Dr. Dan wrote, "The smart thing to do should have simply been to bomb the heck out of Iraq and not care if Saddam stayed in power or not. Same with Iran. The current war against the Muslims isn't one of conventional war where these armies are visible. They fight the guerrella fight..we need to counter with a better strategy than being target practice anywhere we go now. I think this is where Bush et al has failed miserably."I agree 100% on this Dan.

If the World War II heroes used 'precision bombing' against the Germans instead of leading a MASSIVE bombing campaign against them, we'd all be speaking German right now. Political correctness is killing the West. The next time Ahmadinejad tells his colleagues the way to hasten the coming of the Islamic Messiah is to launch a war to destroy Israel and America first, we should carpet bomb his country and the Middle East.
Dr. Dan wrote, "Here's the deal...it's not whether the universe was created via evolution or via "zap tree and zap monkey and zap human"...it's the fact that whichever way it was created, it still involved the Hand of Gd. We are wee tiny humans that can barely understand what He's all about...so rather than mucking through interpretations..the bottom line is that Gd is Great and He exists...the rest is commentary."Of course God is Great and He exists, but ahem,.. I have to disagree with your other comment. Keep in mind none of us will agree with each other on every issue. But, that doesn't mean you still can't learn something from others. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean that the rest of them is bad - well, that's is true in most cases.

I have to strongly disagree with your
"it's not whether the universe was created via evolution or via (creation)" and the
"so rather than mucking through interpretations" comment, because it really does matter. This is an extremely important topic. The Bible makes it clear God created the world in 6 literal, 24-hour days, and rested on the 7th:
"For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day." Exodus 20:11
I think it is sad that some people (not you specifically Dan) feel the need to change their beliefs just to fit in with an unproven theory. They try to massage the Bible into fitting a man made box. The earth is not billions of years old. No animal has ever been observed changing into any fundamentally different kind of animal. No one has ever observed life spontaneously arising from nonliving matter. Matter cannot make itself out of nothing. Evolutionism is a religious worldview that is not supported by science, Scripture, popular opinion, or common sense.
I would daresay that the main historic position of the Church has been young earth creation. It is primarily only in more recent times that the Church has sought to accommodate its views to "scientists" and believe in millions of years. The Bible's simplest interpretation is for a young earth creation account. A person cannot just ignore part of the Scripture and still claim to believe the Bible. Call me a literalist for my interpretation of the Bible, but that is what I am, and that, I believe very strongly, is how the Bible is to be taken, and I unashamedly hold to that.
If anyone wants instant proof of God's creation and that evolution is a ridiculous lie get up out of your chair and go look at yourself in the mirror. One human cell is more complicated than the space shuttle. Type into a Google search "Polonium halos" and find out what they are. These halos are solid scientific proof of the instantaneous creation spoken of in the Bible. And take an honest look at some examples of irreducible complexity too such as the EYE and the complex cell and the FLAGELLUM. This is all proof of an instant creation. If I said with a little rain, wind, and some erosion over a few millions years, the faces of four American Presidents created themselves on Mount Rushmore, you wouldn't believe me would you? And you'd be right. But, somehow there are people who believe DNA made itself out of nothing and produced everything we see today. Think about it.
After weighing all the evidence and reviewing the creation/evolution subject thousands of times, I believe and can say with all certainty that the Bible is infallible, inspired, inerrant Word of the living God. The universe was created in six literal, 24 hour days about 6,000 years ago as revealed in the creation verses of the Bible (see Mathew 19:4; Exodus 20:11; Genesis 1 & 5 etc……)
The theory of evolution is a lie from the Devil. Everyone knows that matter could not come from nothing exploding. Yet, they put this in your science book. This is what they believe. It is ridiculous! They do not have another choice except, "God created the heaven and the earth."
Please watch video:
Why Evolution is Sooooooooooooo Stupid.
Oh, and PS, I mean no offence by my comments.

May the LORD look on you with favor and give you peace.