The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
spare us your childish taqiya
--- Quote from: sarah.... on November 27, 2006, 04:56:35 PM ---No the moderates disagree on nearly everything their coreligionists are doing....if its bad by any moral means...
We have tryed to stand up to these people and have stand up we must act with a degree of force..the thing is we don't want to be aggressive and add to more is quite unlikekly that we would win anyway. We do not want bloodshed and these people will go to hell so let them be we say but i also disagree with this. We as nice muslims are standing by and watching them do is our RESPONSIBILITY not to let them commit these crimes. Also it is not as simple as standing up a saying what you requires plan and thought. Which some people cannot spare for a good cause these days. :-\
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The Muslim "moderates" do not argue from a firm knowledge in the Qur'an---they argue on the basis of the "emotions" and "shared humanity" and "good will". That's why the moderates will always lose, because the jihadists have the Qur'an, Hadith, Sira, Al Azhar University, and one thousand years of jihad writings on their side. Jihadists did not hijack Islam, and they do not pervert its tenets. When Zawahiri or Bin Laden appear on a tape, they tell the truth. It is George Bush and other cowards who tell us lies about the "religion of peace". Islam has always been about jihad, conquest, and subjugation of infidels. Jihad is the most noble activity in which a Muslim can engage, and that is according to Muhammad (piss be upon him). No amount of living in denial will change this fact, little girl. Wake up and smell the coffee.
--- Quote from: sarah.... on November 27, 2006, 05:17:19 PM ---im awake already thats why i don't need coffee and therefore can't smell it..ok that was lame
Emotions and good will i believe are stronger then anything......bin laden sucks..hes just an old guy with a dialysis machine and a tangly beard...
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Very good Sarah, I wish to also inform you that what Dav states about Islam is exactly true. The "Reformation" the ignorant wishes for Muslims to become more "Muslim" is not just in that for there to be peace Muslims must become less "Muslim" and more secular or "Christianized" or even "Liberalized" and not more Orthodox if there is to be peace. Islam is as Dav accurately states and was already reformed by Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab who wanted Muslims to be more true to the teachings and actions the "Prophet" Mohammed as he is to be seen as a role model for young Muslims. Too if you wish to check the facts of Islam one would tend to believe that year 1 on the Islamic Calender would be for either the birth or death of Mohammed or perhaps the founding of Islam. The fact of the matter is, the Islamic Calender starts when Mohammed stopped preaching but started acting on his preaching toward making; conquest, rape, murder, genocide, robbery, slavery of any non-Muslim: Dar Al Islam vs Dar Al Harb. Year one was the beginning of the political and expansionist pure power intentions of Mohammed "Religion of Peace"...
Truth is substantiated by knowledged based fact while an un-truth is propagated through molested intentions.......Marzutra
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on November 27, 2006, 04:46:43 PM ---Martuztra, understand that when "moderate" Muslims say they are against the violent acts of their co-religionists, the "moderates" may even mean they are against their coreligionists violence. But Sarah and the "moderates" arent against the cause of their coreligionists, at most they oppose their tactics but the "moderates" arent really against what other Muslims are doing only the degree of violence they are using
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Absolutely, I totally agree. I think I said something similar on another page. I totally agree. Islam is a religion of death, desceit, subversion and slavery. Enjoy Robert Spencer's "Politically Incorrect Guide To Isalm":
Spencer is great.
The so called Moderate Muslim are cheerleaders for Al Queda, Hamas and the rest of the Islamic murdering pigs. There is no moderation or exceptence of others in Islam Sarah this nonsense doesn't go far around here.
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