This is why I am opposed to gun control, below are pictures I retrieved from the Combat 18 forums. Many pose on the galleries with their guns. Many of the pictures are of people that aren't even in America but countries where guns are already outlawed or heavily restricted. The point is, they will obtain guns any way they can be it legally or illegally. Supporting gun control only makes it more difficult for you and I, the law abiding citizen to obtain guns legally. You'll notice some of the members there aren't even white. This is not a smear campaign but to show you the reality of how active these people are, you can't assume they are just a bunch of rednecks wearing white hoods, sitting around and saying "we need more gun control" and cursing is not going to fix it either. Your best bet is to get educated, arm yourself and prepare. This is just a sample of what they have, this is one organization and only a few members who show their face, thinhk of all the other armed neo nazis. Now think how many Jews are in the world, how many are actually right wing, and then count how many are actually armed. Not a lot...we need to change that. Now it's time for the freak show.