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Jesse Jackson Meets Syrian President on Hostage Issue

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Jesse Jackson Meets Syrian President on Hostage Issue
20:42 Aug 27, '06 / 3 Elul 5766

( The American Black leader and clergyman Jesse Jackson discussed the issue of IDF hostages held by Hizbullah with Syrian President Bashar Assad Sunday in Damascus. They also spoke about recent events in Lebanon, Israel and Iraq, and about advancing negotiations in the Middle East. In stating Syria's interest in the release of the soldiers, Jackson emphasized that Syria has a key and important role toward security in the region.

The conversation went something like this.

"uvavuva uvavuva McDonalds uvavuva uvavuva poor people uvavuva uvavuva welfare uvavuva uvavuva foodstamps uvavuva uvavuva honky uvavuva uvavuva jew boy uvavuva uvavuva Mcdonalds".

Hail Columbia:
There's also:  "No matter what they say, I'm not the baby's daddy!", "Reperations are due cuz we is entitled!", and since it's a Hamas leader he's talking to, "Derka derka Muhammad jihad.  Death to America!  Sherpa sherpa, bakala.  Death to Zionists!  Allahu akbar."

Another "schwarze shakedown", no doubt!
Jeffe probably told that miscreant mutant that, in exchange for 50 million dollars transferred by wire direct into his Swiss bank account, he would return back to U.S., and "sing the praises" of "Assad as a towering force of stability and reason in the Middle East".
Oh, and by the way, says Jeffe:  "F--- that Jew S.O.B. soldier!"

I wonder if Jackson noted the lack of diversity in Syria and other Arab lands?

Very few prominent blacks over there.

Maybe he offered them some diversity awareness in exchange for a few million dollars?

Or does he only extend such services to the white folks back home?


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