Author Topic: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...  (Read 5363 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« on: December 20, 2007, 09:34:54 PM »
just wrote this last sunday... this is pure emet... i just feel it deep down in my bones... nik. 

rabbis shlita...

this is going to be amazing... absolutely
mindblowing... first let me assure you both that i AM
still planning to finish my piece on
colonial/revolutionary america... i just have been
delayed by many unavoidable excegencies not the least
of which has been my recently weakened health... (i
just discovered that i have a bad ulcer)...

in any event while in the hospital this past week...
one of the seforim i was perusing was a book
entitled... "the mitzvah to live in eretz yisroel"
(subtitled: "a compilation of the teachings of our
sages regarding the commandment and our great moral
obligation to live in eretz yisroel")... the book was
printed from beit yosef institute in beersheva in 5765
(2005)... but clearly from the context it was penned
around the time of the founding of the medina or
during the early 1950's... it was put out anonymously
by an apparently eminent talmud chacham... because in
the first part of the sefer he marshals together and
brings down copious amounts of maimarey chazal as
references to prove his contention as to the gadlut of
the mitzva of yishuv eretz yisroel...

in the middle of the sefer where i am presently
holding he brings down the words of gedolim on the
subject... the rambam, the ramban, the gra, rav yaakov
emden, the chofetz chaim, rav kook, rav chaim
sonnenfeld, etc. just to name some of the venerable
personages quoted...

one of those so cited is a rav hillel from kolomaye
(somewhere in the carpathian mountains which forms the
northern border of poland with ukraine)... i never
heard of him... but he was the founder of the petach
tikvah colony together with his more illustrious
son-in-law rav akiva yosef schlessinger ~ the lev
haivri... (pages 126-8)...

however before i get into what this is all about... i
want to preface my words with something else from a
little later on in this sefer... (pages 134-5)...

in a section dealing with the sins of the meraglim he
brings the following... "rashi on kiddushin (69b)
states that 'the jews who dwelt comfortably in exile
did not go up with ezra to eretz yisroel. only the
poor and dejected souls ascended with him.'

furthermore, seder hadorot cites our mentor, the s'ma,
who saw the following in "ma'aseh nissim" (by r.
eliezer of worms, the rokeach): ezra sent letters to
all of the diaspora communities urging them to ascend
with him to eretz yisroel. one such letter arrived in
the city of worms, germany. the jews residing there
answered, "you may dwell in the great yerushalayim, we
will dwell here in the small yerushalayim.'

they said this because they were very important in the
eyes of the ministers and the gentiles. they were
extremely wealthy and they lived peacefully in the

seder hadorot further quotes the s'ma as saying that
this is why such terrible decrees have befallen the
jews of germany ~ worms in particular ~ more than any
other community. they settled there at the time of the
destruction  of the first temple. but when ezra asked
them to return at the end of the seventy years, they
refused. indeed, we see from the history of our people
that all of the troubles and evil decrees have
emanated from germany, just like today. it all stems
from the sin of refusing to ascend with ezra, which
happened because they lived peacefully in exile..." ad
kan loshono....

now in the interests of full and accurate reporting...
i will quote from the book again on my point and then
share with you the conclusions which i have drawn from
the text at hand... these observations of mine are
based upon what i have gleaned from nearly 4 years of
intensive research on this and other related


"in the same vein, in the year 5660 (1900), the holy
gaon, our mentor, r. hillel of kalamaye, published a
manifesto calling and urging our jewish brethren to
buy eretz yisroel from the ishmaelites (arabs). it was
an opportune moment, for the sultan (of the ottoman
empire) was at war and needed money. he was willing to
sell eretz yisroel, transjordan and syria for almost
nothing. the holy man (r. hillel) saw this as a Divine
visitation and called out vigorously in the streets to
persuade the people of israel to swiftly redeem our
'king' from foreign control and from the hands of the
impure. he urged them to rebuild the ruins of eretz
yisroel, to glorify the seat of our beit hamikdash, to
restore the crown to its former glory and to make
eretz yisroel the most beautiful of sites, the joy of
all the earth. he was the original founder of the
petach tikvah colony. all of this is recounted in the
introduction to tosafot ben yechiel (a commentary on
the holy work, tana devei eliyahu) by rav hillel's
son-in-law, the holy gaon, our master, r. akiva yosef
schlessinger, author of "lev haivri". due to our
numerous sins, however, his words fell upon deaf ears.
they hovered in the air, unable to find a place in the
hearts of our jewish brethren in which to rest...


the orthodox jews made silence their virtue and clung
to the principle, "it is preferable to sit and do
nothing" as has always been their policy. the
irreligious extremists were swayed by the new era
which ushered freedom into the world. they said, 'here
(in exile), i will dwell, for i have desired it.' they
expected to find tranquility here in the lands of
exile, seeing that they received equal rights like all
other citizens. in the meantime, they let our sacred
mother (eretz yisroel) wallow in the dirt and remain
in ruins. they let her eyes become a fountain of
tears, to cry and lament over us because we remain in
exile and do not contemplate longing to return to her
bosom and to reestablish her home.

after some years passed in this new era of freedom,
known as 'the golden era', hatred sprang forth against
the jews in exile. each time it occurred in a
different location, until its flames spread so greatly
that it endangered the entire community. we went from
bad to worse until we reached the terribly dreadful
state in which we find ourselves today.

(emphasis next his)...


(now i don't agree with his whole sentiment here as i
am aware of a few things i do not think many have been
privy to up until our own day and age but we will get
into all of that soon)...

"those who tremble at the word of Hashem, however,
stood on the side and refrained from sharing in the
work. they stood by their age-old claim, 'it is
preferable to sit and do nothing.' in the meantime,
these 'initiators' began rebuilding our holy land (so
may it continue and prosper), while the orthodox jews
and the tzadikim stood aloof. it is clear that he who
prepares prior to the shabbat will eat on the shabbat,
and since the orthodox did not toil, they have
absolutely no influence in the land. those who toil
and build have the influence, and they are the masters
of the land. it is therefore, no wonder that they are
in control, for he who guards the fig tree will eat
its fruit. (mishle 27:18)...

(emphasis next his)...

and his son-in-law rav akiva yosef). THESE TZADDIKIM

in truth, though, our Father in Heaven desires and is
pleased with the current appearance and form (as i
will explain later on based on unequivocal proofs from

(this turns out to be a rayah from melech omri in
sefer melachim who though one of the worst reshayim of
all the malchay yisroel still was the only one of them
to be zoche to a dynasty as his son and grandson
succeeded him... all because omri built up a new and
great city within the northern kingdom of israel...
shomron ~ samaria... and this reward came to him
despite the fact that this was done by him solely lo
l'shaim shemayim and explicity FOR idolotrous
considerations and purposes!!!)...   

"all agree, however, that if the orthodox would have
cooperated with and participated in the building
effort, it would have been exceedingly lofty and holy.
now that they kept themselves at a distance, they
should not wonder or question the situation, for they
are at fault.

furthermore, if all of klal yisroel would have agreed
to rebuild the land it would have already been
built-up and perfected enough to absorb a large
portion of the diaspora jews. a great number of our
fellow jews who were recently killed (due to our
numerous sins) would have been saved, for they would
have already been in eretz yisroel. who will accept
responsibility for the innocent blood that has been
spilled in our days? it seems to me that all of the
leaders who prevented the people of israel from
joining the builders cannot cleanse their hands and
say, our hands did not spill this blood." ad kan

so now for my take on all of this...

i once heard... not very long ago... within the last
couple of years... a drasha i forget who, where or on
what topic but what stuck with me was something he
said in passing...     

he said that in 1491 the jews of spain were offered
the chance to purchase back eretz yisroel... they
asked for a year to consider the offer and we all know
what transpired next...

at the time i didn't know what to make of the story...
i thought perhaps it was just a legend...

but after finding this passage i'm not so sure
anymore... i now think the story is real... and this
is how it goes...

the ottoman empire on their way into power asked the
spanish jews to partner with them and leave evil,
despotic christian europe behind... they hesitated and
were reluctant to give up their cushy lives and then
all hell broke loose upon them and the bottom fell out
on them...

what i surmise happened was that the slime (the
vatican church of satan) got wind of the proposed deal
and they knew that if the jews returned to eretz
yisroel and rebuilt the beit hamikdash it would be all
over for them as the tenach prophecies all foretell...
so they devised a scheme to foil the plan...

another consideration of the church was that the turks
were obviously then vying for world dominance with
rome and thus this became yet another aspect of the
counter-measure they had devised...

when seen in this new light the expulsion from spain
decreed upon spanish jewry in 1492 takes on a whole
new dimension...

spain nor rome had the spanish jews banished in order
to "purify" christian lands and "cleanse" them from
the taint of heresy... (i have already explained to
you that the catholic church is neither christian nor
even monotheistic)... so they perpetrated this great
avlah for purely cynical reasons to attain fresh, raw
power and for cruely manipulative motivations to
increase their own wealth at the expense of an easily
victimized and an oft' (historically) preyed upon

and the proof of my contention came friday last when i
searched on-line for info on the gerush sefard... in a
book written by a hillel haumann called "the history
of eastern european jewry..." in one of the early
chapters i found what i was looking for... the
proverbial "smoking gun..."

as we know spanish jews who would not convert left
spain enmasse.... some were given refuge in
amsterdam... others turned toward north africa and
arab lands... but a large portion perhaps the majority
of the refugees were granted domicile in catholic
poland of all places!!!

now... why would catholic spain follow vatican
inquisitional orders to expel its jews only for
catholic poland to take them all in...? same church...
same realm... right...? so why the different
treatment...? it was all one entity... tightly
controlled under papal rule... these countries or
kingdoms during the middle ages were nothing more than
sartraps and feifdoms... totally enthralled by and
under the thumb of rome... they had no actual
independence of action of their own...

furthermore... don yitzhak abarbanel was nowhere near
converting yet they begged him to stay on... so
nothing here was done for "religious principles"...
but mass conversion was part of their diabolical

they had to stop the jews from repatriating back to
eretz yisroel... and they had to attempt to curb the
swiftly amassing ottoman power... they accomplished
both by expelling the jews of spain and forcing the
lionshare of them to seek asylum in catholic poland...

the book on eastern-european jewry tells of the king's
ransom the jews were made to pay to the polish princes
to gain access to their lands for refuge and to make a
new beginning for their communities...

and so when you put it altogether this is what you
come up with... the church got wind of the idea
floated by the ottomans for the jews to buy their
homeland back and they put a stop to it and in the
process accomplished enhanced power and greatly
increased wealth...

1) they denied the jews the end of their long exile
and frustrated their dreams of rebuilding jerusalem...

2) they kept much needed funds out of turkish hands
and slowed their ascension to empire... it wasn't
until around 1515 that they finally gained hegemony
over the middle east...

3) by breaking the wealth and backs of spanish jewry
they enriched themselves on exceedingly valuable
jewish property left behind in catholic spain... and
engourged themselves upon jewish gold (blood-money) in
catholic poland...

4) not to mention setting back the jewish aspirations
for redemption and dashing such dreams for some 400
more years... for converso jews remaining in spain
were not going anywhere, anytime soon and newly
impoverished jewish evacuees were likewise not going
to get very far either... 

and that brings us all the way up to 1900 and the
pleas for the self-redemption of jews by jews which
sadly were mostly made in vain by rav hillel of
kolomaye... what the ottomans had offered the jews of
spain on their way into empire was now offered some
400 years later to eastern-european jewry on their way
out of power... to my mind the reticence of
eastern-european jewry was their not wanting to "rock
the boat" and appear to be a fifth column in christian
europe's midst... for russia specifically had been at
war forever it seemed with the turks... the last time
had been in 1877-8 and so russian and polish jewry
were too frightened to act upon this great, great
opportunity to reclaim our ancient homeland...

but in this instance when the slime-powers of europe
and america ruled by the vatican got wind of what
eastern-european torah-jewry had the chance of
doing... they knew that this time they couldn't just
simply put a stop to it economically... no... this
time around they knew that in order to ensure their
continued hegemony over the planet and to still
prevail over the prophetic ingathering of the exiled
jews from the four corners of the earth they would
have to eliminate the continued threat of the jew on a
more permanent basis. and so the plot for the
mass-destruction of torah-jewry was hatched already by
the turn of the century... at the very latest...

the first thing arranged was for russia to go to war
with the turks and they complied in 1914 just at the
outset of world war 1... this softened the ottomans up
for the final kill and so the first world war was
brought to bear in earnest and this was the sole
impetus for the war... they set up germany to declare
war upon france and england in order to sucker the
turks into allying with germany... and once this was
accomplished france and england each employed arabs to
help them outflank the turks and the ottoman empire
collapsed... that was the end of the jewish dream for
an immediate torah homeland back in eretz yisroel
right then and there...

meanwhile england pretended to befriend the jews of
europe and issued the now infamous balfour declaration
which they had no intention of ever honoring... in
fact the little-known, dirty, little secret of this
document is that it only ceeded eventual control of
israel to certain jews "recognized by the crown of
great britain" as jews deserving of a homeland... i.e.
slime-jews in league with them who hated torah at
least as much as these verminous "noble" goyim did if
not more so...

and therefore what this all amounts to is that over
the course of the last 500 years... we jews have
repeatedly "bet on the wrong horse..." christian
europe over ottoman muslims... much to our sorrow,
harm and utter peril...

and thus our enemies in europe plotted and planned for
the next 20 plus years to do-in european-torah
jewry... they arranged for all nations to slam their
doors shut on jews fleeing from hitler's hell-hole...
stunningly they even closed off eretz yisroel from all
further jewish immigration... i mean this is what they
designated Eretz Yisrael for... to take in persecuted
jews... but even there they found a way to exclude
them and send them back to be eradicated...  the
slime-orders from on high had been decreed and so the
fix was in and jews in their millions were to be
forcibly herded together into concentration camps and
brutally slaughtered and consigned to the flames of
the modern-day vatican auto-da-fe... the crematoria...

the author of one of the books i previously mentioned
to you... "vatican assassins" gave a speech a friend
of mine attended... he reported to me what eric jon
phelps revealed therein... now... in his book i had
previously read of an incident during the uprising of
1849 in italy which chased the pope out of rome for a

the vanquishing liberators descended into the dungeons
beneath the vatican freeing all religious and
political prisoners who were found still among the
living... while down there the italian republicans saw
a wall that looked old but they could tell it had been
hastily thrown up and so they tore it down to see what
it concealed... they were shocked to discover that
what lay behind that wall were catacomb-like ovens
with still-calcifying bones to be found within them...
apparently the inquisition had never really gone
away... it had just gone underground... and all of
this less than 100 years from the holocaust...

now onto phelps' speech... he revealed a very hideous
secret... how the vatican taught the nazis to
replicate these ovens on a bigger-scale... and that
the gas chambers did not kill its victims... just
stunned them and caused them to pass out... because it
is an age-old tenet of the satanic church's office of
the inquisition that jews and other especially
"vicious heretics" are not allowed to simply be
murdered... they must be burned alive and thereby
"purged of their sin" and thus "purified from their
heresies" in "the fires of the faith..." 

and so they were gassed unconscious and then thrown
into the ovens... the intense heat of which revived
them just in time for them to become aware that to
their horror they were being burnt alive right before
they perished... and likewise... this is the same fate
which the sick, twisted and thoroughly demented
vatican has in store for all of us eventually... G-d
forbid... this is what they have devised for all
remaining torah-faithful jews still extant in the
world when they finally achieve their new world order
and one world government and religion... G-d

getting back to the run-up to world war 2... i
actually have a picture of ben-gurion touring
Eretz Yisrael with eichmann in 1937... now the nazis were
already by 1933 menacing and ravaging europe's jews...
no jewish leader would be seen so chummy with such a
beast... would dare be caught paling around with
him... unless they were in collusion and on the same

i have long suspected that the murder of nearly 7
million jews (more accurate figure)... of our
people... had been carried out by design... on
purpose... i just couldn't fathom the slime's
motive... until now that is... now i know the truth...
now i see why they felt these poor souls were such a
threat to them... such a danger to their power-base...

in 1922 the british unilaterally lopped-off all of
transjordan from jewish auspices and gave it to the
arabs... even the american congress protested and
president harding signed a bill with the fish (a
congressman) amendment attached... this legislation
which is still the law of the land decries the british
action and states that official american policy
recognizes all of the league of nations' mandated
Eretz Yisrael as a homeland for the jewish people...

so how could britain do this...? they were bidden to
secure a homeland for millions of eastern-european
jews being persecuted by pogrom after pogrom
especially in russia... how could they just tear out
2/3 of the land needed to resettle these hapless and
unwanted masses of humanity as per the league of
nation's mandated and published resolution as
regarding the "final solution" or disposition for the
jewish problem...?

simple... the real and actual plan... the secretive
one not for public consumption nor for
wide-dissemination called for their complete and utter
extermination and so no land needed be secured or
vouchsafed for them...

now perhaps the goyim of the world especially within
the american government feel that international law
(i.e. un resolutions) trumps american law and what the
british did was somehow legal and all the other
partitions and continued pushes for a PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi
state ad hayom hazeh are justified... but since it is
against american law... america herself is bidden to
stay out of all these embroilments... or first alter,
repeal or ammend this law... certainly it is illegal
for them to be leading the charge in this matter...
stepping into the fray as a buffer between the jews
and the arabs...

all of which clearly demonstrates the lie of american
foreign policy vis a vis israel and the real fraud and
sham of western, christian civilization's supposed
friendship toward and impartial stewardship and honest
brokerage of "peace" for the state of israel and
concern for the welfare of the jewish people writ

all told... esav is alive and well and he still hates
his brother yaakov and is still plotting to wipe him
(us) off the face of the earth... G-d protect us and
rescue us... nik...         


« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 01:15:34 AM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2007, 06:56:09 AM »
Very interesting. 

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2007, 12:14:47 PM »
the absolute truth... too... emet l'amita... n.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2007, 01:00:41 PM »
now... why would catholic spain follow vatican
inquisitional orders to expel its jews only for
catholic poland to take them all in...? same church...
same realm... right...? so why the different
treatment...? it was all one entity... tightly
controlled under papal rule... these countries or
kingdoms during the middle ages were nothing more than
sartraps and feifdoms... totally enthralled by and
under the thumb of rome... they had no actual
independence of action of their own..."   

If their intention was to keep Jews out of Eretz Yisrael, then what was the purpose in forcing some to go from Spain to Poland?

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2007, 08:18:49 PM »
Subject: catholic spain and poland... slime inc.

this was to be my response here but the site went down on me for shabat...
to break the bank on the wealthy spanish jews because the ottomans had offered them the chance to purchase back their historical homeland ~ eretz yisroel from them (once they conquered it from the mamluks)...
so the slime kicked them all out confiscating all of their valuable properties left behind in catholic spain and the catholic polish princes who took them in first fleeced them for all or most of their remaining disposable wealth they had with them... so the verminous church filled their greedy coffers from the spanish-jewish wealth from both ends... they got them coming and going to ensure that the despised jews didn't have anything left with which to buy back eretz yisroel... oh may the slime all rot in hell forever for this crime against our people...
as far as your other query rash...
yes the a-rabs are yishmael and the vatican is esav... but here's the rub... the vilna gaon (the gra) writes in his sefer "kol hator" ("the call of the turtledove") about moshiach ben yosef (which he held himself to be for his generation)... that in the end of days the evil leadership of both yishmael and esav along with the erev rav unjewish jews who will be ruling over eretz yisroel at that time will make a pact which will keep the two moshichim (ben yosef and ben david) from coming together and working jointly to bring the geulah shelaymah (the final redemption)... and that this will delay the advent of the messianic era... he also says that the three groups united will share a din (the legal status) of amalek and will all deserve to eradicated in the final war of gog u maygog... he further states that any jew who does not actively work against them even if his inaction is simply a result of his/her fear of their power or even due to a lack of knowledge of what one can do to fight against them... that their din (judgement) in heaven will be very severe... so not even working for or with them... but just doing nothing for whatever the reason is helping them to block the Divine will and destiny for tikkun olam and for the fulfillment of all the wonderful prophecies mentioned in the back of the tenach (the bible) (the old and only testament)... terrible hardships and turmoil will befall us because we refuse or are too afraid to take action to combat them...
i understand this to be the perfect example of the age-old addage in chazal... "maesa avot siman l'bracha..." ('the deeds of the forefathers are a sign to the children..." {as to what they too will undergo all throughout history})... we are all like avraham avinu in his confrontations with nimrod... (nimrod began the satanic cult rebellion against G-d after the great flood before avraham avinu was even born... and nimrod's cult today lies with the slime behind vatican walls and has infected, infested and infiltrated deep inside every secret society and cult-club all throughout history...
and so in our age we are bidden to do exactly what avraham avinu did when faced with nimrod's challenge to him... in the war between the four kings against the five in genesis:14... nimrod took captive lot in order to draw avraham out to battle... he did this by putting lot in a cage and parading him all over proclaiming that he had captured the great avraham... (since lot looked alot like avraham)... which meant that avraham's G-d had been vanquished... now avraham could not abide such an open chillul Hashem especially not in the holy land... but what was he to do...? numbers and strength of arms were not on his side... if 5 mighty kings and their armies had already fallen how could avraham by himself do anything at all to alter the outcome of the war...?
when avraham realized the full gravity of the situation the medresh says he blanched white as a sheet from fear... and then he got ahold of himself and aroused his courage and trust in Hashem and said these immortal words...
"at least let me go out and fall on kiddush Hashem..."
meaning... "barring an open miracle... and one must not depend upon miracles... i have no chance... but just as i did at the kivshan haaish when i was willing to give up my life rather than bow down to any one of nimrod's many, many idols and gods... so too now... let me stand up for G-d and for Divine justice and go out and fight his evil desecration of the sanctity of the name of Hashem... and if i perish... so be it... at least i will have by my example defied nimrod's great evil and i will have sanctified the name of G-d for all-time... for all who will follow after me..."
this is who and what we are supposed to be... this is what we too in our own day and age are all summoned forth to be and to do against the slime union of yishmael and esav and their great, great wickedness and in defiance of the slime jews who have usurped our G-d's torah land... we must stand up... if we die... we die... but at least we will not go down without a fight... at least we will show the world and each other that we will not tolerate chillul Hashem... not on our watch... and we will demonstrate thereby that we are truly avraham's sons and daughters... amen... kain yehi ratzon...

as far as germany destroying the world... i'll get back to you after i read tzvi's piece on it... nik.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 08:25:59 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2007, 02:02:42 AM »
the piece by tzvi on germany being amalek is true... the gemora in megilah states... that amalek resides in "germania shel edom..." a pretty clear-cut reference... as far as the 300 fiefdoms etc. that too is a ma'amar chazal... and they would destroy the world if ever united... they were so united before wws 1&2 AND EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT OCCURRED... MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS PERRISHED... so now that they have been reunited yet again for a third time in just over 100 years... this time after the berlin wall came a tummblin' down... all i can say is... "LOOK OUT BELOW!!!" nik. out...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2007, 07:38:09 AM »
the piece by tzvi on germany being amalek is true... the gemora in megilah states... that amalek resides in "germania shel edom..." a pretty clear-cut reference... as far as the 300 fiefdoms etc. that too is a ma'amar chazal... and they would destroy the world if ever united... they were so united before wws 1&2 AND EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT OCCURRED... MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS PERRISHED... so now that they have been reunited yet again for a third time in just over 100 years... this time after the berlin wall came a tummblin' down... all i can say is... "LOOK OUT BELOW!!!" nik. out...

By a third time, are you referring to the European Union?

For those reading this thread, the thread by Tzvi is:
« Last Edit: December 24, 2007, 07:47:57 AM by RationalThought110 »

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2007, 11:36:14 AM »
Very interesting Nik are you currently studying to be a Rabbi?
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2007, 12:48:17 PM »
i am already a rabbi... nik.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2007, 01:00:07 PM »
Mazzel tov to you.  May I pm and pose questions?
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2007, 01:02:18 PM »
As a Rabbi, I think you will enjoy the book by Hannah Newman - "The Rainbow Swastika" if you hadn't read it alread...  O0
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2007, 02:34:53 PM »
read about them already in a book called... "the grand design exposed" by john daniel... but i'll take a look at this one on-line... thanks... n.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2007, 03:14:09 PM »

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2007, 11:26:24 PM »
yes... absolutely... talk about your classic double-standards... the un and the red cross and all the other slime "relief" (sic) organizations yemach shemam v'zichram... couldn't have cared less about the holocaust survivors in dp camps all over that cesspool called europe... let alone in comparison to be made to give a damn about these arab-land jewish refugees... so please... spare me... for the shoah's tormented souls the slime showed their concern for them by whittling down the land for a homeland that it took 7 million martyrs to make them willing to conceed to them... almost down to nothing at all... so for these "the forgotten refugees" what did you expect the slime to do...? they couldn't be bothered to give a rip about them... because in the final analysis... these jews weren't murdered and gassed and turned into lampshades... they were merely chased out of their homes of 1-2000 years duration with nothing but the shirts on their backs... "no harm... no foul..." and as far as the slime were concerned these weren't poor, downtrodden humanity... they were not the "poor" "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis" ("PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...") (why you have to edit me i know not... i am disparaging them myself in the context which i have brought... so i do not require your assistance... thank you very much indeed)... afterall THESE victims of unspeakable, inhumane cruelty were not being "persecuted" by jews... so they were ignored and the world of callous, indifferent and demented slime-vermin who run things out there just closed their eyes and turned their backs... simply pretending that nothing wrong or evil was even going on... also especially because these were jewish displaced... and whenever jews are being hounded and tortured anywhere on earth... the world always turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to our plight... may they all rot in hell forevermore... nik. out...    
« Last Edit: December 25, 2007, 04:50:06 PM by nikmatdam »
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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2007, 03:07:24 PM »
that is correct, I share your opinion

Offline MarZutra

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2007, 08:44:49 PM »
I may be wrong but I don't think Germans/Germany are Amalek.  Was there not mass intermarriage thus making this near impossible until HaShem exposes them?  Or is Amalek not simply enemies of the Jewish people.  I've heard many different ideas/positions on this and it is something that I've often questioned myself.
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2007, 09:44:11 PM »
yes you are correct... in the time of the assyrians who expelled the ten tribes... ashur was led by melech sancherev... and he was mevalbel the whole olam chazal say... he forced all people in his kingdom to relocate and to intermarry... so all true and pure lineages were mixed up... save for eretz yehudah which they failed to conquer... but the gemora in megilah comes later... so it too must be telling the truth... perhaps chazal are teaching us here that... germany is where sancherev put them...

in any event... my rebbe rav bulman zt"l (whose picture i use)... told us that amalek in the end of days will be the powers behind the thrones all over the world exactly like haman was to achashvarosh... they are what i call the slime... the upper crust of society in each country... "the nobility, clergy, intelligensia, industry and finance mucky-mucks and of course the military leaders...

rav bulman also taught us that they will be identified by their midot ra'ot... again the ones i identify as the slime with their new world order agenda replete with one world government (the american elite class and the european aristocracy together with the satanic vatican church) and one world religion (nimrod's)... it's the mida of hating humanity's lower strata and the constant genociding of them throughout history... it's the selfish hording of wealth and resources... this is who amalek is in our world today... this is our mortal enemy to the death... this is whom moshiach ben yosef comes to defeat (esav) and gather-in the jewish exiles from the 4 corners of the earth... so that moshiach ben david can vanquish yishmael and rally world jewry to return to torah-true judaism... and so that the erev rav unjewish jews can be removed from power over the land of israel (by moshe rebenu) in order to enable us to rebuild the beit hamikdash... nik. out... 

"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2007, 01:01:28 AM »
forgot to mention one thing... the evil midot of amalek are to be seen on display on the video link i once gave you all... so here it is again... for all those who give a gander... the second hour is the most powerful footage of film i have ever seen... nik. out...

« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 01:06:37 AM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2007, 06:22:46 AM »
I may be wrong but I don't think Germans/Germany are Amalek.  Was there not mass intermarriage thus making this near impossible until HaShem exposes them?  Or is Amalek not simply enemies of the Jewish people.  I've heard many different ideas/positions on this and it is something that I've often questioned myself.

what about AUSTRIANS or CROATS then ?

NOT Amaleks ?

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Re: the expulsion from spain and its direct link to the holocaust...
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2007, 11:37:14 AM »
austrians can be... hitler claimed austria was part of greater germany... but those guys are simply esavites... esav had many other children and grandchildren besides his grandson amalek... most if not all of whom hate us to the max... nik. out...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."