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Greetings to you all from the UK.

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--- Quote from: TavorIMI on December 06, 2007, 03:41:11 AM ---Thank you all for your kind words of welcome.

kahaneloyalist, yes the BBC has some great technology. BUT they should now be renamed the "British Biased Corrupt'oration!" Don't believe for one minute that the "real" British people support this rubbish spouted by the anti-British anti-semetic pro-muslim BBC.

There is a news service where you will get the real news. It's here:
Here you will read the truth as to what is happening in the UK today. Go to the BNP TV service at:

Now you may or may not have an opinion of the BNP but I ask of you to visit the web site and get the truth. Every member of the BNP that I have personally met are upright, honest, mostly family men and women who believe passionately in Great Britain and have deep concerns for their families and the future of this once great country.

Whilst I'm here let me dispel one BBC myth, the BNP DOES have Jewish members. They also have pro Jewish members as well. I know this is a FACT as I'm one of them.  :)

Believe me I understand JTF's fight.  8)
I will start to post a bit more in the European threads.

TTFN, (Old Brit' saying - Ta Ta For Now / See you later)

--- End quote ---

so is nick griffin pro israel???

I think so, with reservation.
I checked the bnp-party for quite a while now, I had contact with bnp-tv.
They seem to want to get rid of the conspiracionalists (9/11 is Jew-made,..), and anti-semites.
I haven't found any statements on Israel , Pal-land.

Do you have a link for us TavorIMI.

Good to see you here!

Quote from: TavorIMI on December 06, 2007, 03:41:11 AM

--- Quote ---Thank you all for your kind words of welcome.

kahaneloyalist, yes the BBC has some great technology. BUT they should now be renamed the "British Biased Corrupt'oration!" Don't believe for one minute that the "real" British people support this rubbish spouted by the anti-British anti-semetic pro-muslim BBC.

There is a news service where you will get the real news. It's here:
Here you will read the truth as to what is happening in the UK today. Go to the BNP TV service at:

Now you may or may not have an opinion of the BNP but I ask of you to visit the web site and get the truth. Every member of the BNP that I have personally met are upright, honest, mostly family men and women who believe passionately in Great Britain and have deep concerns for their families and the future of this once great country.

Whilst I'm here let me dispel one BBC myth, the BNP DOES have Jewish members. They also have pro Jewish members as well. I know this is a FACT as I'm one of them.  

Believe me I understand JTF's fight.  
I will start to post a bit more in the European threads.

TTFN, (Old Brit' saying - Ta Ta For Now / See you later)

--- End quote ---
Do you have contacts in the party?
Would you join them and try to be elected?


--- Quote ---Do you have contacts in the party?
Would you join them and try to be elected?
--- End quote ---

Yes and yes. I would stand as a councillor for the BNP and I would make it clear that I am PRO ISRAEL. I think Nick Griffen has changed his views on "Jewish conspiracies" theories.

The BNP is an evolving party and if you compare the evolution of the party to the changes that we all go through as we grow and mature then I believe that you will find that the BNP is a far better option that the current bleeding heart liberal Labour/Conservative criminal cowards that are in government now.

I'll not mention the obvious reason to vote BNP, (well I will actually, it's the BNP view of Islamification of the UK!) but I will ask that whatever party you support/vote for; ask yourself this one question: Do I agree 100% with EVERY policy of the party that I vote for?

Don't get me wrong I'm not here to say that the BNP is the greatest thing since sliced bread, BUT it's a heck of a lot better option that the other "choices" that we have here in the UK.

Thanks again for your welcoming comments.

I will read the forum with interest and start to post soon.  8;)

I've heard confusing things about the BNP, I've heard suggestions that they want to have all Jews in the Uk go to Israel, that they're happy to support Israel, and there happy to support Jews, but the they don't want Jews in the UK. At the same time, I've heard a senior member of the BNP say that the holocaust didn't happen, I think they're pretty confused about what they're trying to stand for, so at the moment they definitely do not have my support.

(I'm English incase you didn't know.)


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