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The Aryan Myth
« on: December 21, 2007, 10:51:50 AM »

There is no such thing as Aryan race, proves the Nazis were wrong of the beginning.
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 10:03:10 PM »
There are Aryan people, but they don't really call themselves that.  Aryans come from Northern India, Iran, and the general area.  In fact, the name Iran is from the word Aryan and I believe Iraq comes from Aryaque, with the root word being, again, Aryan.

So, when that fascist war criminal Hitler wanted to make Germany "Aryan", he was out of his mind.  He was crazy!  Ranks right up there with Kim Jong Il in craziness and in evilness.
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 12:11:15 AM »
Hitler was a drug addict he took 5 hits of LSD a day  ::)
Aryans exist. To disregard a white race is totally insane.

Just take Hitlers ideal, tall, blonde and blue eyed people being a master race. Now tell me what did Hitler look like :D Is this not the Prefect form of craziness, where even he is classed as subhuman by his own standards ;)

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 12:35:08 AM »



OUR Fifth Root Race has already been in existence, as a race sui generis and quite free from its parent stem -- about one million years. Therefore it must be inferred that each of the four preceding sub-races has lived approximately 210,000 years; thus each family race -- of which there are seven in each sub-race -- has an average existence of about 30,000 years. The knowledge of the foregoing, and the accurately correct division, formed part and parcel of the Mysteries, where these sciences were taught to the disciples, and where they were transmitted by one hierophant to another.

The duration of the periods that separate, in space and time, the Fourth from the Fifth Race, in the historical or even the legendary beginnings of the latter -- is too tremendous for us to offer, even to a Theosophist, any more detailed accounts of them. During the course of the post-diluvian ages, marked at certain periodical epochs by the most terrible cataclysms, too many races and nations were born, and have disappeared almost without leaving a trace, for any one to offer a description of the slightest value concerning them. Whether the Masters of Wisdom have a consecutive and full history of our race from its incipient stage down to the present time; whether they possess the uninterrupted record of man since he became the complete physical being, and became thereby the king of the animals and master of this earth -- is not for the writer to say.

Most probably they have, and this is our own personal conviction. But if so, this knowledge is only for the highest Initiates, who do not take their students into their confidence. The writer can, therefore, give but what she herself has been taught, and no more.

The Egyptians, as well as the Greeks and "Romans" some thousand years ago, were "remnants of the Atlanto-Aryans," i.e., the former, the Egyptians, were of the older, or Ruta-Atlanteans; the last named, the descendants of the last race of that island (Poseidonis) whose sudden disappearance was narrated to Solon by the Egyptian initiates. (The earliest Paleolithic men in Europe, about whose origin Ethnology is silent, and whose characteristics are but imperfectly known, were of pure Atlantean and Africo-Atlantean stocks. The pure Atlantean stocks -- of which the tall Quaternary cave-men were the direct descendants -- immigrated to Europe long prior to the Glacial period; in fact as far back as the Pliocene and Miocene times in the Tertiary. These colonists were portions of the once glorious race, whose cycle from the Eocene downwards had been running down the scale.)

The highest people now on earth (spiritually) belong to the first sub-race of the Fifth Root Race; and those are the Aryan-Asiatics. The archaic records show the Initiates of the second sub-race of the Aryan family moving from one land to the other for the purpose of supervising the building of menhirs and dolmens, of colossal Zodiacs in stone, and places of sepulchre to serve as receptacles for the ashes of generations to come. When was it? The fact of their crossing from France to Great Britain by land may give an idea of the date when such a journey could have been performed on terra firma.

The modern archeologist, though speculating ad infinitum upon the dolmens and their builders, knows, in fact, nothing of them or their origin. Yet these weird, and often colossal monuments of unhewn stones -- which consist generally of four or seven gigantic blocks placed together -- are strewn over Asia, Europe, America and Africa, in groups or rows. Stones of enormous size are found placed horizontally and variously upon two, three, four, and as in Poitou, upon six and seven blocks. People name them "devil's altars," druidic stones, and giant tombs. The stones of Carnac, Brittany, nearly a mile in length and numbering 11,000 ranged in eleven rows -- are twin sisters of those at Stonehenge. The conical menhir of Loch-Maria-Ker in Morbihan, measures twenty yards in length and nearly two yards across. The menhir of Champ Dolent (near St. Malo) rises thirty feet above the ground, and is fifteen feet in depth below. Such dolmens and prehistoric monuments are found in almost every latitude ... in the Mediterranean basin; in Denmark, in Shetland and in Sweden ... in Germany where they are called the giant tombs; in Spain and Africa; in Palestine and Algeria; in Sardinia; in Malabar in India, where they are called the tombs of the Daityas and the Rakshasas; in Russia and Siberia where they are known as the Koorgan; in Peru and Bolivia, where they are termed the chulpas or burial places.

That no gigantic skeletons have been hitherto found in the tombs is yet no reason to say that there never were the remains of giants in them. Cremation was universal till a comparatively recent period -- some 80,000 to 100,000 years ago. Nevertheless, the classics often speak of giant skeletons still excavated in their day. Nor were all such cyclopean structures intended for sepulchres. It is with the so-called Druidical remains, such as Carnac in Brittany and Stonehenge in Great Britain, that the traveling Initiates had to do. And these gigantic monuments are all symbolical records of the world's History. They are not Druidical, but universal. Nor did the Druids build them, for they were only the heirs to the cyclopean lore left to them by generations of the mighty builders -- and "magicians" good and bad.

The mystery veiling the origin and religion of the Druids is as great as that of their supposed fanes is to the modern Symbologist, but not so to the initiated Occultists. Their priests were the descendants of the last Atlanteans, and what is known of them is sufficient to allow the inference that they were Eastern priests akin to the Chaldeans and Indians, though little more. They were connected in their esoteric teachings with the universal Wisdom Religion, and thus presented affinities with the exoteric worship of all.

Of the third sub-race of the Aryan Fifth Race is asserted the following: "The first three 'divine or astronomical Dynasties' who taught the Third Root Race, after having abandoned the Atlanteans to their doom, returned (or re-descended, rather) during the third sub-race of the Fifth, in order to reveal to saved humanity the mystery of their birthplace -- the sidereal heavens." The same symbolical record of the human races and the three Dynasties (Gods, Manes -- semi-divine astrals of the Third and Fourth, and the "Heroes" of the Fifth Race) which preceded the purely human kings, was found in the distribution of the tiers and passages of the Egyptian Labyrinth.

Man's size was reduced from fifteen to ten or twelve feet ever since the third sub-race of the Aryan stock, which sub-race -- born and developed in Europe and Asia Minor under new climates and conditions -- had become European.

The fourth sub-race witnessed the destruction of the last remnant of the Atlanteans -- the Aryo-Atlanteans in the last island of Atlantis, namely, 11,000 years ago. We find the last of the Atlanteans, still mixed up with the Aryan element, at that time. This shows the enormous overlapping of one race over the race that succeeds it, though in characters and external type the elder loses its characteristics, and assumes the new features of the younger race.

"Surely if the Hindu Puranas give a description of wars on continents and islands situated beyond Western Africa in the Atlantic Ocean -- then their Puranas must be older than those Phoenicians (placed at from 2,000 to 3,000 years B.C.)." "In the above accounts," writes an Adept, "the Hindus speak of this island as existing and in great power (Poseidonis); it must, therefore, have been more than 11,000 years ago." But another calculation and proof may be adduced of the great antiquity of the Aryan Hindus who knew of it (because they had once dwelt in it) and described the last surviving island of Atlantis -- or rather of that remnant of the Eastern portion of that continent which had perished soon after the upheaval of the two Americas -- the two Varshas of Pushkara. This latter proof is based on astronomical calculations.

The Aryan Races, for instance, now varying from dark brown, almost black, red-brown, yellow, down to the whitest creamy color, are yet of one and the same stock -- the Fifth Root Race -- and sprang from one single progenitor, called in Hindu esotericism by the generic name of Vaivasvata Manu; the latter, remember, being that generic personage, the Sage, who is said to have lived over eighteen million years ago, and also 850,000 years ago -- at the time of the sinking of the last remnants of the great continent of Atlantis, and who is said to live even now in his mankind. The light yellow is the color of the first solid human race, which appeared after the middle of the Third Root Race (after its fall into generation), bringing on the final changes. For it is only at that period that the last transformation took place, and brought forth man as he now is, only on a magnified scale. This Race gave birth to the Fourth Race -- "Siva" gradually transforming that portion of humanity which became "black with sin" into red-yellow (the red Indians and the Mongolians being the descendants of those) and finally into brown-white races -- which now, together with the yellow races, form the great bulk of humanity.

It is to the period of the Third Root Race that we have to look for the first appearance of the Ancestors of those who are termed by us the most ancient peoples of the world -- now called the Aryan Hindus, the Egyptians and the oldest Persians on the one hand, and the Chaldees and Phoenicians on the other. But it is the sub-race (of the Lemurians) which preceded the one that separated sexually, that is to be regarded as the spiritual ancestor of our present generations, and especially of the Eastern Aryan races.


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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 12:45:36 AM »
'Arayan' is the wrong lable to be sure. There is still a definitive white/northern european race, however. Compare a scottish highlander to a southern Italian and you'll see the difference.

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 12:54:48 AM »
Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophy Society are founded upon Vedic teaching mixed with Luciferian occult beliefs.
She taught that the Jews must be annihilated before a One World Government with a Luciferian Universal Religion could be implemented.
Hitler & the Nazis were big fans of hers.
The following book is a MUST READ:  THE PINK SWASTIKA

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2008, 12:56:41 AM »
'Arayan' is the wrong lable to be sure. There is still a definitive white/northern european race, however. Compare a scottish highlander to a southern Italian and you'll see the difference.

Most of Italy had massive amounts of black blood through it, so really its a shame, This cross breeding clearly proves how they ruin races. 

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2008, 12:57:40 AM »
Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophy Society are founded upon Vedic teaching mixed with Luciferian occult beliefs.
She taught that the Jews must be annihilated before a One World Government with a Luciferian Universal Religion could be implemented.
Hitler & the Nazis were big fans of hers.
The following book is a MUST READ:  THE PINK SWASTIKA

Sounds interesting I will have a look.  ;)

I love Conspiracy Theories.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 12:59:42 AM by Skippy »

Offline EagleEye

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2008, 01:06:15 PM »
There are Aryan people, but they don't really call themselves that.  Aryans come from Northern India, Iran, and the general area.  In fact, the name Iran is from the word Aryan and I believe Iraq comes from Aryaque, with the root word being, again, Aryan.

So, when that fascist war criminal Hitler wanted to make Germany "Aryan", he was out of his mind.  He was crazy!  Ranks right up there with Kim Jong Il in craziness and in evilness.
Iraqis are Arabs (with a few Kurds).  You are correct about the roots of the word Iran.  The Afghans also use the term "aryan."  You can find it by reading translations of their previous national anthems.

It's been proven that Germans have less Indian blood then some of the people they labeled racially inferior.  Both the Gypsies and the Slavs, compared to German, have more South Asian blood (the real aryans).  And Germans, being compared to gypsies and slavs, have more middle eastern blood.  Hitler was a confused man when it came to race.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2008, 01:20:08 PM by EagleEye »

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2008, 09:59:52 PM »

There is no such thing as Aryan race, proves the Nazis were wrong of the beginning.

This is so DUHH!!!!!  Pretty much everything the nazis propagated was false.

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2008, 08:08:52 AM »
There are Aryan people, but they don't really call themselves that.  Aryans come from Northern India, Iran, and the general area.  In fact, the name Iran is from the word Aryan and I believe Iraq comes from Aryaque, with the root word being, again, Aryan.

So, when that fascist war criminal Hitler wanted to make Germany "Aryan", he was out of his mind.  He was crazy!  Ranks right up there with Kim Jong Il in craziness and in evilness.

They aint aryan anymore thats for sure and i get offended when i somebody says i belong to the likes of the creatures that live in Iran , i dont know i guess im a racist Aryan pro Israeli guy  O0
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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2008, 08:10:26 AM »

There is no such thing as Aryan race, proves the Nazis were wrong of the beginning.

This is so DUHH!!!!!  Pretty much everything the nazis propagated was false.

No NO NO! please don't compare real aryans like my to afghanis  :-\ Its offensive
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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2008, 09:06:16 AM »

Aryan Invasion Theory and Politics: the Case of David Duke

Koenraad Elst

There are, broadly speaking, three political movements which have taken an interest in the Aryan invasion debate. The first consists of European colonialists and racists, very active before 1945, as in the Nazi schoolbooks where the Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) was used as the perfect illustration of white dynamism and military superiority (whites entered the dark-skinned people’s country, not the reverse), white racism (Aryan invaders devised and imposed the caste system to prevent miscegenation), the perennial threat of racial mixing (the upper castes are visibly non-white, proving that their ancestors succumbed to the seduction of dark-skinned beauties), and the destructive results of such racial mixing (Indians have not contributed to scientific progress for centuries, unlike their whiter ancestors, and they were no match for a small number of white British invaders). Likewise, in 1935 Winston Churchill declared that the British had as much right to be in India as anyone else there, except perhaps “the Depressed Classes, who are the native stock”, meaning that most Indians were the progeny of invaders equally foreign in origin as the British.

The second group is the anti-Hindu front in India, including Christian missionaries, so-called Ambedkarites, Dravidian separatists, Marxists and, just now joining the AIT bandwagon, militant Muslims. All of these proclaim to be concerned with -- or just to be -- the natives of India, dispossessed by the Aryan invaders who brought Hinduism from outside. While the political animus of this group entirely stems from Indian conditions, viz. the anti-Hindu struggle, their intellectual source of inspiration, mainly through Christianity and Marxism, is largely Western.

The third group is lined up against the first two, in that it opposes the AIT: the Hindu nationalists. Seeing the disruptive and separatist uses to which the AIT has been and is being put, they feel they need to support the refutation of the AIT.

In Western academic accounts of the political aspects of the AIT, attention is mostly directed at the third group, and this in a uniformly negative and demonizing sense. The second group is practically ignored (though the academics concerned function willy-nilly as its intellectual support base), and the first group is relegated to the past. Contemporary AIT theorists are convinced that they themselves are entirely free from Aryanist fantasies and from colonial or missionary ulterior motives; and that no such pressure is exerted upon them by politicians or public opinion in the West, which after 1945 has completely lost interest in the “Aryan” question. They are indignated that Indian critics dare to even mention racism among the ideological motives behind the defence of the AIT.

This perception and self-perception among Western AIT scholars is worth a closer analysis, but in the present article I want to focus in particular on the assumption that for Western public opinion, the Aryan question is a dead issue. I will draw the readers’ attention to a revival of the racist use of the AIT as the prime illustration of the racist worldview.

Revival of racism

David Duke holds a minor elected office in the Republican Party in Louisiana, where he served a term as state representative and narrowly missed being elected as governor. On the latter occasion he got 60% of the White vote in spite of being financially dwarfed by his opponent, so he clearly resonates with a sizable section of public opinion. As founder of the National Association for the Advancement of White People, he is now the undisputed leader of a reviving White racialism, keeping to a middle course between those who have only an occasional relation with race issues, like Pat Buchanan or Joseph Sobran, and those who have completely reduced their political action to race issues, often also overstepping legal boundaries, such as the Ku Klux Klan (of which Duke used to be a member until he got frustrated with its counterproductive extremism and bad image) and the Aryan Nation.

David Duke’s recent book, My Awakening (Free Speech Press, Mandeville LA 1999) is undoubtedly a testimony to his competence as a political activist and influencer of public opinion. It is much better written than Hitler’s Mein Kampf, with which it shares a semi-autobiographical format and a number of ideas, esp. on the alleged Jewish world conspiracy. One cannot deny Duke a certain erudition, quoting as he does from a wide range of prestigious publications somehow useful to his message, such as Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray’s The Bell Curve (1994). He appeals to the fear of American Whites for the prospect of being numerically overwhelmed by Third World immigration, and seems himself to be the perfect illustration of a tendency to shed existing inhibitions about racism in proportion with the gradual sliding of the White majority into minority status. Indeed, the very name of his organization NAAWP, a pun on the NAACP (C for Colored), sends the message that Whites can claim the same identity-based rights which Blacks have recent claimed, from separate holidays (Kwanzaa, Martin Luther King day) to separate dormitories in college.

Though I am not closely familiar with the American situation, I think it is safe to predict that this book will soon be the Bible of the growing circles of Whites who, uncomfortable with actual or looming minority status, will seek stronger assertion of their racial identity. Consequently, I expect political scientists to analyze this book inside out, and I will presently confine myself to Duke’s remarkable chapter on India.

Encounter with India

Like many Western tourists, the 21-year-old David Duke who spent a few weeks in India in 1971 was overwhelmed by the conspicuous poverty of the people:

“Millions in India live out their lives on the public streets in the dried mud. There they are born, and there they bathe, eat, sleep, excrete and copulate. As attested by the teeming population, the one thing they seem to do best is breed.” (p.515)

This teeming population worries him, and he mentions with approval that a lady he knows always gives condoms and only condoms when someone comes by to collect money for some Third World project. What makes matters worse for Duke is that it is precisely the lower and “inferior” castes which have sex and procreation as their only pastime, so that the average genetic quality of the Indian population diminishes with every generation.

His explanation for the squalor he witnessed and for its contrast with occasional impressive monuments of ancient civilization is simple: it is ¾ what else? ¾ the Aryan Invasion Theory. After all:

“Aryans, or Indo-Europeans (Caucasians) created the great Indian, or Hindu civilization. Aryans swept over the Himalayas to the Indian subcontinent and conquered the aboriginal people. (...) The word Aryan has an etymological origin in the word Arya from Sanskrit, meaning noble. The word also has been associated with gold, the noble metal, and denoted the golden-skinned invaders (as compared to the brown-skinned aboriginals) from the West. (...) The conquering race initiated a caste system to preserve their status and their racial identity. The Hindu word for caste is Varna, which directly translated into English means color.” (p.517-518)

So there you have it: Hindus have the longest-lasting racial Apartheid system in the world. Unfortunately they squandered the genetic treasure they brought with them from the far north by mixing with the darker natives: Hindu art testifies to the ancient Hindus’ unabashed fondness for sex, and “it was not preoccupation with sex that brought down the high culture as much as it was the racial impact of that obsession. In spite of strict religious and civil taboos, the ancient Aryans crossed the color line. (...) Only a small percentage of each generation had sexual liaisons with the lower castes, but over dozens of generations a gradual change in the racial composition occurred.” (p.518) So that is why the Indians haven’t invented the automobile, why they were no match for the British or even the Chinese, why their streets are dirty, why their bureaucrats are corrupt: they lost their racial purity.

All this and the facts

David Duke’s brief analysis of Indian society is a shorthand version of the most widespread theory of the Aryan invasion and the caste system. He has not distorted it to suit his own purposes; you can find it like that in many history books (e.g. the late Alain Daniélou’s Histoire de l’Inde, and publications by leading scholars like Jan Gonda, SK Chatterjee, Gordon Childe, FBJ Kuiper, the early Asko Parpola, H Kulke & D Rothermund). You also find it in the missionary-supported pseudo-Ambedkarite movement which, unlike Dr. Ambedkar himself, fervently believes in and propagates this racial version of the AIT, the only difference being the respective evaluations of the contending races: pseudo-Ambedkarites and Dravidian separatists consider the dark-skinned natives the good guys. Yet, the world of scholarship is beginning to take its distance from this “Aryan apartheid” theory.

At this point I might quote some Hindu nationalist historians who question the AIT and especially its racial version, but such brown-skinned people would not carry conviction with the Duke school; so let me quote some German-originated White professors instead. In a very recent book, Aryan and Non-Aryan in South Asia (edited by Johannes Bronkhorst and Madhav M. Deshpande, Harvard 1999) Hans Heinrich Hock and Thomas Trautmann have, so to speak, replicated the Hindu nationalist questioning of the racial interpretation of certain Vedic allusions to ethnic conflict. Both conclude, after surveying all the passages formerly quoted in support of the racial interpretation, that there is little reason to interpret terms like varna, “color”, in terms of skin color, and that reference to blackness in enemies has the well-known metaphorical meaning of secrecy or evil. Prof. Hock also points out that many leading Aryans are explicitly described as dark-skinned: Krishna, Draupadi, Arjuna (in spite of his name, “pale”), Nakula and Damayanti (p.154), and he might have added Rama and some of the Vedic seers.

The struggle between Rama and Ravana was not one between a white Aryan and a black Dravidian, as Tamil separatists claim: Ravana was dark-skinned, alright, but also a descendent of the Vedic Pulastya clan and competent to perform Vedic ritual, while the Aryan Rama was equally dark-skinned. Other scholars including Asko Parpola had earlier shown that the traditional enemies of the Vedic Aryans, viz. the Dasas, Dasyus and Panis, were principally the Iranian cousins of the Vedic Aryans (all three ethnonyms exist in Iranian, not in the supposedly aboriginal Indian languages like Dravidian and Munda), who on average were at least as white as the latter. While one can never exclude that in such a racially diverse country like India, opposing armies were sometimes markedly different in skin colour, there is simply no testimony in the copious native literature to the kind of grand racial apartheid design imagined by David Duke and like-minded people.

As for the present, not too much should be made of the appreciation of fair skin color in marriage advertisements: the aura which blondes or otherwise whitish women carry is pretty universal and doesn’t require an Aryan Invasion scenario as explanation. If an explanation is needed, it is more likely the influence of white foreign rulers: Aghans and Turks in the past, British more recently. In religion, a North-Indian Jat or Yadav (intermediate castes) will respect a Tamil Brahmin for his Vedic learning eventhough the latter is usually darker than the former.

Finally, what are the facts concerning the “inferiority” of dark-skinned Hindus as compared with their supposedly white ancestors of the Vedic age and the latter’s white nephews, the Europeans? It is true that in the past thousand years, India has suffered stagnation and decline, but this was largely due to political circumstances: the Muslim conquest and occupation (cfr. the decline of Chinese science under the Mongol occupation in the 13th century). Note that the Muslim invaders were much whiter than most Hindu natives, yet they destroyed all native universities without building a single new one. While the much‑touted science of the medieval Muslim empire was mostly borrowed, Indian science was mostly creative and innovative, witness the Arab name for the “Arab” number system: Rakmu’l Hindi, “Indian numerals”.

Coming to the present, it cannot have escaped Mr. Duke’s notice that most Indian immigrants in the US, already over a million, are mostly of the brainy type. In mathematics, the natural sciences, medicine and computer science, Indians are greatly “over‑represented” in the leading institutes in the West. In India itself, the recovery of India’s greatness in scientific achievement has been slowed down for fifty years by Nehru’s imposition of models he borrowed from White ideologues in Cambridge and Moscow, but lately India’s breakthrough in these fields has undeniably been spectacular. If this is what a genetically degenerate people can achieve, perhaps the Duke clan should emulate their example.

How India woke David Duke up

So, David Duke, like many old-school Western scholars and like Hitler before him, sees in the Aryan invasion scenario a perfect illustration of his racialist world view. But it gets even better. Duke did not merely add the AIT to an arsenal of arguments which he was already building up in support of his racial politics, as just one more illustration. The AIT, in its racial version, played a completely pivotal role in his decision to devote his life to the cause of the White race.

In the countryside around Delhi, Duke visited a temple, and next to it,

“I saw something that will forever remain in my memory. In the shade sat a little, brown, half-caste Indian girl. She was thoroughly emaciated and resembled some sort of hideous doll except that she moved slightly, and her animated bones and skin had a terrifying effect. (...) On one cheek was an open sore the size of a quarter. More sores covered her arms, chest and legs. Dozens of flies covered each sore, jockeying with each other to feast on her flesh. (...) The child held her hand out to me, begging for a few rupees. I dug my hand deep into my pocket, pulled out all the Indian coins I had, and carefully tipped them into her dark, skeletal hand. I turned and stumbled back out into the hot Indian sun, my eyes blinded by tears.” (p.523)

Yes, tears for so much human misery, i.e. for a victim of Nehru’s counterproductive Soviet-oriented economic policies, just human fellow-feeling for a suffering child? That is what you would expect in this situation, and it may have been there in young David’s mind, of course. But his belief in the AIT put a most peculiar spin on this experience:

“On the way back to my room I wondered if, in a few hundred years, some half-black descendant of mine would be sitting among the ruins of our civilization, brushing away the flies, waiting to die. Every day our nation grows a little darker from the torrential immigration of non-Whites, high non-White birthrates and increasing racial miscegenation (...) To the plaudits of the media, the Pariahs -- the Untouchables -- are slowly replacing the Brahmin of America and the entire Western world. The hideous skeletal girl in the prophetic setting of that Indian temple was my glimpse of the future of the Western world. (...) The huge populace of modern India cannot sustain the level of culture and economic well-being that its high-caste forebears created. (...) Our race’s struggle for survival and evolutionary advancement became the meaning of my life when I looked into that little Indian girl’s forlorn face (...) I determined that my life would be about awakening the Aryan within every person of European descent. When I grow weary in this battle and I find my character smeared or my personal life attacked, that girl’s gaunt face is there to haunt me, to drive me onward. (...) that girl’s countenance is there to remind me, in the most graphic terms, what failure would mean for our progeny.” (p.523-524)

On seeing this pitiable girl outside a Hindu temple, Duke might have resolved to do something about poverty, unjust international trade relations, foolish economic policies, the starving of Hindu temple personnel and their families by Nehruvian secularism, or any other worthy cause somehow related to this poor girl. But because he believed in the invasion of white Aryans in India and their subsequent degeneration due to their biological Indianization, he resolved to do something entirely different: to blow new life into White racism. Who says that the racist understanding of the Aryan invasion scenario has become irrelevant in the West? It is the Aryan Invasion Theory that gave America the racialist politician David Duke:

“Before my journey to India, the racial ideals that I believed in were abstract concepts and principles. In the moment I saw that emaciated child in the ruins, all my ideas were dramatically transformed into the reality of flesh and blood. (...) Seeing the child in the temple changed an intellectual commitment into a holy obligation. (...) I realized that day, in the scorching Indian sun outside that temple, that I had to adopt the spirit of an Aryan warrior who understood that the current struggle of our race transcends the centuries. (...) The flame that ignited in me on that hot August day in India in 1971 is still white hot and imperishable.” (p.525)

If the Aryan Invasion Theory is refuted, or alternatively, if its holds out against the present wave of criticism and gets confirmed and stronger than before, it will have consequences not only in the Indian power equation between Hindus and their enemies, but also in American politics.

© Dr. Koenraad Elst, 2002.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: The Aryan Myth
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2008, 11:35:19 AM »
David Duke's version of "Indian History" is not only idiotic, but it is also untrue.

The invasion of the Indo-Aryan peoples into the Indian sub-continent was not an invasion of a "white, noble" race bringing Hindu religion and an "apartheid" caste system based on color.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The Dravidian peoples which were displaced by the Indo-Aryan invasion are to be found today primarily in the southernmost areas of India & Sri-Lanka.  They are believed to be a proto-Australoid peoples, and have very dark skin color.

The arrival of the Indo-Aryans, a lighter skinned population, was for the most part a "migratory push" in search of better access to food and water; much as we see today in the U.S.A.'s invasion of illegal aliens.

The Indo-Aryans were light-skinned but not "white" as Duke would prefer to believe.

The proto-Hindu religion was already in practice in India, as is evidenced by the Mohenjo-Darro civilizations which flourished 2700 B.C.

Not only were the Indus Valley civilizations of Mohenjo-Darro & Harappa dating back almost 3,000 years B.C. highly advanced with luxuries such as indoor plumbing, but they were worshipping the Shiva-lingam god in various forms, which later was adapted into the Indo-Aryan Vedic beginnings of what we know today as Hinduism.

The Hindu religion resulted from a synthesis of the already existant Dravidian Shivaism and the Indo-Aryan religion which greatly resembled that of ancient Middle Eastern Sumeria, etc.., and its Vedic culture did not begin  until long after the Indo-Aryan implanted itself, prospered, and became lazy and corrupt.

Duke's "version" of the Hindu caste system is also completely false.  The caste system was a result of an early Indian king's decree; its intent being to stabilize his society by instituting an immobile socio-economic system, one in which all trades and crafts were to be "fixed" and hereditary.  Basket weavers under this law were henceforth a craft to be handed down from father to son, etc...  This is how the Indian caste system originated, and it had absolutely nothing to do with "skin color" as David Duke would so have us believe.

The caste system did fix the concept of "the untouchable"; the "Pariah" as we know the term today, this lowest order of Hindu society being those who touched the dead, or worked with animal skins as tanners or drum makers.  That this lowest class should be made up of mostly impoverished remnants of the darker skinned Dravidian peoples who could find no other work and were considered "lower" than their new Indo-Aryan rulers should come as no surprise.

Simply put...Duke's account of his Indian tour, like the rest of his book, would appear to be "lifted" right out of the testimony of Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler, who claims to have "become racially conscious" when he himself toured India and was told by a dark skinned Indian acquaintance that "the his ancestors were once white as snow with blonde hair and blue eyes, but stupidly mixed with the dark Dravidians to produce a hideous dark sub-human seen today in India".

David Duke, true to form as always, is a fraudulent liar who never had an original thought or idea in his miserable life.  He parrots Henry Ford, Adolph Hitler, and Richard Butler, claiming their thoughts and words as his own, and making money off of those so ignorant and stupid that they think he's an original thinker and leader.