Bosnia was region in past east from river Drina see this

! In past in XIV have official records that then life 80% Serbs(orthodox) and 20% Croat ( catholic) . But came pledge in the name of TURKS ! Tvrdko was one of last Bosnian rulers and declare him self's for king of ALL SERBS ! He also do not help our TZAR LAZAR in Battle on kosovo ! King Tvrtko has this land

and then ISLAM still not CAME ! But He promise to help TZAR LAZAR whit arms, He sent rely little help, and this help retrieved in battle on Kosovo ! For that he was DAMED by Tsar Lazar who more like to have Kingdom in HEVEN, then Kingdom in land, he even have offer to be vassal from Turks, he refused ! Tvrtko was damed in that Way that to day Bosnia and Herzegovina is land were have not place that blood not see !
When pleq conquerer Bosnia then was begin of terror ! First stapes to convert Orthodox in Islam was this :
1) First all blue blood ! - They was rich, so they sold they crown for position they have !- only in one occasion was convert in Mostar 10.000 !

2) Second OUR FAMOSE blood tax ! - yang Serbian(Orthodox) chldrent are taken and they became fames JANICARS, most power army mens in Ottoman Impire ! example : Mexmed Pasa Sokolovic

he build this

, he even remenber when like child hi was teken from Turks !!!

3) Next step was Begin of starvation then many poor people join ISLAM to eat bread !!! But rich Muslim stop when they was scare for they own benefit position !

4)Also same join from terror to not be KILL he ore his baby ! - this was very use by Turks !

This is simply result of damed from Tsar Lazar !!! In Kingdom Yugoslavia 1918-1941 Muslim was declare like Serbian whit Muslim religion, but TITO call them after war only Muslim !!! They are simply SERBIAN WHIT DAMED RELIGION, WE MAST TRY TO CONVERT THEM BUT REMENBER THAT IS BLOOD TO HATE US THEY ENVY SERBIANTS THAT WE HIDE AND FIGHT FOR OUR ORTODOX RELIGION !!!! This is Holy trout for BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA !!! We HAVE HATE FROM VERY LONG TIME 500 years and WE STILL HATE !!! Most of them simply denied this facts because they BREIN is program for that !!! That is IRONY for us !!!
I HOPE ONE DAY IF THEY CANT CHANGE VIOLENT ISLAM RELIGION ATLEAST change ideology to love Serbs and recognize finally that we are SAME PEOPLE !!! CCCC

p.s Check this in web and you will find many evident for this !!!