This gives us precedent to nuke Mecca.
About using nuclear attacks on muslims I would like to discuss the following:
Maybe we should give it a little extra dimension by reinvestigating the H-bomb project.
The Soviets detonated a 50megaton H-bomb in '61. Originally it was deigned to reach 100 megaton.
But 50 megaton was the biggest bomb ever.
It was said these weapons were not suitable as tactical weapon. Therefore it was abandoned.
At that time however , we didn't have the An-225.

This machine has a loading capacity of 250,000 kg (550,000 lb).
The Tsar bomba weighted 27tons. With the An-225 we can drop 9 of them simultaneously, and with this amount of material we can have a 900 megaton explosion.
There is no pracitcal limit to build H-bombs. Thus, it can be made a 50 gigatons also.
I suggest Israel, or any other country builds a 500 megaton Super-H-Bomb, and drops it on Iran or Mekkka.
The result would be the immediate surrender of the muslims, as we could definitely bomb all their countries, without a possibility of
Even a small bomb (heroshima-type) could do the job.
What are we waiting for?
We have a precedent : 9-11 twin tower attack.
"It failed to kill the amount of infidels" they wanted, because they are too backward to use technology.
Why should we restrict from using the weapons WE have??
They are thinking, the reason we don't nuke them, is a sign from allah. that allah (may he burn in hell) protects them from any harm.
we should teach them a lesson they will never forget, nuke a hostile country in a surprise attack, just as they did on 9-11.
the war on Iraq is proving to be counterproductive. JTF is right. We should never invade their countries.
Just use our weapons of mass-destruction to deter any further jihad, raised against us.
Believe me, if we do this, the muslims will crawl on the ground for us and beg to stay alive.