Hello Dear Chaim,
Hope all is going well with you and your family. This week I would like to ask you about why athletes and other entertainment figures in general are worshipped in our culture. As you probably know, this is Super Bowl week. While I must admit I was born a sports fan and enjoyed watching and playing sports growing up, in fact I still do to some degree, I have become disgusted with the way society portrays sports figures as conquering heroes when their off the field behavior is often dispicable. It has truly reached epic proportions now. Sports is a multi-billion dollar industry as is Hollywood, etc. Figures in these industries are portrayed as geniuses and heroic role models. The adoring public practically bows at their feet and many people live their lives around sports. This past week it seemed like all anyone wanted to talk to me about was the Giants. What does this say about society, Chaim. How have we become so misguided? Is there any hope for the general public to focus, even for a little bit, on the more important things in life? Be well.