General Category > Introduce Yourself

Greetings to you all from the UK.

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ftf I understand your concern. Maybe I can allay some of your worries by reproducing part of a question and answer session taken from the current BNP website:

--- Quote --- viii.  Your leader is on record denying the Holocaust ever happened and claiming that Jews control the media – you are clearly an anti-Semitic party.


Not at all.  Dredging up quotes from 10, 15, 20 years ago is really pathetic and, in a sense, rather fascist. Everyone knows that people’s political philosophies evolve and change as they develop – at least three Labour ministers were previously Communist Party members, for instance -  and Nick Griffin has repeatedly stated that he has changed his views since then.  The BNP is in no way anti-Semitic nor do we deny the Holocaust.  We have many Jewish members and are pleased to have a Jewish councillor in Epping, who is, indeed, the group leader there.
--- End quote ---

I took this from the BNP website just a few minutes ago. Hopefully the link works.


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