day are proud of their unforgivable crimes against humanity. American Catholics would be enraged to see these horrors committed in the name of their religion.

JTF seeks to build a coalition of decent people from all backgrounds. Anything that divides decent people works against our sacred cause. Please bear that in mind.

Thank you Chaim!

I was going to ask you about this on the next ask JTF but I think that you already answered my questions. You are entirely right, the overwelming majority of faithful Catholics in this country would agree with JTF if they heard our messege. I've sent several of my friends JTFs videos and they overwealmingly agreed with what you have to say. You are also right about the Croats, if you walked up to an average American Catholic (or average American for that matter) on the street and started talking about the Croatian genocide agaist the Serbs, the Ustasa, and Kosovo they would have no idea what you were talking about. Most people are ignorant about the crisis, past and present, in the Balkans.

I am astonished how some people can come on here and praise the Serb Orthodox Christians (and rightly so) yet will bash Catholics any chance they get, even though our two religions are VERY VERY similar in terms of theology- certainly much closer to eachother than they are to any Protestant denomination. So unfortunately some JTFers are just as ingnorant about Catholics as some Catholics are about the Croatian neo-Nazi scum and they believe and post these dispicable libels about the Pope and what they think Catholics believe about Jews and have used this forum to bash our faith in order to prostelatize in order to steer us away from our Church. This is not what JTF is about or should be for.

I took some time to try and clear up some of the popular mistunderstandings about Catholic Church, what it teaches about the Jewish people, and how we view the Pope, but it seems none of the loudmouths that like to compare Catholics to Muslims and bash Popes and call them Nazi's bothered to read and/or respond...I guess they are too ashamed or are too dumb to debate a Catholic who believes in and will defend his faith.

There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church, which is, of course, quite a different thing.~ Bishop Fulton Sheen