Author Topic: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?  (Read 1836 times)

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Offline bongoid

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Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« on: December 16, 2007, 11:45:34 AM »

Ian Smith was roundly condemned fas a racist for saying that blacks would rule "never  in a thousand years".He related it as the black man being the Horse & the White man being the rider.Would that have been so bad ? You would have seen "A Shining City on a Hill" that would have been built under white leadership.A shining jewel in the midst of a pile of poop.
 Look at the just 27 years of black rule under Mugabe.Now its all a pile of poop !
 You can call me bigot,white supremacist & racist all you want ,I don't give a Rats @$$ !
 But you cannot argue with the facts.
  ;D Now I will take my proper place with the snaggle-toothed Klansmen !(Sarcasticly)

 Check out the link below.See if any body can argue with that !

Offline jerry1800

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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2007, 12:52:51 PM »
looks like the Mugabe mobsters will hold to power thanks to chinese help for a long time  >:(

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2007, 02:04:08 PM »
looks like the Mugabe mobsters will hold to power thanks to chinese help for a long time  >:(

I don't think it's the communist Chinese help we have to worry about when it comes to keeping monkey mugabe in power, we have to look closer to Western countries for that, after all, it was not the communist Chinese who brought him to power .....was it? No, it was good old Britain, stalwart of the west, lover of democracy, equal rights for all, winning the hearts and minds of terrorists. It was not the communist Chinese we fought in Southern Africa, it was the black indoctrinated terrorist with the aid of the Cubans, the Russians and the mighty West.........hence the conditions today in South Africa and Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. The Chinese need space, they need to move millions of people across the globe to stave off starvation themselves. To maintain their standard of living, they need to expatriate millions of peasants.


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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2007, 03:57:28 PM »
Our children will be independent and exercise full self-determination one day. But when they're fully developed and able to. Not at age 5, 9, 12 or 15.

It took thousands of years for whites to evolve & develope and run modern nations properly. It was always a tough call for blacks to go from swinging in the trees to governing their nations in three generations.

Offline Jo Shmoe

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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2008, 03:07:49 PM »
Smith was right. They arent ruling in Zimbabwe. It has been 28 years of MIS-rule

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2008, 11:04:40 PM »
Our children will be independent and exercise full self-determination one day. But when they're fully developed and able to. Not at age 5, 9, 12 or 15.

It took thousands of years for whites to evolve & develope and run modern nations properly. It was always a tough call for blacks to go from swinging in the trees to governing their nations in three generations.

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2008, 11:36:16 PM »
One thing is for certain...

The Red Chinese are about to find out the true meaning of "gratitude".

They might think they're laying the groundwork for a long stay exploiting Africa, but it's just a matter of time before the Hutus, Tutsis, Negritos & Pygmies rise up in the dark of night and hack their new "Yellow Masters" heads off while they sleep.

As much as the darkies hate Whitey and Bwanah Master, the White rule was overall quite beneficial and civilizing for the native Negroes; the Whites following their Christian faith.

The Red Chinese, Communist atheists who have never been a part of Western civilization, do not value human life, despise private property, and are contemptuous of any and all freedoms and civil rights.

Just wait a while, and you'll see "The Yellow Peril" end up getting chased out of Africa at spearpoint.

Let's face facts:  an average Negro champion boxer can almost always defeat his White counterpart.

The brutal African savages will end up slaughtering their new short, yellow, skinny, bowlegged rice eaters with slanted eyes.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 12:11:14 AM »
One thing is for certain...

The Red Chinese are about to find out the true meaning of "gratitude".

They might think they're laying the groundwork for a long stay exploiting Africa, but it's just a matter of time before the Hutus, Tutsis, Negritos & Pygmies rise up in the dark of night and hack their new "Yellow Masters" heads off while they sleep.

As much as the darkies hate Whitey and Bwanah Master, the White rule was overall quite beneficial and civilizing for the native Negroes; the Whites following their Christian faith.

The Red Chinese, Communist atheists who have never been a part of Western civilization, do not value human life, despise private property, and are contemptuous of any and all freedoms and civil rights.

Just wait a while, and you'll see "The Yellow Peril" end up getting chased out of Africa at spearpoint.

Let's face facts:  an average Negro champion boxer can almost always defeat his White counterpart.

The brutal African savages will end up slaughtering their new short, yellow, skinny, bowlegged rice eaters with slanted eyes.

"an average Negro champion boxer can almost always defeat his White counterpart."

Funny, because Sub-Saharan Blacks aren't built very muscular like African-Americans

"The brutal African savages will end up slaughtering their new short, yellow, skinny, bowlegged rice eaters with slanted eyes."


Offline crazyhorse

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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2008, 07:52:06 AM »
One thing is for certain..........The Red Chinese, Communist atheists who have never been a part of Western civilization, do not value human life, despise private property, and are contemptuous of any and all freedoms and civil rights.

Yet they were welcomed with open arms as members of the united nations along with just about every other controlling terrorist and murdering dictator on the planet.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Would 1000 years have been so bad in Rhodesia ?
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2008, 08:04:31 PM »
One thing is for certain..........The Red Chinese, Communist atheists who have never been a part of Western civilization, do not value human life, despise private property, and are contemptuous of any and all freedoms and civil rights.

Yet they were welcomed with open arms as members of the united nations along with just about every other controlling terrorist and murdering dictator on the planet.

Welcomed with full arms and food etc. just like kings and princesses