Author Topic: USY  (Read 2110 times)

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Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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« on: December 18, 2007, 10:19:03 PM »
Please not, that I am not trying to encourage all USY activities such as those that go against Shomer Nagiah, etc., but most of their events are ok.

   O how I wanted to believe and still do want to believe in the wonders of the Jewish Youth Group. A place where Judaism is discussed, where no one is afraid to “wear” his Judaism higher up than his sleeve, where we can get together as Jews and confront the issues that face us. O how I wanted to believe in all that I imagined as the conservative Jewish Youth group, the USY. 
   The teens were nice, but essentially it was just like any other group of teens, it was a place that was not free from the outside influence of the despicable “teenage culture” and the sex and dating and all the uselessness that I wanted to run away from. It was a place where Jews could get together to show to each other how much like everyone else they were, as opposed to how different and unique. In the end everyone is just about the same in USY as out, it is difficult to tell the difference between the dating that goes in the regular high school and that which goes on in the USY.
   But, it does not have to be so and it was not supposed to be so. If one looks at the USY consititution one can be proud to note that in the first paragraph it states, “WE, THE REPRESENTATIVES of synagogue youth affiliated with the United Synagogue of America, recognizing the fact that youth must perpetuate Judaism, and cognizant of the historical and cultural heritage of our people, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the United Synagogue Youth of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.” I would certainly hope that this implied perpetuating Judaism beyond the litteral sense of the word that two JEws meet and marry. One would be proud to imagine the Jewishness and Jewish learning that must take place in such an organization who makes sure that the youth “perpetuate Judaism” through learning, study and Jewish Pride. Through understanding the laws of Torah and obeying them to the fullest degree. Yes, it would be wonderful.
   Yet it is the other interpretation which I believe would be more fitting to the state of USY. The one that has to do with the literal sense of a nice Jewish boy finding a nice Jewish girl and getting married and raising nice Jewish kids, who’s exposure to Judaism would be no less, yet no more, than their enrollment in the USY. It is clear that in this respect the USY has certainly been a great success, one need only go up to the average USYer and ask him who is dating who and he would be amazed to find out the quantity of relationships that have resulted from the wonders of the USY. I remember one of the USY conventions, which is where they talk us to a hotel for a weekend, where thankfully shabbat and kashrut are observed, not that the majority of people there could care less, yet this seemingly brilliant idea was once called “A [censored] Fest.” Yes, that is what our dear teenagers do at their USY convention as they “perpetuate Judaism.” They look for their next date who they can go out with, who of course will be Jewish and certainly a member of the USY. The parents of the children our no doubt satisfied that their child brought a home a Jewish girl and could care less that the majority of the time they spend together is at non-Kosher restaurants on Friday Nights, after all the parents do the same thing. The issue will come that the child is not dating the girl because she is Jewish, rather simply because she was there and was available, what will happen when the non-Jewish girl is around and available? Will the USY have instilled the child with “enough” Judaism that he will be sure not to date a shiksa and instead focus on “perpetuating Judaism” through Jewish babies.
   The notion that the USY will somehow save our youth from the danger of intermarriage is hopeful at best and self-deceibing at worst. The majority of children that attend Conservative synagogues consider the USY “too Jewish” (sic) and don’t want to go to such Jewish events as a “Movie Night” or a “Dance.” If that is considered too Jewish one has to wonder what is “just right.” Is it too much to talk about Israel? Is it too much to be a Zionist? Is it too much to donate to a Jewish organization? Is it too much to attend services 3 times a year (twice for reformed)? Evidently a movie with just Jewish kids is “too Jewish” let alone davening or anything of the sort.
   The question now becomes, has the USY fulfilled at least part of the original objective, which was to instill within children a sense of Jewish identity. To this question there is no simple answer, for some children the answer is yes. Yet whether these children are actually more Jewish as a result of USY rather than attendance at a Jewish Day school, or through going to services, or even through simple self-interest in Judaism, is up for debate. While the USY has probably assisted in the children’s interest in Judaism, it is not the major reason most likely and the child probably would have had similar feelings regardless.
   In essence ths USY has failed in instilling the majority of Conservative Youth with the goal of “perpetuaring Judaism”, however this does not mean that the organization it self had so use. While it failed in its original purpose, it was an unachievable and unrealistic goal to say the least. Jewish youth cannot be won by anything other than Judaism and given the fact that the majority of Jewish Parents fear true Judaism and fear of a child who would run away to Israel, it is impossible to expect that child to be Jewish. One is not moderately Jewish, he is either Jewish or not Jewish and too many parents want a moderately Jewish child which just is not going to happen. The USY in the end is simply a place where Jewish kids get together as kids to be kids under a moderate amount of supervision to make sure that there are no drugs, alcohol or anything of the like. If USY and Jewish Parents in general were willing to accept a change in the definite purpose of the USY it could be a success. Judaism comes from more than the synagogue, it comes from the home as well as the education. That is where Judaism will come from and that is what will make Jewish Children marry each other and have more Jewish babies. USY is simply a hangout to most Jews and that is fine, Jews need a hangout, but don’t think that a hangout is the solution to problems like assimilation and intermarriage. USY is a fun atmosphere and has wonderful activities but it will certainly not be the reason that I, or many other people, choose to follow Judaism.