The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

spare us your childish taqiya

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Notice how she didn't reply.

Islam is a drug that its followers are addicted to. These low IQ bipeds are injected by this drug at their early maggot stage. After they are completely addicted their are turned into murder bombers. Spare their children, I don't think so. These animals are not even fit to be slaves. They are sexual perverts, liars and just plain useless. You could not even use them for medical experiments. All muslims should be sent back to their stone age countiries and these countries then should be quarratined as you would any filthy illness and they should have no contact with the western world. No telephones, no internet, no tv or radio stations, nothing. Let them starve. If they get hungry enough let them eat each other. DEATH TO ISLAM. THE PROPHET IS A PERVERT.

Actually, I think fjack's suggestion was rather humane.  He didn't propose your co-religionists' extermination, which is what should be done, but rather deportation and containment.  We're very moderate here at JTF.


--- Quote from: sarah.... on November 26, 2006, 02:47:09 PM ---I thought you were always saying THERES NO SUCH THING AS MODERATE, JUST EXTREMISTS.....

Or do you not consider yourself to fit in with your so loved saying....

--- End quote ---
Jews and Christians, well perhaps blacks, aren't offing innocent people all over the world in bombings, rapings, beheadings and protesting "BOMB BOMB U.S.A., BOMB BOMB UK!" "Death to America, Death to the Jews, Death to Israel"....  I know you say that you feel what your co-religionists are doing to be wrong, but why have we not seen those "peaceful" Muslims like yourself out vanquishing: bombing, beating, beheading, killing and/or expelling the "extremist" portion of your co-religionists instead of sitting quietly?  Is it because, you all might join in when you feel powerful enough to vanquish your Christian/Jewish/Hindu/Buddhist "invisible majorities" similar to the once Jewel of the Mediteranian: Beirut, Lebanon or what is currently on the move in Sudan or with the debased UN and that deleted Bill Clinton's help in Bosnia/Serbia/Croatia?  Just a question because I'd love to see Muslim/Muslim clashes openly in the street to get rid of those bad Muslims, as I'd like to see the good blacks out doing the same against their ni-gger brethren.  Just a dream I guess...

Martuztra, understand that when "moderate" Muslims say they are against the violent acts of their co-religionists, the "moderates" may even mean they are against their coreligionists violence. But Sarah and the "moderates" arent against the cause of their coreligionists, at most they oppose their tactics but the "moderates" arent really against what other Muslims are doing only the degree of violence they are using


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