The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!

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The lastest demand from the Muslims in NYC? That the public schools include Islamic holidays on the public school calendar! Talk about chutzpah! Neither Christian or Jewish kids are allowed any form of religious expression in the public schools. Christmas carols or plays are outlawed - no one is allowed to say "Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah" - no one can celebrate Easter or Passover, instead we have "winter holidays" and "spring holidays" as if we were a bunch of pagans worshipping the solstice. But the Muslim kids get special rooms where they can face Mecca and pray during Ramadan and now they want two Ramadan-connected holidays included in the school calendar so that Muslim children "can express their culture and not be alienated from their religion". You can bet that the spineless, idiotic and perverse NYC Council will back this one. After all, only a few weeks ago they had an "end of Ramadan" celebration at City Hall - when was the last time you someone celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas in the City Council Chambers? I suggest that JTF begin to search for alternative candidates to the politically correct jackasses that run for the city council next election. In order to bring about real change, we have to run candidates who are a common-sense alternative to the democratic and republican hacks that end up on the ballot. We had better move quickly, because the day of the Islamic candidate is just around the corner. And I don't have to tell you, that just like with Barak Obama, the diversity driven loonies will fall all over eachother in pulling down the lever for them!

Yochanan Zev:
What about Rosh HaShanah & Yom Kippur?  ???


--- Quote from: iwantmysay on November 23, 2006, 04:31:24 PM ---WHY HATE? this is the thing about some jews..always wastin their time hating, COME ON theyre kidsLook at the world as people, discard their race, religion etc Everyone has a right and maybe by giving people a chance we can be better people, its not about who gets who doesnt, at least christians and jews get their holidays off already... the muslims have to ask coz its not already there...just plz can the world stop hating for 10 mins? :-[

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That is a fabulous idea.  Perhaps when the billion plus Muslim discard their Islam there would be pease and more then the World can have 1000 years of peace....  The Muslims should GET NOTHING! THIS IS NOT YOUR LANDS, NOT YOUR CULTURE AND NOT YOUR ETHICS!  Muslims already have over 1/4 of the World's land.  Perhaps you as a Muslim might consider this fact.  Jews cannot even visit Saudi Arabia and minorities have absolutely no rights to anything in the Islamic World... Where the Hell do you get off with these statement of sheer ignorance.  Please put down your Quraan and read a creditable book for a change! 


--- Quote from: Aisha on November 25, 2006, 02:42:42 PM ---i read plenty of books thank you and yes its sad u cnt travel to saudi........very sad.....but lemme tell u about it. Its a great place, the kabah and unity of muslims preforming hajj there is great. Im not sure if people hate islam so much they should be allowed there...incase something is provoked ....then the muslims will react and people will turn around and say CHILL OUT why are u muslims so aggressive...ya end of story, n they all lived happily eva after? or will the holocaust come to them be continued.

These statements of sheer ignorance.....yes i believe they are very un educated and unsupported by facts.... but i dont believe they are sheer ignorance....maybe they not to judge am i : :-\

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Aish, does that not tell you a bit of Islam and its religious teachings when you say "Very sad"?  That is Islam.  Does it make sense whatsoever in knowing that one cannot go there specifically because they are not Muslim then twist this molested logic to then state that it might be a good thing because they hate Islam?  Perhaps the immense intolerance, discrimination, racism, sexism etc. (as directly indicated by this fact that non-Muslims cannot even visit Saudi, especially Jews) is why people hate Islam?  A Muslim can go anywhere in Israel and pray anyplace but Jews cannot even go to THEIR OWN Temple Mount to pray because of the intolerance and backwardness of the Muslims.  Is this logical?  Does this make sense to any logical, rational, moral individual with a functioning brain?  Please think independantly logically and morally (Judeo/Christian ethical morality not Islamic)  The Hajj is a great thing?  People go there and hundreds get trampled to death?  That is good?...  Well perhaps it is from our postion in that it stems Muslim procreation.  There should be a Hajj twice to three times per day.  That would be a great service to civilized humanity.  Can you open your eyes to reason and reality for one second.  I know your young.  The only people doing the provoking in this world are A. Communists/Marxists and B. Muslims.  Christians, Jews, Drews etc. are not bombing, burning, beheading, looting, desicrating anywhere in the Islamic World but the reverse so happens to be very much true?  Why?  Are you going to now blame that on the Christians and the Jews and not think logically and factually of who is doing this and for what reason?  Muslims, as per Islam, cannot say CHILL OUT!  This is perhaps why you have NEVER and will NEVER see any anti-Muslim Terrorism Rallies within the Middle East/Islamic World.  People know that if they do speak up, they'll get shot or lynched to death.  Before you point any fingures at others you might step back from your shell and look within...  You have a brain please use it to become something very righteous not someone surrounded in ignorance.   to be continued.   ;)


--- Quote from: Aisha on November 25, 2006, 03:40:07 PM ---its true about the almost totalitarian like state in arab countries........another thing i want to bring up is 9/11 many american *i dont know the word but they are people of high knowledge* are beginning to believe it was a conspiricy by israel?ure views marzutra? Everyone here seems to explain how muslims aren't smart so how could they come up with such a intricate plan?The way those planes came down were almost to perfect in the fact that they brought the building ALL down????!!!

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To tell you the truth, the thought that Israel did it is total insanity.  After the Earth quake in the Indian Ocean that caused the floods and many deaths in India, Pakistan and Indonesia the Islamic World printed in many of their newspapers, as per usual, "blame the Jews" in stating that Israel did some sort of nuclear test, which was total bunk.  Israel has no need to test any of its advanced weaponry due to its vasts of technological simulation equiptment in Tel Aviv, Beer Sheba and Demona.  Placing the blame on the Jews is always the case for any and all.  This is too perhaps the reason for the two top selling books in the Islamic World, next to the Quraan is Mein Kemp (MY STRUGGLE/ similar to Jihad) and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which was written by the Communists to deflect their aims of ruling the world onto the Jews during Tzarist times to incite pogroms and persecution of Jews via avoiding those who really do wish to rule the world: The Communists.  The thought that Israel did it is pure harrah. Period End Full Stop.  Israel supplies the US and other nations with more advanced technological assets than any nation on Earth.  To do such a thing would not only be stupid but very illogical considering America is the only nation that is half standing with Israel against the Islamic masses from starting another War.   Only anti-semites: Nazi's, Marxists, Muslims and other ineptness professes to such thought.  Too... If Israel ever did such a thing, it would be exposed as such in every medium on Earth spawing a war between Great and Little Satan.  PS: The Semitic mind is very methodical and inteligent not stupid.  Brainwashed maybe but not stupid.  A good example of this is who the Muslims and CAIR is using the ACLU and other Leftwing entities to subvert Western security in order to have the Western governments cater to their agenda: The 4 Imams that got taken off the plane is a very good example.  Live and Learn.....  Knowledge is a blessing while ignorance is a sin..


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